Scott sits down with Chrome Developer Advocate Paul Irish to talk HTML5, JavaScript, Chrome and the Web. What Chrome Developer Tools features make web dev easier? While Webkit marches on, should we embrace or fear monoculture? Will modules make JavaScript apps easier to write? Where does Windows fit into the world of web development? This episode sponsored by Please subscribe! We're on iTunes, Spo
読み込みのタイミングによっては外部 script のdocument.writeは無視される - HAKOBE blog ♨ なるほどなー、と思いながら上記記事を読んでた。 記事を読んでて JS の読み込み周りで気になることがあったので調べた。 DOM 操作で追加された script 要素のスクリプトはどのタイミングで実行されるのか? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> (略) <div id="js-insertion-point"></div> <script> var se = document.createElement("script"); se.src = "test.js"; var te = document.getElementById("js-insertion-point"); te.appendChild(se); </script> (略) 上記のような
Zen Coding is a revolutionary plugin that has helped many developers through the years and has now reached a new level: Emmet. The most productive and time-saving text-editor plugin you will ever see. By instantly expanding simple abbreviations into complex code snippets, Emmet can turn you into a more productive developer. Emmet, previously known as Zen Coding, is the most productive and time-sav
node-serialportとは Node.jsでシリアルポートを制御できるようにしたライブラリ。今回はこれを使ってNode.jsとArduinoをシリアル通信で接続します。今回のターゲットは2種類。まずはMac + Arduinoで動作を確認した後、Raspberry Pi + Arduinoで動作させてみます ※2013/3/30 データ受信取りこぼしの件で、修正パッチを頂きました。 @kei_os さんありがとうございます node-serialportのインストール まずはMacの方でインストールします。ここを参考にexpressをインストールし、Socket.ioもインストールしておきます。node-serialportのインストールはnpmを使います。 $ npm install serialport サーバの記述 serialportの使い方だけ抜粋します。 serialp
HEADS UP! This article was written for an older version of node. More up-to-date information may be available elsewhere. Web syndication is a must for any Website wishing to share some entries easily to other systems. Better known under their format name like RSS) or Atom), they can be quite time consuming to generate without a module handling all their formating. Thanks to the power of Node's pac
Home Twitter Dribbble Hey, I'm Conor. I design interfaces that help people get stuff done. March 23, 2013 2 days ago Icon Stacks Combining icon font glyphs to create complex mega-icons. If you've recently joined the ranks of designers and devs using icon fonts, you're likely still in the honeymoon phase. I know for me it was a god-send when I first starting using these sweet scalable glyphs in my