Our recent roundup of HTML and CSS editing apps for Mac users proved to be really popular, but the Windows-based designers were feeling a little left out. This week’s roundup pulls together the most popular editing application choices for PC users. These HTML & CSS editing apps for Windows users will help designers build standards-compliant websites with the help of powerful tools features such as
When it comes to web design, every designer tends to have their own favorite coding application. Luckily for Mac users, there are plenty of options to choose from, this roundup of HTML and CSS editors pulls together the most popular editing apps with a brief overview of their features. These HTML and CSS editing apps for Mac designers have excellent features such as browser preview, FTP, SVN, term
An issue popped up on Twitter this past week that caused the web site to be generally unusable for many users. It appears as if attempts to scroll were unbearably slow and caused the site to be unresponsive. The Twitter team investigated and determined that if they reverted the version of jQuery that they used back to 1.4.2 from 1.4.4 the site would be responsive again. After more investigation th
December 6, 2010 8:06 am | 14 Comments Velocity China starts tomorrow morning. I’m kicking it off with a keynote and am finishing up my slides. I’ll be talking about progressive enhancement and smart script loading. As I reviewed the slides it struck me how the techniques for loading external scripts have changed significantly in the last few years. Let’s take a look at what we did, where we
Webサービス開発の隆盛が目覚しいソフトウェア業界 今年で9回目を迎えるDevelopers Summitだが、今回ほどIT業界の変革を感じるプログラムもなかったのではないだろうか。これまでも年ごとにクラウドやアジャイル、オープンソースなどで注目を集めたトピックはあるにせよ、中軸はエンタープライズなシステム開発であることに変わりはなかったように思う。 しかし今回は、Webサービス開発に関するセッションが目白押しで、本格的にもうひとつの軸になりつつあることを感じさせる。それがモバイル、とくにソーシャルアプリとスマートフォンの隆盛に押されてのものであることは論を待たない。下はデバイス(ハードウェア)から上はアプリケーションまで広いレンジで連鎖的に変革が起きているため、多くの技術者が注目せざるを得ないのが現状だ。 そんな変革を最も強く感じさせてくれるプログラムが、1日目のルームAで終日にわたって