ウェブデザインのセンスを磨く方法の一つに、他人の作ったものを数多く見ることがあります。 2011年が終わる前に、チェックしておきたいUIデザインをdribbleから紹介します。
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Quotes are used to emphasize excerpts of text. Since users almost never read but scan we need to provide them with some focus anchors to fix their attention to the most important parts of our articles. Furthermore, quotes are always used for testimonials and sometimes for blog comments. They can be styled using graphics, CSS and a little bit of JavaScript. Sometimes, creative dynamic solutions can
広告ギャラリー 暮らしの中のかくれたところで活躍するリンテックの製品や技術を、錯視効果を用いて表現した新聞広告シリーズ
A collection of interface design solutions from all over the web, where users can mark patterns they like, and learn from other's design solutionsPattern Tap is here to satisfy and encourage the inspiration needs of my interface design peers and peeps. We aspire to be the one stop pattern shop for your next inspiration need.