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Pokémon GO with Edward Wu, Director of Software Engineering at Niantic We’re back! And we’re bringing a seriously cool interview about Pokémon GO with Edward Wu, Director of Software Engineering at Niantic. In this interview your co-hosts Francesc and Mark chat with Ed about the whole history of Pokémon GO, from the inception of Niantic to the amazing success and the scaling challenges they faced.
Welcome back, everyone. This is the Changelog and I am your host, Adam Stacoviak. This is episode 202, it’s a Big Show - yes, years in the making. Jerod and I spoke with Matz, the creator of Ruby. We talked all about Ruby, we corrected the title, we were going to call this 20 years of Ruby. We had it wrong, it’s actually 23 years of Ruby. We talked to Matz about its origins, where he came from, na
7: Water Hammer (itkq) クックパッドの @itkq さんをお迎えして、マイクロサービス時代のWebインフラや、スピリチュアルエンジニアリング、競女などについて話しました。 6: Mackerelの裏側、あるいはISUCON5で優勝する技術 (songmu) はてなの @songmu さんをお迎えして、Mackerel のアーキテクチャや ISUCON5 の優勝についてお話を伺いました。 Perl と MySQL の組み合わせを使ってきたはてなさんが、なぜ Mackerel では Scala と PostgreSQL を選んだのか。特性や使い勝手の違いなど面白いお話が聞けました。
SE Radio is a weekly software engineering podcast for professional software developers. Our goal is to be a lasting educational resource, not a newscast. Since 2006, we've been talking to experts from throughout the software engineering universe about the range of topics that matter to professional developers. Brought to you by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Software magazine.
April 22, 2014 - 雑記 Rebuild Podcast Rebuild はソフトウェア開発、テクノロジー、ガジェットなどの話題を中心に、ゲストと話すギーク、デベロッパー向けのポッドキャスト番組です。 Hosted by @miyagawa RSS iTunes 次世代 Web Podcast Mozaic Hosted by @Jxck_ RSS だんごゆっけの平和な話 仲良し三十路男二人。Web業界にいるプランナーとエンジニア。それぞれの日常を平和にまとめあげていきます Hosted by @kamadango, @yusukebe RSS iTunes 職質テックトーク Hosted by @moznion http://shock-sheet