In our second episode, we speak with Edwin Brady from the University of St. Andrews. Since 2008, Edwin has been working on Idris, a functional programming language with dependent types. This episode is very much about programming: we discuss the language Idris, its history, its implementation strategies, and plans for the future. Reading: Inductive Families Need Not Store Their Indices by Edwin Br
In our inaugural episode, we speak with Peter Dybjer from Chalmers University of Technology. Peter has made significant contributions to type theory, including inductive families, induction-recursion, and categorical models of dependent types. He is generally interested in program correctness, programming language semantics, and the connection between mathematics and programming. Today, we will ta
Sorry if this isn't the place to ask this, but I know a lot of you have read Types and Programming Languages. I want to read it also, over the summer. I tried last year and failed, I think partially because I was too busy when I picked it up. I heard later on that there are certain sections that can be skimmed or skipped over, and some sections that I should really put focus into. Just wanted to h
What are some resources for learning theory which can relate to Haskell? Type theory, category theory, etc I have a joint bachelors in CS and math, and I've taken courses on group theory, ring theory, programming languages, and cryptography. As such, I'm confident I have the background to jump in to some theory. I could just grab a category theory book and start reading, but since I'm mostly inter