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In this post, we will talk about producing permuations using OCaml. Generating permutations was actually one of my first self-homeworks when I started to learn OCaml years ago. It can be a good exercise to train our skills on list, recursion, foundamental fold, map, etc, in OCaml. Also it shows the conciseness of the OCaml as a language. We will first present 2 common approaches for generating all
The following are executable IOCamlJS notebooks (quick start). Tutorials Basic HardCaml tutorials. Introduction Design Flow Combinatorial Logic Sequential Logic Simulation Guarded DSL Instantiation Examples Prefix networks Linear Feedback Shift Registers Comparison Comparison with other HDLs. Chisel
gen_js_api aims at simplifying the creation of OCaml bindings for JavaScript libraries. It must currently be used with the js_of_ocaml compiler, although other ways to run OCaml code "against" JavaScript might be supported later with the same binding definitions (for instance, Bucklescript, or direct embedding of a JS engine in a native OCaml application). gen_js_api is based on the following idea
CompilerZélus is a synchronous language extended with Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) to program hybrid systems that mix discrete-time and continuous-time models. An example is a (discrete-time) model of a control software paired with a (continuous-time) model of the plant. The language shares the basic principles of the synchronous languages Lustre with modularity features from Lucid Synch
OCamlEditor OCamlEditor is a source code editor and build tool for the OCaml programming language. It provides many features to facilitate editing code, accessing API reference directly from the editor and compiling projects. It is entirely written in OCaml and uses LablGtk for the graphical user interface; it is light-weight, free and open source and runs on Linux and Windows. Features Standard E
Many asynchronous programs make use of promises (also known as using light-weight threads or an asynchronous monad) to manage concurrency. I've been working on tools to collect trace data from such programs and visualise the results, to help with profiling and debugging. The diagram below shows a trace from a Mirage unikernel reading data from disk in a loop. You should be able to pan around by dr
はじめに断っておくが、全部Pros/Consのあるデザインチョイスなので、こうじゃなきゃいけないってことではない。ただ、 OCaml はこの選択をした、そいう事だ。 前回の「経験15年の OCaml ユーザーが Haskell を仕事で半年使ってみた」 のような易しい文章ではないのでわからない人はとことん判らないだろう。まあ勘弁して欲しい。 あと、面倒だろうが、読む人は全部常体を敬体にして最後に「と思います」をつけて読んでくれ。ください、と思います。 Shadowing は便利であると思っている OCaml の let は非再帰なので以前定義された名前に別の値の束縛をオーバーライドできる。OCaml の人はこれが便利だと思っており皆普通に使っている。詳しくは http://d.hat
How to test Async OCaml code 18 Sep 2014 In the previous blog post, we used Core and Async to write a tiny library for talking to Memcached using the binary protocol. I wanted to write tests for the library in a readable and succint manner to ensure correctness – the type system cannot ensure binary data is parsed correctly after all. The regular go-to tool for testing OCaml code is OUnit, but thi
「プログラミングの基礎」を使った授業紹介 浅井 健一 このページでは、お茶の水女子大学、理学部、情報科学科の2年生を 対象とした授業「関数型言語」のビデオほかを公開しています。 この授業は反転授業 (flipped class) を行っており、 受講生は授業前に以下の予習を求められます。 毎回の授業用に用意されたビデオを見て、 予習クイズに答えること。 教科書の該当部分を読んで、 教科書問題に答えること。 授業時間中は特に内容の説明はせず、 受講生は別途、示される練習問題とレポート問題を各自、解きます。 その際に生じた疑問点等について授業で個別に対応しています。