387 posts tagged with lost.
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Pot pie recipe with broth only?

A couple of years ago I used to make this pot pie recipe which was not vegan or vegetarian but which didn't have any dairy in the sauce, just broth. I cannot find it. Do you know of such a recipe? [more inside]
posted by Frowner on Nov 12, 2024 - 9 answers

If you lost phone, wallet, ID etc, what would you do?

What would you do if you found yourself, through some misadventure, in an unfamiliar town without car, phone, wallet, money, credit/debit cards or ID? [more inside]
posted by Jenny'sCricket on Oct 22, 2024 - 31 answers

Help me find a certain YouTube video for turkey stuffing meatballs?

Some time in the last couple of years, but more than one year ago, I saw a recipe on YouTube for turkey stuffing meatballs. I made the meatballs, and they were great. However, I don't appear to have given the video a like or saved the recipe. It's a long shot, but could you help me find it? [more inside]
posted by some little punk in a rocket on Nov 22, 2023 - 2 answers

Help find a German book (play?) about a man marked for death...

A rich, jilted lover comes to a small town and offers a fortune if her ex-fiancé dies. Everyone plays it cool but starts spending borrowed money. What is this story? [more inside]
posted by es_de_bah on Nov 19, 2023 - 4 answers

Name this 80s or 90s thriller that ends with (billboard?) SOS on rooftop

I'm fuzzy on the details, but I believe theres a female protagonist who's drawn to a mysterious attractive man who turns out to be the bad guy. After inviting him into her home, he eventually attacks her, and the ensuing pursuit takes them to a rooftop where she improvises a signal for help by flashing a large billboard on and off. [more inside]
posted by Megnusin on Oct 18, 2023 - 4 answers

Looking for a song from the start of a workshop

I've been trying to locate a song that I heard at the beginning of a spiritual workshop in 2019. It was beautiful and inspiring, and was the perfect song to kick off a spiritual workshop. This is really a long shot because I don't have many details. If all else fails, I have a Spotify bonus question. [more inside]
posted by daikon on Aug 18, 2023 - 3 answers

How do I get a map that avoids using the easiest route to get somewhere?

Both easy routes to get to a town I need to go to are blocked off entirely for the next two months. How the hell do I get some kind of alternate route there? [more inside]
posted by jenfullmoon on Aug 9, 2023 - 18 answers

Iphone offline but ringing

I lost my iphone. When I log into my icloud account, it generically says "offline." I don't have full access to my icloud account (bc unfortunately, I also lost my wallet and any ability to do two-factor authentication). But, when I call the lost phone, it rings, indicating that the phone is in fact connected to some network. Can I find my phone? [more inside]
posted by neematoad on Nov 1, 2022 - 4 answers

Losing hope searching for my lost cat

My cat showed up in our barn around 6 months old. She had to be an exclusively outdoor cat for about a year due to someone else that was living with us for a while, but for the past year and a half she's mostly been inside and only let out when she wants to go. She wanted out the night of Wednesday the 19th and normally would show back up first thing in the morning, but she still hasn't been home. I am absolutely heartbroken and feel so guilty for letting her out at night [more inside]
posted by Eyelash on Oct 25, 2022 - 17 answers

What instrument did Giacchino use here?

In the Lost soundtrack, Michael Giacchino uses a recurring motif of a solo plucked(?) low string note (example) to generate tension & suspense. What instrument is this, a harp? I always assumed it was one note but now I think it's an octave, C2+C3 in this clip. Is that the case?
posted by Otto Franz Joseph Leopold von Soxen-Puppetten on Oct 23, 2021 - 14 answers

Help me find this dish sponge

This dish sponge is perfect. It's on the small side with plastic mesh bits that scrub really well but also don't scratch. It's sold in large multi-pack of mixed colors (8-10 sponges per bag) in a clear plastic bag with a cardboard closure at the top. Have you seen this sponge? Backstory below. [more inside]
posted by countrymod on Sep 4, 2021 - 12 answers

How do I get this lost iPhone back to its owner?

I found an iPhone on the sidewalk today. I chased down the only person nearby and they said it wasn't theirs. It was on airplane mode and I was able to disable that but then I found out there's no SIM. Is there a way for me to get it back to its owner or should I just drop it off at the police station and let them deal with it?
posted by any portmanteau in a storm on Apr 1, 2021 - 25 answers

How do I set up a lost property system

Setting up a lost property system for a self-service space... Any ideas? I don't know where to start! [more inside]
posted by socky_puppy on Mar 26, 2021 - 3 answers

I lost my wedding ring

My wedding ring was feeling too tight on my ring finger so, three hours ago, I switched it to my little finger. OOPS. It's gone. It's too big for the cats or baby to swallow and I haven't left the apartment, so it's here SOMEWHERE. Suggestions? HELP!
posted by LingeringMoon on Jan 10, 2021 - 28 answers

Apparently hospital cleaner threw out essential items?

Hospital cleaner apparently threw away my son's essential items, including his glucose meter? [more inside]
posted by ragtimepiano on Nov 14, 2020 - 13 answers

Ack! Lost recipe!

Recently (~ within the last month or two) I saw a recipe I wanted to try that involved marinating halved(? I think?) cherry tomatoes with olive oil, fresh basil leaves, and probably garlic, before serving over vermicelli. It seems like the instructions were to marinate for 2-4 hours, because I remember thinking I'd need to do that early enough to have it ready for supper. Somehow I managed not to save the recipe, and my browser history isn't showing me what I'm looking for. [more inside]
posted by taz on Sep 21, 2020 - 2 answers

Please Help Me Find Two Music Videos

Somewhere back around 2014 (ish? give or take a year or two) I had a collection of links to music videos on You Tube that I really liked. I've lost the links and I don't remember song titles, or names of bands, but I would dearly love to find the songs again. All I remember is parts of the videos. Can you help me? More after the jump. [more inside]
posted by WalkerWestridge on May 12, 2020 - 4 answers

Why are emails diappearing from my iphone?

Just in the last week or two, a lot of emails have been disappearing from my iPhone. The emails still exist on my server, and when I look at Mail on my computer, I have no trouble getting them, so this is something that's happening only on my iPhone. It's also happening on my iPod Touch, though. Why is this happening? [more inside]
posted by chromium on Jan 9, 2020 - 4 answers

Hello? Are you paying attention? Where are you?

I’m feeling not present after life changes. How did you overcome? [more inside]
posted by morning_television on Sep 3, 2019 - 7 answers

How to unhide a body

I'm an adoptee who last year got in touch with my maternal bio relatives, and more recently have identified my birth father. I have contacted a couple of his siblings and there is no question that this individual is my father. However, the last time anyone in his family had any contact with him was in the early 1990s, when he was living, as he had been for quite some time already, on the streets in Berkeley CA and struggling with serious mental health and substance abuse issues. After discovering that, I assumed he was dead by now at age 71, but I've found proof of life from about 5 years ago and some other hints that he was within the past 5-10 years living in a Berkeley-city SRO housing unit for disabled individuals. [more inside]
posted by drlith on Jul 19, 2019 - 12 answers

I Lost Your Cat

My housemate's cat ran out of the house as I was taking the recycling out. I tried finding it but no luck. How do I handle this? [more inside]
posted by morning_television on Feb 5, 2019 - 27 answers

How to find a cat in a dense neighborhood?

Our cat got out yesterday. The challenges of living in a dense neighborhood is making it challenging to really search around us. Do you have any ideas? We're trying to not freak out. [more inside]
posted by justalisteningman on Jan 31, 2019 - 26 answers

Amazon Tablet misplaced...but sure its still in the house.

My son's Amazon Kid's Edition Tablet is somewhere in the house but *hours* of searching for it haven't found it. For reasons detailed inside we are highly confident it is still here. Help! [more inside]
posted by inflatablekiwi on Oct 25, 2018 - 56 answers

We didn't call it the Lonely Room

I asked once before and this question resulted in a real life store. We're looking to expand and since MeFi did so well naming us the first time, we're hoping for a clever name for our expansion. [more inside]
posted by fiercekitten on Oct 2, 2018 - 14 answers

United Employee Stole My Kindle?

I left my Kindle on a United flight, and days later got a notification from Amazon that an unregistered user - firstname.lastname@united.com - had tried to send a document to my Kindle. I therefore know WHO has my Kindle - but how do I get it back? [more inside]
posted by LingeringMoon on Sep 26, 2018 - 7 answers

Q: What is Phil Collins calling his reunion tour?

A: ReGenesis. I want to get a copy of my very favorite TV show before it's lost to the sands of time. I fear I may be too late. That show is ReGenesis. [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Sep 17, 2018 - 8 answers

Writing up a bad/difficult job for linkedin?

The last job I worked was only a six month stint and it was a complete cluster f. I’m having a problem writing a description for LinkedIn and my resume because I completed nothing there. But for reasons inside, I can’t just leave it off my resume. [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] on Sep 3, 2018 - 11 answers

How do I return a found phone?

I just found a dead, pin protected phone that seems like it had been lost for a while- how can I return it to its owner? [more inside]
posted by mollywas on Jun 3, 2018 - 3 answers

Lost phone. What to do?

I left my Pixel 2 in a Lyft yesterday. I have Google Fi. Google's "find my device" tool can't find it. The Lyft app has a "lost item" feature; I booted up my old phone and sent a request and used a number from Tempophone as the reply number--but no luck yet. I don't see a way to contact the driver directly. I can't access my texts because I use Signal and haven't set it up on any other devices. Am I hosed? Options?
posted by morninj on Feb 18, 2018 - 6 answers

Please help me find my lost heirlooms

I managed to lose a small zippered pouch containing precious family jewelry. I'm desperate at this point. [more inside]
posted by marfa, texas on Feb 8, 2018 - 35 answers

My Kindle keeps running away

I often misplace my Kindle, which drives me crazy. Sometimes I lose it in my house, sometimes in my car, or at work, and it's lost for days. I think I need to get one of those Bluetooth tracker thingamabobs, like a Tile, to help me the next time I lose it. The problem is that I like using my Kindle without a cover. [more inside]
posted by zoetrope on Jan 24, 2018 - 13 answers

How can I find what happened to a domain I bought two years ago?

I bought a domain on sale two years ago. I since forgot and just remembered. I went to check up on it, then realized I don't remember what registrar I bought it through. I searched my various email accounts and can't find anything about it. I also tried logging into old registrars I used to use. I am fairly sure I bought it. Various whois sites say that it's reserved by the registrar and that's it. Any ideas about what else I can search?
posted by ignignokt on Dec 20, 2017 - 6 answers

What was that book?

I'm trying to help someone recall this book and it sounds so intriguing! Will? Liam? William? Does this ring a bell? [more inside]
posted by Calzephyr on Nov 14, 2017 - 0 answers

Looking for a missing person in Santa Clarita

I have a friend who has gone missing in Santa Clarita, CA and I have no idea how to look for them. [more inside]
posted by Foam Pants on Nov 11, 2017 - 4 answers

Help! I've Accidentally Deleted GSuite

I accidentally deleted my consulting business GSuite account when thought I was deleting another software subscription. [more inside]
posted by summerstorm on Nov 3, 2017 - 2 answers

Help when will Delicious let me export my bookmarks?

Suddenly Delicious closed and the site's been closed now ever since! [more inside]
posted by maiamaia on Aug 7, 2017 - 9 answers

Paging all internet sleuths: can you find this teddy bear's twin?

Asking for a friend: their son lost his teddy bear, can you help us find an exact match? [more inside]
posted by lioness on Jul 29, 2017 - 11 answers

Lost an immigration document w instructions. What are my options?

(Asking on behalf of a friend.) In the process of applying for a visa to remain in the US, I was sent a list of documents to mail back. I have lost the list. I'm supposed to mail the documents by the end of this month (!). Short of magically finding the list, what are my options? Would USCIS be able to send me another copy of the list on short notice?
posted by your hair smells like cheese! on Jul 18, 2017 - 6 answers

What's a time you felt lost and found yourself?

Bonus points if it’s in your twenties! [more inside]
posted by buttonedup on Jun 2, 2017 - 20 answers

Love "The Leftovers". Should I watch "Lost"?

I'm a huge fan of "The Leftovers". Should I power through Lindelof's previous series, "Lost"? [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover on Apr 21, 2017 - 32 answers

How do I research and find the best childcare?

Pregnant lady has many questions and no answers. [more inside]
posted by emmatrotsky on Mar 8, 2017 - 11 answers

Feeling lost in a foreign country… need some input, advice, comfort…

I am a woman in her early thirties. I live in a country that is far away from mine due to personal and professional circumstances. A few years ago I suffered a series of violent events in my country of origin. I was also holding a badly paid position that I didn’t enjoy a lot. I didn’t have anything exciting going on in my love life. And I had reached a moment in my relationship with my family where I often felt neglected and oppressed. Facing that panorama in my life I decided to move overseas after finding a position to work here. I arrived here with great expectations but right now, I am feeling lost. [more inside]
posted by Fromthesouth on Feb 27, 2017 - 16 answers

Could non-job related reasons cause ruining interview?

So I just had a good interview, and I was invited again for a second round. The hiring manager and I were chatting at the end as the hiring manager was showing me out. I let him know that I have a cough and I apologized before the interview began. Towards the end he asked me how long have I been coughing, and I responded by saying that "I have been coughing for 2 months and it doesn't seem to go away." The doctors said that it is not bronchitis but many people would think that anyway it seems. Do you think the hiring manager is not going to hire me because he suspects I have bronchitis or some other coughing disease? He might be afraid that his entire staff will get sick! Although I cough a lot, I feel totally fine otherwise. Has anyone who is a hiring manager not hired anyone for similar reasons? I feel like I lost an opportunity, because as I shook his hand when we were saying good-bye, his face seemed as if it had some horror.
posted by pieceofcake on Jan 5, 2017 - 9 answers

30 is right around the corner and I’ve never felt more lost.

I wake up and live every day like a zombie – miserable at work and then I go home, go to the gym, eat crappy takeout and go to sleep. It just all feels so pointless, like I’m slowly wasting away and not living the full life I’m supposed to live. I want friends, love, a family, and a job or hobby to live for. But I almost feel paralyzed – if I have no interests and don’t want to be around anyone, how do I get my life started? More details inside. [more inside]
posted by koolaidnovel on Dec 6, 2016 - 25 answers

How to delete old Flickr and Yahoo accounts after lock out

Trying to delete an old Flickr account that I made public for reasons only my younger self understands... [more inside]
posted by i'magirl on Nov 24, 2016 - 2 answers

Where is my parcel? Package angst.

A package was shipped to me by an online retailer. The USPS is having a lot of trouble delivering said package to me. I'm not sure why, and now they seem to not know where my package is. Anyone know what I can do to suss out the location of my parcel? [more inside]
posted by OsoMeaty on Oct 18, 2016 - 10 answers

In what way is Android Device Manager wrong about my phone?

Android device manager claims that my phone is somewhere in my house. But when I tell it to ring my phone at full volume, it claims that it's doing so, and then...nothing. My house is small. I have searched it from top to bottom, while the ringer should theoretically be sounding. I hear nothing. Which is more likely to be malfunctioning - the locator or the ringer? [more inside]
posted by pretentious illiterate on Oct 10, 2016 - 6 answers

What would you do in my situation (regarding career and life decisions)?

It seems for years I have been unhappy because I have a lot of drive to do something with my life, but for the love of God I just can't settle into a direction. I am currently in university taking a pre-masters to go into urban planning but I just feel like I don't really know what I'm doing or if I will like it. I am curious if others have been in a similiar situation before and if so how did they find their way? Also if you could read my extended explanation and tell me what you would do in my situation or offer any advice I would love to hear it. [more inside]
posted by oracleia on Sep 8, 2016 - 17 answers

lost license nightmare

I used to live in NY, and I have an NY driver's license with my old address on it. Then I moved, and failed to update my address. Now I lost my license, and I'm moving again. What do I do??? [more inside]
posted by you're a kitty! on Sep 8, 2016 - 13 answers

Found Kitty Flier Best Practices

A kitty followed us home last night! [more inside]
posted by thack3r on Jul 24, 2016 - 19 answers

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