18 posts tagged with lost and cat.
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Losing hope searching for my lost cat
My cat showed up in our barn around 6 months old. She had to be an exclusively outdoor cat for about a year due to someone else that was living with us for a while, but for the past year and a half she's mostly been inside and only let out when she wants to go. She wanted out the night of Wednesday the 19th and normally would show back up first thing in the morning, but she still hasn't been home. I am absolutely heartbroken and feel so guilty for letting her out at night [more inside]
I Lost Your Cat
My housemate's cat ran out of the house as I was taking the recycling out. I tried finding it but no luck. How do I handle this? [more inside]
How to find a cat in a dense neighborhood?
Our cat got out yesterday. The challenges of living in a dense neighborhood is making it challenging to really search around us. Do you have any ideas? We're trying to not freak out. [more inside]
Found Kitty Flier Best Practices
A kitty followed us home last night! [more inside]
New ideas for finding a lost cat?
My landlord asked me to look after her cat while she's away on a cruise for two weeks, and I somehow lost it, within a small enclosed space, in less than 24 hours. [more inside]
Found cat! Lost owners?
Family member found a lost kitty at a KOA campground in Colorado. Can Metafilter find her lost humans? Mefites have pulled off wonders before...can we do it again? [more inside]
My cat came home! (Yay!) Now what?
Should I be concerned about my cat's health and behavior after he was gone for about three days? [more inside]
Can you help me find my mom's cat?
My mom is out of town for a couple of weeks and she asked me to take her cat to my house, which is about an hour away from hers. The cat moved in here a week ago with no real problems. Today, she went missing, and I would really like to find her. Can you help me? [more inside]
Cat lost at Devil's Tower - help
Cat lost at Devil's Tower. What to do? [more inside]
Where the hell is she
I am all packed for Christmas and I can't find my effing cat. I know she's in the house. Where could she be hiding? [more inside]
Another lost cat question
How much sense of place do cats really have (or another lost cat question)? [more inside]
Do Pólya's constants prove my cat will come home eventually?
We have lost a cat. Ignoring obstacles like trees, roads and houses, I am assuming he has gone on a random walk. Me and my fiancée have been out every night since he left, also walking randomly, hoping to find him. But I know a random walk in two dimensions always returns to the origin eventually, so are we actually any better off searching for him than just staying at home? [more inside]
Found Cat! What kind is it?? What Do we do with it?
Found this kitten in the Hollywood Hills this morning. What kind of cat is it? If we keep it, how might that impact the 2 females we already own? [more inside]
Lost Cat in New Neighborhood
If an outdoor-access cat moves to a new neighborhood, what are the chances that she would get lost and not be able to find her way back after about half a dozen or so forays into it? [more inside]
If you hate cats, just move on, pard.
Catfilter: be my conscience, be my muse... [more inside]
How can I trap my wayward kitty?
How can I trap my lost cat? We know she's hanging out in a 2-3 house zone about a mile from us, but she isn't taking the bait in the Humane Society trap we set. What gives? [more inside]
It wasn't the lost cat she was looking for...
I 'rescued' a cat off the street today because it looked just like a cat I saw on a 'lost cat' poster. The missing cat's owner just came by and said it wasn't the right cat. Now what? [more inside]
Give up on a lost cat?
PetPsychologyFilter: Our 8 year old cat disappeared a few weeks ago. We've done (most of) the usual stuff. Should I keep looking? [more inside]