535 posts tagged with trip.
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We need to eat in the car at lunchtime. What's not messy but good?
A few snowflakes inside. [more inside]
(UK Lake District) Things to do in Keswick this weekend
My Dad (74) and I (47) are going to Keswick from Saturday to Tuesday. What seasonal events / lesser-known places can you recommend. [more inside]
Have a good trip, see you next fall.
We'll be enjoying some psilocybin chocolates in the near future. Care to help with the setting? [more inside]
Where to take a short and sweet sisters' trip west of the Mississippi?
My two sisters and I are looking forward to taking our first trip together in October but are feeling overwhelmed by all the options. Please help us narrow it down! [more inside]
Any recommendations on road trips this summer?
Hi all - I figured I'd get better feedback here than spending hours on Google (you all know your stuff :)). A friend and I want to do a road trip and see some cool sights this July. He's in Seattle and I'm in Raleigh and we're thinking about going north. We've been to Calgary which was beautiful but looking to try something different. We don't mind a manageable road trip but we'd like to see some towns/cities that have cool bars, restaurants, decent crowd, etc. We also want to hike and do some outdoor stuff. We'll consider it all - from Alaska to Quebec City :) Are there are trips or routes that you'd recommend we look at?
Trip ideas: London, Prague, Vienna (July 2024)
My wife and I are traveling to these locations
* London,
* Prague
* Vienna
over 8 days the first week of July this year (2024) and are looking for ideas on what to see and do when we are there. A couple days in each location. Relatively flexible. [more inside]
Perfect Trip?
I have an issue where my primary interests (remote hiking/travel) meet my primary phobias (physical danger/Covid). Help me plan a trip! [more inside]
What clothes should I pack to beat the cold?
I'll be in Norway for most of December, as far north as Tromsø, and then head to Japan until mid-January, as far north as Tokyo. Since I live somewhere that doesn't get that cold in winter, I'm not really sure what clothes I need to pack, especially for Norway (e.g. will I need winter boots? Should I just buy things on arrival?). Can you help? [more inside]
'Cause how you get there is the worthier part
I like road trip stories whether there is a goal or just a journey with a faint MacGuffin of purpose. Looking for recommendations for a short story/novella/novel (or heck even real life travel memoir) that consists of adventures on a road trip.
Would you go on this trip?
I have a trip to Mexico City booked for the end of the month, but I'm having some second thoughts about it, financially speaking. Total cost of the trip will be about $2300, so let's say $2500 to account for unanticipated expenses. The only hard cash I've put out so far is the flight, about $600 (factored into total). I can get a credit to use on a future flight. [more inside]
Help me float my boat
What to wear on a short canoe trip? [more inside]
Birthday solo vacation ideas needed
I have a milestone birthday coming up and I want to take a solo mini-vacation in the US. Where should I go? [more inside]
Specific timing for a few days in NYC
I've read through previous NYC vacation posts/replies, which was really helpful with thinking through what we'd be interested in seeing. I'd love some specific help with organizing our itinerary, and what it means for how we'd arrange things and travel between the different stuff we'd like to do. We're planning on flying into LaGuardia most likely on a Tuesday early afternoon and leaving on Saturday early afternoon. [more inside]
Day trip via train from Basel?
I will be in Basel, Switzerland for a conference in a few weeks, and have a day free for a quick day trip somewhere. Where should that be? [more inside]
Oh Baby: Road Trip Edition: When the Toll Road Bell Tolls
Upcoming travel from central NC to northern NJ with a 6 month old. Best routes? Rest stops? Traffic to avoid? Snowflakes below the fold. [more inside]
What should I do with a day and a half in the Bay Area?
Traveling for the first time in 2 1/2 years, and heading to the Bay Area for the first time in 3 1/2 years. I'll have most of a weekend solo to sightsee, relax, and be pampered. Since it's been so long since I've been, what are the things that are on your can't miss list? [more inside]
December destination suggestions
Looking for destination ideas outside of the US, Covid permitting, for the first week or so of December. Looking for good food, few tourists, climate something warmer than New England winter (but doesn’t need to be tropical.) Currently looking at France or Spain or Greece but haven’t gotten any more specific, and am open to anywhere. What do you suggest? [more inside]
Tweens from LA to San Fran
My kids want to go on a road trip from LA to San Fran towards the end of July. Yes, this isn't much time to plan. They are 11 and 13. They are down to do whatever. Both are curious and adventurous. We have 10 days. ( It can be less ). Happy to mix time in the city with time in small towns and in nature. What is our itinerary? [more inside]
En-Brighton me on Vacation spots
I’m presenting at a conference in Brighton this fall. One of my work friends is presenting too - hurray! We’re thinking of taking a couple of extra days post conference and going….somewhere. Where should we go? [more inside]
Go RVing?
We'd like to take a trip of about 1000 miles this summer. Is an RV right for us? [more inside]
10 day California Road Trip
My kids want to go on the ultimate California road trip. They are 11 and 13. They are down to do whatever. Both are curious and adventurous. I can allocate 10 days to this trip ( It can be less ) and will fly from Austin to wherever to start. What is our itinerary? [more inside]
What's the best trip you've ever taken with your kids?
My kids' childhoods are starting to blow past me at a terrifying speed and I know that if I'm not more intentional about our time together, I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and be sitting at their high school graduations. To that end, I want to know: what are the best trips you've ever taken with your kids and why? [more inside]
Rustic retreats?
Do you have any recommendations for rural vacation spots? I’m normally a city person, and love traveling to and exploring new cities. But I’ve been dreaming about hanging out in the country for a while. [more inside]
Too winter to visit Utah?
Is a road/camping trip in Utah in late March going to be gloomy winter weather or a generally pleasant escape from PNW rain & cold? I’ve already checked average temperatures and precipitation levels from past years, looking more for personal experiences! [more inside]
Best US cities to spend a long weekend?
Best US cities to spend a long weekend? [more inside]
Bought trip for a sick pal. Want to buy trip insurance. Can it pay ME?
So a good friend is sick with cancer. She's getting surgery and will be recovered by Feb. Got her a light at the end of the tunnel trip and bought her flights, hotel and train to see the northern lights in Alaska. Cost about 2k all in. Normally I buy travel insurance but how do I do it so it pays ME if her trip cancels and not HER?
Where on the US west coast should I go to escape?
The state of the world is too much for me and nothing feels safe anymore. I would like to take a week off and go somewhere on the west coast where I can essentially hide for a bit and process my emotions. Where should I go, and how do I plan? [more inside]
Recommended stops on cross country trip?
I am about to drive cross country from Charlotte to Anaheim am and looking for places to go and things to see. This is a one-way trip and I'll be making it over the course of one week. I'm not a big camper (not against it though) and probably will be booking hotels throughout. Google suggested two routes - one through AR, OK, and NM and a more southern route through TX, NM, and AZ. One thing that interests me about the southern rote is that I'll be able to see some MLB stadiums I've never been to (Braves, Rangers, Diamondbacks). But I'm also interested in nice drives, and remote areas that have cool things to offer that I wouldn't otherwise know about (the Four Corners monument in NM seems like it may be worth a stop). Also love good food, breweries, etc.
Any suggestions are much appreciated! :)
Day trips from Chicago
I live in Chicago, have an impromptu week off, and want to do some day trips with friends. What are my best options for leaving in the morning and getting back home by midnight with an amazing day behind me. OK if they’re in the city or outside of it, provided the above occurs :)
Car-free vacations in the Mid-Atlantic?
We live in DC and are interested in putting together a list of train/transit accessible vacation spots in the region. [more inside]
Little Rock to Seattle drive this summer...what can't I miss en route?
Flexible on time, so want to enjoy the trip. What towns, roadside attractions, events, etc. should I try to incorporate into this? Fully vaccinated, will be driving a private car back.
Help me plan my weekend!
I'm driving to the city this week for work and I've decided to extend my stay to the weekend. I'm having a lot of weird anxiety planning my free time. Can you help? Details inside! [Please don't tell me not to travel. Please don't tell me I should be concerned about spreading/catching Covid. I'd really, really appreciate it if you would just pass this thread by if you're feeling any kind of strong reaction to my travel plans. Thank you ❤️] [more inside]
PACKING LIST: What do you wish you'd brought with you to Alaska?
So I'm doing a train, flying, hiking, boating trip in Alaska on May 28th. 12 days. I think I'm packing everything I need - base layers, new hiking boots, a patagonia rain jacket, merino wool socks, a solar power pack - and a lot more. I've probably dropped 900 bucks. I think I'm good but also...I don't know what I don't know. What do you wish you'd brought with you on a trip like this?
Music history / appreciation audio books / podcasts?
I'm planning a road trip and want to dive deep into music. Please recommend an audio book, podcast, or maybe even a class! Something like Ken Burns' jazz documentary, but preferably where they play full songs instead of clips.
Help Me Get out of LA and Reboot
The closer we get to election week, the more I realize how badly I want to get out of Dodge for a bit. I'm not healthy right now; I don't exercise, I sit all day, and I spend most of my time getting a digital tan. It would be great to go somewhere that would jump start my ability to just live again. Where in LA or a few hours north of LA could I go to reboot? [more inside]
West to East Coast Roadtrip
A family member is driving from LA to DC. Any advice on the itinerary? Are these cities safe to stop in for a person of color? Any fun sights to see or eat at without adding time? [more inside]
Going on a (very long) road trip. Audibooks and podcasts needed.
My husband and I are going on a road trip of over a month. Need recommendations for audiobooks and/or longform podcasts, especially nonfiction that reads like fiction. It's a broad category but we're thinking biographies, history, international intrigue, true crime, politics, pop culture, Hollywood—and wide open to more suggestions!
I said no to including someone on my pandemic roadtrip... am I a jerk?
My brother's gf asked if I could include her brother on my drive to visit them later this week. I declined, mainly due to mental health concerns. Am I being reasonable? [more inside]
What to do in L.A. next weekend?
Had a long list the first time we visited but having a hard time coming up with more! [more inside]
How do I figure out Hawaii?
We’re beginning to plan a trip to Hawaii for my birthday next year. The dilemma: I have no idea where to start. [more inside]
Help me build my Japan Itinerary
Three mid-to-late 20 somethings will be flying into Tokyo (HND) on November 20th and departing on November 28th. What should we do while we're there? [more inside]
Is there a safe way to find passengers?
I need to go to Chicago to see a friend before they die and would prefer to drive. I would love to have someone go with me to share the driving (and gas!). There are websites for everything but I can't
find anything that helps me find a passenger. There has to be something better than just a Craigslist ad, right?
How do I Beach with my elderly mother?
My mom will be 84 in September. She would like to go to the beach for her birthday, probably for the last time. I'd like suggestions to help make it great. Snowflakes inside. [more inside]
Car Accessories to Make Road Tripping Better
Having just returned from an 800 mile road trip spread across 4 days, with two adults, two kids, and a multitude of bags and coolers, I ask you, dear Mefites, for your best tips, trips, and links (Amazon or otherwise) to accessories that make road tripping easier for everyone. [more inside]
What are your favorite preschooler-friendly European cities?
I want to take my family (two adults, a 4 year-old, and a non-mobile infant) on a trip to Europe next April/May. Ideally we'd like to visit a clean, relaxed city with good public transit and lots of chill activities. Please advise! [more inside]
Father’s Day Opt-Out (Weekend Trip Suggestions)
My dad died this past January and I’ve been doing okay, but the thought of Father’s Day next Sunday feels daunting. I don’t want to sit home and wallow and a conveniently timed business trip has me considering a short trip instead. But where to go? [more inside]
What's a great full day hike within 5 hours of San Francisco?
I have the week off and want to get some Nature this Thursday before I start a new job and get super busy. What's the best place to go at the last minute? My ideal scenario is below the fold. [more inside]
Help us plan a trip to Hawaii!
As the title says, planning a Hawaii trip... but we're unsure where specifically we should stay. Advice needed! [more inside]
In Lieu of Military School, Vacation Suggestions? (Travel With a Teen)
Two adults wish to vacation this summer. One of them has a 14 year-old son. All parties have indicated they'd be happiest if the kid was allowed to do his own thing for a portion of each day, then reunite with the adults. Destination/price are less important than everyone having an enjoyable trip, but NOT getting sick of one another due to CONSTANT PROXIMITY. What vacation options do they have? [more inside]
U.S. / Canada Summer Vacation for Tweens
I'd like to plan a awesome vacation for my wife and two kids ( 8 and 10 ) in North America. We have been lucky enough to do Disney World, a cruise, San Diego, Seattle and Costa Rica. I would really like to avoid the standard summer vacation destinations / clichés if at all possible. We have 7-10 days and will fly, rent cars, etc. Where should we go and what should we do? [more inside]