In one corner of Gaza, drowning in destruction and echoing with suffering, sat Umm Saleh, a woman in her fifties, beside her modest tent hastily erected after losing her home in the latest bombardment. Her face told stories of patience and resilience, with lines of time etched on it as if they were records of unforgettable events.
Umm Saleh, who once lived in a small house filled with the voices of her children, now bore witness to the agony of displacement. She was forced to flee with her children after a shell hit their home, leaving behind years of memories and simple belongings she never imagined would become unattainable.
Every morning, Umm Saleh leaves her tent in search of sustenance to feed her children. She goes to bakeries providing aid, waiting for hours under Gaza’s scorching sun. Despite the exhaustion that weighs down her frail body, she carries the bread, dampened with her tears, and returns with a fake smile that conceals the worries of a mother striving to protect the remnants of her family.
At night, when everyone else is asleep, Umm Saleh remains seated at the entrance of the tent, gazing at the dark sky. She reminisces about the days gone by, about her home that was once filled with warmth, and about her elderly, ailing husband of 70 years. Despite the pain, she finds remnants of hope in her heart—a hope for a day when peace will return and her children and grandchildren will live in a new home brimming with joy.
In moments of solitude, Umm Saleh finds solace in prayer and supplication. She implores God to protect Gaza and its people and to wipe away the dust of sorrow from everyone’s hearts. She often repeats, “We are here to remind the world that we are stronger than war, and we will rebuild our lives anew, no matter the cost.”
Umm Saleh is not just a displaced woman but a symbol of patience and strength in the face of harsh circumstances. Her story, like the stories of thousands of mothers in Gaza, embodies the continuous struggle for life in a land torn apart by war, yet still blossoming with hope.