oh my god
saw a ttrpg product advertise that their writing team is “70% diverse”
what does that
what does that mean
tumblr user with url "wholesomesteven": kind of untrustworthy, bad vibes, possible serial killer
tumblr user with url that's just one common noun: will beat me to death with tire iron for discovering their human trafficking ring
tumblr user with url "taigacock": sounds like a valuable confidant, surely correct media opinions, probably not a serial killer
Thank you
You Can Trust Me I Promise
I don't think I can
[video by bigmarcduds. no caption]
Me entering the astral plane
this is my hole I made it with my me
Due to forgetting to end a quote with quotation marks once when I was 12 everything I've ever written is a part of one single, incredibly long statement.
we should have optional anon on this website where the ask-receiver can leave the person anonymous if its something nice or just a general question (for shy people) but if they send something insane or a kys we can scooby doo mask reveal them for our own delite im not saying this as a feature that would make tumblr better i think this would make things 10000x more insane but thats why im suggesting it
this is my favorite reddit thread of the day and i want to share it with you all
this was the last thing he wrote and he hasn’t posted in 7 years.
indie horror games are like you're in a house.
But watch out!
arent you hispanic
lmao no
i fucking hate that post about the jimmy fallon ben n jerrys flavor because i tried it because of that and its honestly the best ben n jerrys no contest, so now its the flavor i buy every time i get ice cream. and every time the weather gets hot i have to eat ice cream out of a tub with jimmy fallons face on it. this fucking blows
fuck you jimmy
Darius studies the blade.
darys glorious return
i want a hug from the big man!!!!!!!!!
the point of patrick bateman is not to idolize him, but to use pictures of him pointing to the top right when trying to get repeating digits on imageboards
oh….. so that’s what it was….ah