five year plan: i'm hoping to get shot in the back of the head randomly soon
this thing!
does anyone have that pic that's like 200 status messages from different games overlaid? like overwatch defeat screen, you are now defending!, you take a sip from your trusty vault 13 canteen, etc.
this one?
no but i like it
You maybe thinking about this clip?
no but i like it too
i made this back in the day, this one?
no but i also like this one
This one?
it's beautiful but no
I'm going insane because I know the image you're talking about exists but can't find it either. I'll share some others I found on the way though.
Literal definition of spyware:
Also From Microsoft’s own FAQ: "Note that Recall does not perform content moderation. It will not hide information such as passwords or financial account numbers. 🤡
There's a way to remove it~
Go into the power shell
then paste in:
reg add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsCopilot /v "TurnOffWindowsCopilot" /t REG_DWORD /f /d 1
like this
Then restart. Also here is how to turn off the awful search suggestions:
incase anyone didnt know there's some great free software to handle disabling windows bloatware without needing to mess with the command line
these are a mandatory part of every windows install for me. been using them for years and it's such a lifesaver
Because this has mostly been talked about with Windows 11, heads-up that this installed itself on every Windows 10 computer in our house with this week's update.
Okay I did promise that when the "US education system" poll finally came up I'd read some more of your horrific american school stories, because ever since you introduced me to unhinged concepts like "shooting closets" and the "pledge of allegiance" I haven't been able to think about anything else
If any more of you happen to have nightmarish american school experiences you want to share you can send it to me, but I literally cannot believe this kind of thing is as common as you all say it is
Trans activist Jamison Green's passport photos before and after HRT. Left he's age 32 (1980) Right age 41 (1989) after being on testosterone for one year (x)
(read his autobiography here for free)
updated the link to his autobiography because it was broken! here's some more pictures of him (first is mid 90s, second 2013 and last 2024)
there's an interview with him from 2017 along with some information about his life and activism. and he was interviewed on a podcast here. he's not super well known but has been a really important trans activist for decades
can we reintroduce “disturbing” back into the popular lexicon in place of most uses of “traumatizing”
why does it feel like I’m in a race with every 18-25 yr old on earth and I’m losing
Nothing I’ve read has changed me more than “you do people a favor by accepting their help” like I repeat this constantly to so many people because it’s true!!! People like to feel useful, they like to feel kind, they like to feel like they have an ability to impact people’s lives so just let them!! Not everything is a thing to be owed back — accept people’s kindness without making a competition out of it
remember how he used to swooce right in? and we used to laugh and laugh
Fictional villains: my motivation involves a complex backstory around lost love and a deep yearning to be understood
Real life villains: being cruel makes me feel like a big strong man
"The single, unpleasant truth is that most people, particularly criminals, are NOT complex. They are shallow, greedy sons of bitches to whom we attribute genius planning or complex motivations in order to preserve a false sense of order in our universe." - John Rogers from Leverage
They should have an oarfish emoji that’s four times as long as any other emoji
i lowkey need you so bad
complete my obstacle course and then we’ll talk