if you’re a transphobe I’ll remove all your bones free of charge ♡
This is so old but I still like it. What a great anime
can I pay extra to not have a pizza commissar breathing down Sara's neck
I love how the tornado doesn't look malicious. She's just dancing along, doing her thing, and it's a pity you're so very ant-sized below.
tumblr will turn anything into a girl
of course, this is the turning into a girl website
I was born at a very young age. I’ve been alive for as long as i can remember, and I hope to continue living until I die.
And what do you think you can bring to our company?
Gonna steal from it
And where do you see yourself in five years?
Chat, is it considered “abusive roommate behavior” to release a raccoon into the living space after you have asked your roommate for months to please clean up their messes (they do not pay any of the mortgage)
For context, when I used to live alone I would do something called “Princess Time” where I would do an initial sweep (to remove any significant hazards) and then I would release a raccoon into the living area and clean. This helped because I would 1) feel like a princess and 2) the raccoon would bring attention to things my ADHD brain had decided to ignore and I’d quickly clean that stuff up.
So like, if I’m expected to clean the house now, I will be doing it in the way that is most effective for me. And anything that has not been cleaned up after months of having sit-down talks and sending reminders and being promised things will change, might be deemed “trash” by the trash panda and thrown away.
We haven’t done since we moved into the house, because I didn’t want to cause my roommate or their cats destress or have their things destroyed by a raccoon
I am a raccoon biologist and one of the few people in the state allowed to take in captive bred raccoons that had been possessed illegally. The raccoon in the photos is Moonshine, but she is currently at the animal sanctuary where I work as I had been quarantining multiple new intakes from an abuse case. I still have two males (Rum Tum Tugger and Electra) left in my home enclosure as we are getting them neutered and then hopefully sending them to an AZA accredited zoo.
I wanna make things very clear that underneath all the whimsy, I am a trained professional.
I mean this in the nicest possible way but you're the sort of person that can normally be found only on reddit
Environmental Protection - Bats, Postage Stamps - Poland, 1997
Well… nope…? 😟
@elodieunderglass horrible things with… toes?
It’s interesting that this post timestamp is pre-generative AI, but that AI is commonly used today to generate weird beds and couches (or maybe that’s just the timelines I see.) a deep and ancient thing with toes
Excuse me, this side is for birds facing this direction 😅
average friend gathering experience
Literally making it my mission to shame anyone I see going to the USA.
Given that a German tourist has been detained by ICE for the past month and prevented from returning home, I wouldn’t be encouraging my non USA friends to come visit here anyway
As a Nasty Canadian I would not put my foot in the US if they’d pay me. Legal visas are not legal, valid green cards not valid, anyone can be Hamas supporter, or, as some years ago an officer on the Canada-US border told my friend, whose car was searched for hours to find nothing: “WHY? BECAUSE I DON’T LIKE YOUR FUCKING FACE, THAT’S WHY”.
I’m an American living in Germany, with a German spouse; we were planning on visiting the US to see my family, especially my new nephew.
My entire family has told us not to come, because it’s not safe for us to do so.
people are traveling less within the country as well, also for safety reasons
My partner is supposed to go to the US basically every year for a business trip. There are literally discussions about if it is safe to travel now.
Elegant Sparkle Kandi Choker Tutorial
Hello, everyone! This is a tutorial for my elegant sparkle choker design. It's mostly images, with a few gifs for steps that are a little more complicated. I have a small neck, but I'll include instructions at the end for sizing it up in case you don't. Here are a few examples of different styles you can make with this tutorial:
Instructions below the cut!
Here are the rest of the instructions below this cut!