If I only like something on here, chances are that it's in the queue.
If I only reblog something without liking it, chances are it was in the queue.
@samantha-kirkland / samantha-kirkland.tumblr.com
If I only like something on here, chances are that it's in the queue.
If I only reblog something without liking it, chances are it was in the queue.
Did a little fan art of a popular post on blue sky.
Slay. Slay them all sweetie.
"I need to talk to the most important manager" I guarantee you do not.
People are constantly walking in the front door going "I need to talk to your manager" and they get so unbelievable upset when I ask them which manager they need. They also don't want to explain their problem to anybody but the manager so I can't figure out which manager to call. The repairs manager, the delivery manager, the hiring manager... which one do you need? The biggest manager? Really? Well okay you're getting the tallest manager. He's in charge of organizing the warehouse and he is absolutely not going to solve whatever your problem is.
Posted by admin Rodney
Thread from Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez on her experience in a hospital in Cuba
okay total aside, but a lot of leftists get really, really mad at me when i say that a fundamental part of any communist movement must be the elimination of the division of labour. they mock me with "what, do you want us all taking turns being doctors?"
no, you fucking morons. i want us to live in a society where medical knowledge isn't treated as secret unknowable lore that gatekeeps access to the care and resources we need to survive.
the reason we have so much bullshit medical psudeoscience is our society has a vested interest in making medical knowledge seem like impossible magic that only our greatest super-geniuses can hope to understand, but as both a trans person and a person who has helped a loved one with a chronic illness, getting care in these situations more often than not involved sitting down in front of a disinterested doctor and realizing with slow horror that we know more about our condition than they do, yet they decide what is best for us.
and if they notice you notice they're out of their depths, there's a good chance they will withhold care you need to punish you
the solution is the demystification and democratization of knowledge. yes, we have dedicated medical experts, because having specialists is important in realms of complex knowledge, but the death of the division of labour means the death of the idea that a field of human labour is the exclusive property of a caste of specialists.
it means exactly this; invite the community to be involved! teach those who are curious openly and eagerly so they don't go looking for answers from grifters! get everyone involved! treat medicine as a journey a community takes together, not a missive from on high. and that goes for everything. treat science this way, treat education this way, treat life and all the work we do to sustain it as a beautiful shared journey instead of capitalism's pay-as-you-go haunted house
Reblog to invite others to the party
If Tumblr really wanted to break the entire website, they should give us Boops on March 15th.
(via @zyrafowe-sny)
Had to do a double take when I first saw this; I thought the peel was a creature. May I gift you: pineapple dragon?
studying ancient history will have you thinking stuff like The 18th century was basically yesterday
i'll never live down the time i was talking with a friend and i said "given recent events". my friend said "what recent events?" and i had to reply "the Protestant Reformation"