Northernlion Quotes
ryan latorneau uses his powerful bald head to launch a psychic attack
why does nl look near suicidal in this thumbnail its so fucking funny
milchick brought to tears when mark is just. super real with him for a second. it’s just work. it’s just life. what about balance? what has milchick sacrificed for a balance that lumon’s version of whiteness defined. your words are needlessly complex. your self is needlessly complex. it’s just work. it’s just work. it’s just work. i think he should get to hit drummond with a rock
thinkig about when the 2000s olympics was in sydney and these two comedians introduced an unofficial mascot called fatso the fat arsed wombat which looked like this
and everybody in australia just started acting like he was the official olympic mascot to the point where ppl were winning gold medals and bringing a plushie of him up to the podium
and the olympic committee got so mad about it they had to implement all these bans to try and preserve the integrity of the games or whatever but literally nobody else gave a shit so he just kept . showing up everywhere
the skyrim modding comumintiy fucking sucks
As a reminder if you're wondering why Gundam has so many weird names for people and things, this is why.
At that point I think I too would name a character Quattro Bajeena
femme lesbians with fucked up makeup!! femme lesbians in sweatpants and messy hair!! femme lesbians that spend most days working a minimum wage job or smoking pot!! femme lesbians wearing jeans and a t shirt!!
femme lesbians are not all coquette pink princesses and i feel like that’s all i see on social media these days.. make some noise for messy femme lesbians with messy lives!!
the surprising amount of art of furries shooting insane ropes but having a completely unaffected facial expression is so strange to me . and thats as an unemotive austistic person
i dont understand this genre of porn
Guys I found the only good thing on Facebook.
Oh fuck they’re inclusive ants, too?!?
man i really don't think so but okay i guess
i gotta remember this
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