wip word train
thank you for tagging me @rowanisawriter! If I'm playing a little tumblr game with my Evie/Cullen wip then I don't have to work on it and want to scream because it's being so difficult.
rules: for each letter of the word you're given, share an excerpt from a WIP that starts with that letter. my word is HAND.
H - Her eyes flick downward and Cullen thinks maybe she’s looking at the scar on his lip. He suddenly feels marred by it when compared to her easy perfection.
A - “Are you teasing me?”
N - “No,” he says, maintaining eye contact. “I don’t believe there’s anything to fear from you.”
D - Danger. Heat near his skin warning Cullen he is about to touch hot metal. Another type of heat as well, a pleasant fever, warming him all over.
tagging @smoreofbabylon, @plethomacademia, @swordbisexual, with the word PART