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Motivational Necrosis

@necronatural / necronatural.tumblr.com

crossy, they/them, hobby artist. 18 only please. Tag me for gaza fundraisers

Got Plopped In a Ghost Story, You Still Gotta Work: A visual primer for English speakers

This took me a week. I did this for ORV like 4 years ago so it felt like my moral obligation to make one again.

Some notes on character designs and images without text:


I need perisex people to understand that the 'corrective' surgeries done on intersex children are nothing like bottom surgeries for trans people. Not just because of the lack of consent, but also because it is literally not the same surgery.

Bottom surgeries for trans people are done with the intent to maintain function and sensation in line with what the individual wants, they are functional just as much as they are cosmetic.

IGM on the other hand is purely cosmetic. It is done for the comfort of the parents due to the violent biases against intersex people sterily written into medical protocols. Visibly intersex genitalia is seen as already being faulty and disgusting; therefore anything done to change it would be an improvement, regardless of the side effects.

I'm 20 years old and I'm new to official queer activism. I'm young. I'm uneducated about the medical field, something which deeply fascinates me. I have a deep respect for doctors and what they do. But I know this is wrong. I know this is wrong. I know this is wrong. I wish the world would listen.

"...leads to great distress in the family" Pause. Why do the family matter?

"It is not a medical problem" Pause. Then why is it an issue?

Because perisex people's feelings matter more than intersex people's rights to keep our organs inside our bodies and our flesh intact.

I can understand why, so I'd like to explain.

In cases of ambiguous genitalia, these surgeries are required to issue a legally recognized birth certificate. Everyone must be sorted into M or F.

The thought of just.. not assigning a sex to a child & thus violating the sex binary, is more horrific to perisex cis people than the thought of literally mutilating that child.

This is what the core of medical intersexism is. An unwillingness to question the social construct of binary sex categorization.

It's also worth mentioning that there are a lot of cases of parents being straightup lied to, either told that the surgery is medically necessary or beneficial, or sometimes even lied to about what the surgery is via claims that their child has some unrelated health defect.


I wish I was eating birthday cake right now

To clarify it is not my birthday

I mean it’s somebody’s birthday

are the stores closed? bc if not, you could always go buy a birthday cake and candles and light them for someone who's birthday it is but who might not have anyone to celebrate for them? just, y'know, send some good birthday vibes out into the universe?

and also get some cake.

two birds with one stone, y'know?

I'm not walking 30 minutes into town in Heatwave Weather and then back carrying a birthday cake. It's not unbearably hot right this second but that can change any moment.

Me: *forgetting derin is Australian* heatwave???? It’s like 50f at most

Me: *fucking, remembers other places exist and that derin is from them* oooohhhhhh

Oh to live on a science fiction single-climate world

Derin wouldn't leave the house in 50F weather either since they think that 65F (18C) is absolutely bone-chillingly freezing cold apparently

Which baffles me since I start getting uncomfortably warm above that point

18C makes my fingers and lips hurt it's fucking cold. If my feet can't stay warm on their own, and need a hot water bottle, then the weather is cold.

I do leave the house at 18C I just do it with double layered shirts and pants and a leather jacket.


This is also a symptom of being Australian, because absolutely none of the infrastructure of Australia is designed around making 18C tolerable.

Coming from a climate that hits -33C, 18C IS pretty warm weather, but if I sit still outside without moving for 15 minutes in that weather, I will still become cold. I then project this trajectory towards coldness onto a house that is not designed to retain heat. Through this I experience human empathy


do you think that a certain genre of queer person is so obsessively weird about pride flag discourse becuase their flags fill the gaping hole in their personality where a hogwarts house used to be

I suppose? You can just replace that with what kind of bender tribe you'd be, or if you're a Jedi or a Sith.

Personally I don't want to have my personality defined by any commercial property for preteens because I have a three-dimensional sense of self,

I'll do you one better, identify with your choice of lightsaber color and form you'd use~!

Personally I don't want to have my personality defined by any commercial property for preteens because I have a three-dimensional sense of self,

Personally I don't want to have my personality defined by any commercial property for preteens because I have a three-dimensional sense of self,

Your brains could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides.


my creative writing prof also HATES fantasy. as in if she asks for an example of symbolism in a book, and you give something from a fantasy novel, she’ll ask for an example from a “non-commercial book” instead.

I dunno man, people can have preferences, but the second you discount the artistic merit of sci fi and fantasy I stop taking your opinion seriously. and there’s such a big culture in Canada of only valuing literary fiction, to the point where one of our biggest authors, Margaret Atwood, refused for a while to classify her books as sci fi or fantasy. she said they were “speculative fiction”, which is entirely separate and very highbrow (sarcasm).

and I could go on about how Octavia Butler and Ursula Le Guin wrote books every bit as intellectual (and honestly, even more so) than their literary counterparts, but I am also an enjoyer of schlock!! I think there’s artistic merit in animorphs, and in isekais where a japanese schoolgirl reincarnates into a magical spider who has to level up like it’s a video game! it’s like with everything, you can’t draw a clean line that separates ‘art’ from ‘non-art’ or even ‘lesser art’, and pretending you can do so just makes you look ignorant and goofy. in my opinion.

Terry Pratchett did a really good interview about this.

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