🎵im working late🎵
cuz im a memer
cuz im a memer
Design graphics Geya Shvecova (Balanced frequency) Archive_301222
1 : "Never ending Cosmos" / F.W.Stumpfi 1979 2 : "Split" / F.W.Stumpfi 1979 3 : "Infected by Chaos" / F.W.Stumpfi 1988
Modern poetry at its finest
There is literally nothing in nature that blooms all year long, so do not expect yourself to do so.
Go outside, look at the moon. The moons so pretty isn’t it. Yeah. Take a picture of the moon. Oh no bad picture it looks like a weird dumb speck. But the moons so pretty???? U know ur real pretty to. cameras arnt very nice sometimes. But your still pretty. Just like moon
a dog wrote this