Hihi pinned post time :) (might be updated at a later time!!)
PUTTING THIS HERE: IF YOU SEND ME STUFF OVER THE ASK BOX I CAN NOT GUARANTEE THAT IT WILL BE ANSWERED. I CAN ONLY REALLY ACCESS IT ABOUT HALF THE TIME. (When I open it, they'll pop up sometimes, most of the time they don't and I can't see them - I can only see the fact that there are meant to be stuff there.)
- Q&A bit:
Q: Age?
A: For anonymity reasons, personal info like that won't be shared.
Q: Pronouns?
A: Like a few other creators on this app I use they/them, again, for anonymity.
Q: Why the anonymity?
A: I don't want my IRL life to mix with my online life. A few people who know personal info about me are on here, and have this blog, but it's very few.
Q: Are you an 18+ account?
A: Nope! Anyone can interact and enjoy my stuff :3
Okay, away from the Q&A bit lol
- Things I post:
Poems (as I'm sure you've gathered.)
...just random stuff I like.
Sometimes I just reblog things and not post for the day lmao
Just the basic DNI, I'm fairly excepting otherwise.
(If you want to see me go insane over a certain someone go under the tag #The chronicles of quill's love life on my blog)
...that's all folks ♥