Preserving my crunchy purple dye job on Tumblr for posterity. It lasted a day and stained everything. No regrets.
Mutuals meet me here at 4 pm tomorrow
The canceled Powerpuff Girls CW Reboot Trailer
Goddamn we dodged a bullet there.
Patch notes:
- Inaction no longer counts as an Action
- Inaction no longer generates Consequences at the same rate as Action
- Problems now disappear or resolve if Ignored
Secret Panel HERE 🐞
a warm embrace would solve a lot right now.
If you ever meet someone on the internet claiming they're from the USA, watch out because they're most likely an AI bot. nobody in the US can afford an internet connection (because they're so poor) and even if they could their schools are so underfunded they couldn't even know how to use the internet
Expelled from Word, he is now trying to contact you through other programs...
Baroque (Sting - PSX - 1999)
go crazy go stupid
can i come over and do this
This super awesome, adorable owl is available on my etsy.
severance is so scary i hope jobs arent real
Literally every coworker from my last project got laid off this morning and I'm in shock. Absolutely blindsided by this. I'm safe but I definitely don't feel safe. And I don't have anyone at work to talk to about it since literally everyone I regularly spoke with got canned. The videogame industry makes such sudden changes all the time, I'm not sure it's the right place for me anymore...
yoooo theyre playing my fucking leitmotif in here this party rules (hearing it change to minor key) Oh Shit. Oh Fuck