shrimps is bugs
love working with kids because every single day is like hell on earth i wouldn't dream of doing anything else
some fun things that happened today and yesterday:
- a boy asked me to open his egg. he did not have an egg, he had a clementine. i opened the clementine. he put half in his mouth whole, spit it out, and then ate the other half piece by piece. he did not touch that first half for the rest of lunch.
- a boy raised his hand to inform me his friend had the cheese touch. his friend then gave it to me. i now have the cheese touch.
- my coworker's son's friends thought i was his dad until he said he didn't know who i was and then they started calling me his secret dad.
- a boy asked why i had hearing aids and i told him it was because i was deaf, and his jaw dropped and he went "YOU'RE DEAD?!"
- a girl told me my mohawk looked like a furby's.
- the same boy who had wanted his egg peeled had me lean down so he could tell me a secret. that secret was that my hair is red.
- a girl told me i looked 39 and my coworker looked 17. i am 18, she is 54.
- someone asked if i was a girl because i have pink hair. i said 'no im a guy' and his friend smacked him upside the head.
- a boy burped so loud that he threw up a piece of pancake. he then brought it to me to examine.
today a boy told me that mr beast killed people.
If social media existed in the mlp universe ponies would record strangers in public and post it online to make fun of their cutie marks
rainbow dash would do this and then there would be a whole episode about how her friends become worried that she thinks lowly of their talents such as "apples" and "rocks" and twilight sparkle puts her foot down and introduces rainbow dash to the guy whose talent is crabbing and she spends a day on the boat with him gaining an appreciation for his humble skill and unending respect for the bounty of the sea and to a greater extent the fact that everyones talent no matter how inconsequential it seems is valuable
One can schedule a Tesla test drive online.
Just posting info for Tesla lovers. I would never suggest people book appointments that will fill up the Tesla calendar and then not show and/or that will make salespeople wait around for nobody.
i think elon musk has had a really, really bad week. thoughts and prayers next week is even worse <333
Baba is a sweet creature. Baba made me laugh a lot today. How would baba phrase the fact that I keep wanting to write fic series and then I don't update any of them in a timely fashion? Still working on them, but excrutiatingly slowly....
Wait do people in the lower 48 not learn your state songs in school??
Did not need to be taught. Georgia On My Mind is a delight and we sing it anywhere we can.
I hate Sinatra as a result of "New York, New York" because the state is more than that fucking city.
I learned "California Here I Come" from cartoons like a normal person.
SO I HAVE AN INTERESTING HISTORY WITH THIS. My school-aged life is split between Florida and Oklahoma. Did Florida teach me their state song? Fuck no. DID OKLAHOMA PLAY THEIR RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN BANGER AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY? YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS THEY DID. Also Florida's state song is still "Old Folks At Home" so YEAH maybe there's a reason they don't tout the "I miss my old plantation" song very much.
I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
the fact that we are firmly in a time where conservatives are like "the actual founding fathers, who were slaveowners, were not racist enough for my taste" is wild
JEFFERSON figured it out?
Jefferson is wild because as a human being he is maybe one of the most despicable Founding Fathers, but as a writer and ideas guy he literally laid the foundation for everything good about living in a modern day constitutional republic
and yes I mean everything, people forget he helped the French draft the Declaration of the Rights of Man
Didn't President George Washington like specifically acknowledge the rights of a bunch of Jews in Rhode Island or something
This is why I used to be a true believer in the american civil religion. At its best, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers truly are the outlines of a free society. At their best, they really are a vision for the kind of country we could be: one that holds the autonomy of individuals as the highest good, and enumerates the rights of people to their own self-determination via democratic participation. The framers and founding fathers were flawed people who owned slaves and profited off of maintaining these systems. But at their best, their writing was genuinely innovative and influenced the constitutions of countless subsequent democracies. Their legacy is therefore complicated, but not void. We could always strive to be the country we say we are.
I am not an acolyte american anymore. But asking whether or not "america" is redeemable is the wrong question, because that is a moral question. The right question is how to become better and how to reduce harm.
Okay okay I've got one I think will be fun!!
Extra points for telling me all about your thoughts in the tags :D
Do you know what its like to be trans?
[Comic description: A comic about being trans. Long descriptions follow.
1. A light-skinned trans woman with shoulder-length brown hair stands at her bathroom sink wearing a T-shirt with a fish on it, draped so that her left shoulder hangs out. The text reads, ‘Let me teach you, what its like to be trans.’ 2. A blister pack of unlabelled pills sits next to this are two prescription bottles, one of Estrodial and one of Spironolactone, the latter of which is on its side with pills spilling out. The text reads, ‘What it’s like to spend years of waiting / For the right people to tick the box to tick the box to say your sick enough to get treatment. / Treatment to be you.’ 3. The woman brushes her teeth while looking at a tablet propped up by the sink. The text reads, ‘Do you know what its like to be a prop for political power? / To know they Dont actually care?’ The word ‘actually’ is underlined. 4. The woman sticks her tongue out in concentration as she works on the clasps of a bra behind her back. The text reads, ‘Do you know what it’s like? Do wait years for your body to change?’ 5. The woman starts shaving her cheeks and chin, which are covered in cream. The text reads, ‘What its like to work (emphasis) so (end emphasis) hard to overcome every toxic gender norm?’ 6. The woman touches her own shoulders with an unhappy expression. The text reads, ‘To take stock at the damage puberty has done?’ 7. A bottle of nail polish lies on its side dripping onto the counter. Polish has been splashed against the wall. The woman’s hands are visible in the sink, with just her right thumbnail painted. The text reads, ‘Do you know what its like? / To paint your nails only to see how disgusting your hands make you feel?’ 8. The woman bends over the sink, with her eyes shut and tears streaming down her face. The text says, ‘What its like, To do your makeup wrong / and see every feature you hate (emphasis) highlighted (end emphasis)?’
9. Fully dressed with a bag on her shoulder, the woman stands in her doorway with the door open and light streaming in. The text reads, ‘Do you Know what Its like to go outside? / When all it takes is one person to think that you are large enough danger to childrens lives to end yours.’ 10. The door is closed. A single point of light streams in from the peep hole and hits the woman’s head. She has one hand on the door and is looking down at the doorknob with a sad expression. Her bag lies on the ground beside her. The text says, ‘It paralyzes you.’
11. Back to the scene in the bathroom, similar to the first panel but mirrored and with a large black X scratched over the woman’s face. The text reads, ‘Do you Know what its like? / To not be seen as a person? / Because that’s what you taught me.’ \End descriptions]
Uh oh! You are now a were-animal! This means you become a human-sized animal hybrid with uncontrollable bloodlust every night!
Spin this wheel to get your species