i am not ignoring your message! i will get back to you as soon as i am able.
Real question are there people out there who dont know how to properly use a firearm I am asking this unironically its very intuitive to me but that may just be because I was raised in appalachia do you guys not know how to reload aim and shoot properly
im aware through cultural osmosis about the basic ruls of gun safety, trigger discipline, point at the ground, etc, the specific mechanisms of it i have an incredible vague idea of but i would probably make an ass of my self if i was handed a gun
(sorry for adding a poll to your post but I think this could use a poll)
just drank two waters #waters
Life really is so good and beautiful :)
Hsu Hao, on a scale of one to ten how would you rate your pain?
Now dont you go on worrying about me i dont want anyone to worry about me or what im going through but it is a 10
the cain and abel story is cool i guess but couldnāt he have been killed with something a little more badass than a rock like a Barrett M82A1 anti materiel rifle or like a dragon spirit katana or something
Thots on butches?
theyre called femmes i think
hate going to the doctors with persistent debilitating symptoms and then then they call you with the results which is just like good news! your blood is red
So you think it should be legal for kids to murder their entire family
Sure why not