Please be mercifulπ and kind and help me. I want to buy treatment for my child Ahmed, who was burned in massacre. His treatment Does it cover the amount or part of it? πππ
@safodebuenosaires @peeptro @ripe @ohwarnette @omaano @tamamita @amorosebeing @murenaaaaa @thesblu @batricity @yoink-a-doink @schooloutfitideas @kairidaily @moonrisemoonchild @readingroompdf @bellybuttonbacteria @mione-g @apocalyptic-dancehall @kingofthebookcase @king-dail @appsa
@brutalitybaby @ezrazone @90-ghost @heritageposts @gazavetters @neechees @butchniqabi @khanger @autisticthassarian @beserkerjewel @furiousfinn96 @xinakwans @batekush @allamericansbitch @nerdyqueerandjewish @butchsunsetshimmer @biconicfinn @stopmotionguy @willgrahamscock @strangeauthor @bryoria @shesnake @legallybrunettedotcom @lautakwah @sovietunion @evillesbianvillain @antibioware @akajustmerry @ree-duh @neptunerings @explosionshark @dlxxv-vetted-donations @vague-humanoid @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriaada @sar-soor @northgazaupdates2 @dirhwangdaseul @jdornansource @ibtisams @sawasawako @memintomori @schoolhater98 @toesuckingoctober @infectiouspiss @carfuckerlynch @prisonhannibal
Hello friends..
Nour's family needs your support and help urgently.
Their house was destroyed and they are now living in cold tents.
The mother and father are elderly and suffer from many chronic diseases and need help this family by donating and re-sharing their campaign as it is going very slowly
(Vetted above)
β¬7,700 raised out of β¬60K, last donation being β¬10, made 1 hour ago!