The Gaza ceasefire has ended as Israel resumes bombing the Strip 20 days after blocking all aid from entering the enclave.
In response to Israel repeatedly violating the ceasefire deal, the Palestinian resistance has announced the next hostage release will be postponed
Good news
In response to Israel repeatedly violating the ceasefire deal, the Palestinian resistance has announced the next hostage release will be postponed
In response to Israel repeatedly violating the ceasefire deal, the Palestinian resistance has announced the next hostage release will be postponed
In the picture before you are Judy and Lynn, two young girls from Gaza, holding on to big dreams despite the harshness of war. Judy dreams of becoming a writer to share her people's struggles, while Lynn uses her small colors to paint a world full of hope.
However, the bombing deprived them of education, turning their school into rubble. Yet, they continue to persevere; Judy writes on torn papers, and Lynn draws on shattered walls.
vetted by gazavetters list at (#21) sami alkhlili
We feel lost, we don't know where to go, no hope, no home, no education. Donate to be a reason for saving us and share the post. 🔂
Hamas handed over 4 IDF soldiers in exchange for 200 Palestinian hostages today
The entire exchange was designed to humiliate Israel
The Palestinian resistance's media teams are on another level
Hello everyone!
We're happy to announce that we're collaborating with @thenorthsource to support refugees and victims of the genocides in Palestine, Lebanon & the Sudan.
We're offering to fulfil any gif request, graphic or art request, just as long as you make a donation to the vetted families and charities listed below:
Dina Maliha (€36,656 raised €50K goal) Google Doc of vetted fundraisers; Dina is 160 on the list
Mohamed Hamad (£12,661 raised of £50,000 goal) Mohamed is 145 on the list
Mahmoud Qassas (€15,265 raised of €100,000 goal) Mahmoud is 62 on the list
Eman Abdulrahman (GFM CHF37,325 raised of CHF50,000 goal, Chuffed $2,548 raised of $30,000) Eman is 213 on the list
- graphics: 5$
- gifsets: 5$
- lineart sketch - 10$
- simple coloring - 15$
- complex coloring - 20$
- halfbody portrait - 50$
- fullbody portrait - 100$
Please consider donating, and if you are unable to participate, please reblog this post!
Thank you ❤️
Our house is destroyed. When we return from the south to the north, I don’t know how we will live in the house, but a small donation from you can enable me to build a room to live in. Please donate.
I am Sami. I ask everyone who sees the post to help me share it to save what is left of my family. 🔂🙏
@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit @3000s @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @turtletoria @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @hotvampireadjacent @marxism-transgenderism
Full story bellow
Doha Talat is one of tens of thousands of missing Palestinian children. She must be found and returned to Gaza
COMMS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN! Send in your submissions now!
Our fundraiser was created to help Siraj and his family, and on a larger scale, to bring awareness and aid to Palestinians struggling to survive. You can donate to Siraj at the link above, or check out the causes we've promoted here on the blog under the #campaigns tag.
- Bahaa Majid needs funds to afford medical supplies and a wheelchair for his mother, donate here.
- Mai and her family need medical care for her brother and money to leave Gaza when the border opens, donate here.
- Gaza Funds has an exhaustive database of active Palestinian fundraisers here.
- Crips for eSims for Gaza has a donation portal here, where the money you donate will be used to pay for crucial internet connection for Palestinians. Every image, post, or fundraiser you see from Gaza is made possible by an eSim.
- Gaza Soup Kitchen continues to provide invaluable food to Palestinians in need as basic staples become scarce. Donate here.
There are thousands of dedicated accounts on this site that create and continue to update lists of Palestinian fundraisers and charities that require donations. We'll be platforming these as they come up.
- STEP ONE: Choose a fundraiser for Palestinians. This can be one of the linked personal fundraisers, eSims for Gaza, or a larger charitable organization — as long as it’s for Palestine.
- STEP TWO: Donate 30 Euros or more to the campaign, and keep a screenshot of your receipt. This is how you will pay for your commission when you send in your prompt.
- STEP THREE: Write out your commission specifications and collect any helpful images, such as reference photos, fancasts, or character sheets (if submitting an OC)
- STEP FOUR: Using your tumblr account, submit your commission info AND the screenshot of your receipt in an ask to this blog.
- STEP FIVE: Once you have submitted your info, a member of the team will contact you over DMs to confirm we have received your commission.
THAT’S IT! Thanks for donating! When your commission is done, we’ll tag you in the post!