First time in as long as I can remember I don’t have a war to fight. I guess if I have to be honest, I just … I’m scared.
anonymous asked: billy russo or frank castle?
First time in as long as I can remember I don’t have a war to fight. I guess if I have to be honest, I just … I’m scared.
anonymous asked: billy russo or frank castle?
Daredevil: Born Again (2025 - ) I 1.03
Daredevil: Born Again - 'The Hollow of His Hand' - S01E03
sorry I can't go I have self sabotage tonight
Remember when Matt's fridge was empty af just beers n orange juice. Now my man got the most organic premium ingredients iktr.
Nikki M. James in Daredevil: Born Again - S01E03
I love how we're all collectively crying because we got attached to Hector and gleefully laughing knowing what Frank is probably gonna do to his killer and all those corrupted cops with his insignia tattooed on them
Charlie Cox in Daredevil: Born Again - S01E03
do you feel like you’re behind in life compared to others the same age as you?
another soft journey awaits us, friends.
lately i've been thinking a bit about what the first time frank tells you he needs you in his life looks like. let's explore it together 💖
five am sunlight peeks through a crack in your curtains and casts a brilliant prism of light across your lovers' toned chest. he had pulled himself from you so recently that his sweat still has yet to cool on your skin, and you're amused to find that you miss the all-encompassing fullness of him almost instantly. as you watch the measured rise and fall of his chest, it occurs to you that your relationship with morning's has become much more complicated since he's become a part of your life.
emerging an hour later from the humid warmth of your shower, you're surprised to find frank still in bed. normally, by this time, he'd already be dressed and lacing up his boots to go, never really in the habit of telling you when he'll be back. kind of coming in and out of your realm like a ghost.
"you alright, frank?" you ask.
he shucks the covers off and swings his legs over the side of the bed, planting his feet firmly down against the hardwood flooring.
"c'mere kid, there's something i need to tell ya."
his voice, all cut glass and gravel, beckons you forth and you do as you're told. instinctually, your hand travels to his forehead to check if he's ill, but the warmth there is most definitely a by-product of the love he made to you less than an hour before, and not the flu.
your palm moves to caress his stubbled cheek, and he tilts his head to press a kiss to it.
"what is it, frank?"
he swallows hard, gazes up at you and says, "i need you, kid."
it's an entirely different i need you than the one he whispers when he's buried to the hilt inside of you, fingernails carving miniscule half-moon crescents in the soft skin of your hips. this i need you comes from a place entirely different than anything you've ever known.
"you have me, frank." and it's the truth. you take whatever you can get from him when he can give it to you because there is no one on earth that could ever compare to him. you had known from the moment he became a semi-permanent fixture in your life that your dalliance with him was never going to be an easy one. how could it, given how much he had been through?
"you have all of me."
he clears his throat, and it becomes apparent that this is land neither of you have traversed yet.
"look kid, i can't pinpoint when it hit me exactly, but i don't really wanna do this thing without you anymore, and it feels so fucking selfish because of what i do but i just..." his voice trails off. "if you'll have me, i think i've got it in me to give this thing a real shot."
except for the sounds of the city coming to life around you, your room is silent. taking a seat beside him, you reach for his hand, which he offers up without protest.
"'course i'll have you frank."
for now, and despite everything, it's as simple as that.
I can watch Jon's episode of Hot Ones a million times and still giggle when he says "holy moly guacamole" 🤣
tumblr irl meetup but we won't say who is who, instead you get a list of all the blog urls that are attending and you have to try to match each person with their blog. You can ask questions but you can't ask for the blog name directly.
it's like crime dinner but instead you gather clues by observing who laughs at which dick joke.
I want to do dirty things and then nerdy things and be cozy all day. Then repeat.