This document discusses methods for automated machine learning (AutoML) and optimization of hyperparameters. It focuses on accelerating the Nelder-Mead method for hyperparameter optimization using predictive parallel evaluation. Specifically, it proposes using a Gaussian process to model the objective function and perform predictive evaluations in parallel to reduce the number of actual function evaluations needed by the Nelder-Mead method. The results show this approach reduces evaluations by 49-63% compared to baseline methods.
This document discusses generative adversarial networks (GANs) and their relationship to reinforcement learning. It begins with an introduction to GANs, explaining how they can generate images without explicitly defining a probability distribution by using an adversarial training process. The second half discusses how GANs are related to actor-critic models and inverse reinforcement learning in reinforcement learning. It explains how GANs can be viewed as training a generator to fool a discriminator, similar to how policies are trained in reinforcement learning.
This document discusses generative adversarial networks (GANs) and their relationship to reinforcement learning. It begins with an introduction to GANs, explaining how they can generate images without explicitly defining a probability distribution by using an adversarial training process. The second half discusses how GANs are related to actor-critic models and inverse reinforcement learning in reinforcement learning. It explains how GANs can be viewed as training a generator to fool a discriminator, similar to how policies are trained in reinforcement learning.
Exploiting variable associations to configure efficient local search in large...Shunji Umetani
The document discusses exploiting variable associations to improve the efficiency of local search algorithms for solving large-scale set partitioning problems. It proposes a data mining approach to identify promising neighbor solutions by extracting useful features from problem instances, rather than just the problem formulation. An overview is provided of using this approach to configure efficient local search in large-scale set partitioning problems.
Building and road detection from large aerial imageryShunta Saito
This document presents a convolutional neural network approach for simultaneously detecting buildings and roads from aerial imagery in 3 channels. The CNN is trained on image patches from a dataset of 147 aerial images and corresponding 3-channel label maps containing buildings, roads, and other labels. Several CNN architectures are tested on 10 held-out images, with the basic architecture achieving the best precision of 0.8905 and 0.9241 for roads and buildings, respectively, outperforming a previous approach. The proposed method requires no pre-processing or hand-designed image features as the CNN is able to learn good feature extractors automatically through training.
Undgå digital darwinisme - tag digitalt lederskab. Hvis du skal begå dig som leder i dag, skal du mestre de to tempi - strategisk og langsigtet samt nu-verdenen. Din egen brug af sociale medier kan understøtte virksomhedens rekruttering, brand og salg.
1) Anemia de doenças crônicas é uma síndrome caracterizada por anemia em pacientes com doenças crônicas inflamatórias ou neoplásicas, associada a diminuição do ferro sérico e da capacidade de ligação do ferro, apesar da quantidade normal de ferro medular.
2) A doença é frequente em pacientes hospitalizados com idade avançada e está associada a artrite reumatoide, infecções crônicas e neoplasias. Citocinas inflamatórias inibem a eritropoese e a mobil
Digital Nature Group at Ars Electronica SummitYoichi Ochiai
The document presents research from the Yoichi Ochiai Laboratory at the University of Tsukuba on their vision of "Digital Nature", which transforms audio-visual media from 2D pixels on flat screens to 3D "pixies" in haptic environments, the production of material existence, the shape of human presence, and human-computer relationships. The ecosystem of Digital Nature will involve interdisciplinary computational projects spanning multimedia systems, graphics, HCI research, fabrication, robotics, art, architecture, materials science, and biology. Examples of artwork and research achievements from their Digital Nature projects are exhibited.
36. 参考⽂献
• S.Umetani, M.Yagiura, S.Imahori, T.Imamichi, K.Nonobe and
T.Ibaraki, Solving the irregular strip packing problem via guided
local search for overlap minimization, International Transactions
of Operational Research, 16 (2009), 661-683.
• E.K.Burke, R.S.R.Hellier, G.Kendall and G.Whitwell, Irregular
packing using the line and arc no-fit polygon, Operations
Research, 58 (2010), 948-970.
• E.Rosten and T.Drummond, Machine learning for high-speed
corner detection, Computer Vision, 3951 (2006), 430-443.