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Diets, health and the environment
Global dietary shifts are needed to address the triple burden of malnutrition, but not without considering their impact on the planet.
Image: Merrill Images/Corbis Documentary/Getty -
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Loss and waste in food systems
About a third of all food is lost or wasted at different stages of the food supply chain.
Image: Jose A. Bernat Bacete/ Moment/Getty -
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Change in the Amazon
In this Collection, we present a selection of papers that delve into both natural and human-induced disturbances in Amazonia and aim to address the environmental challenges facing this vital ecosystem through a multidisciplinary approach.
Image: © [M] Urbanhearts / -
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Future of food
This collection brings together articles discussing the science and societal implications of engineered food, from genome-edited crops and computer-aided food engineering to cellular agriculture, nanotechnology-enabled plant agriculture and agricultural robotics.
Image: Simon Bradbrook -
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Air pollution and global solutions
Air pollution is a leading environmental risk to public health globally.
Image: Roy Johnson / Alamy Stock Photo -
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Food-Water Nexus
Water security and food security are intrinsically connected.
Image: Pivot irrigation system spraying water on crops growing in wheat field” -
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Soils in Food Systems
Soils are vital for food production, biodiversity conservation, and climate regulation.
Image: Lucas Ninno / Moment / Getty -
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Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States.
Image: © Springer NatureOpen for submissions -
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Food-Climate Nexus
Food systems affect and are affected by climate change. As a result, global food security is at threat, requiring urgent mitigation and adaptation efforts. Food systems offer several opportunities for achieving that, often associated with co-benefits for human health and environmental protection. This Collection brings together a few articles published in Nature Food on climate risks and impact assessment, mitigation and adaptation strategies, as well as ‘win-win’ solutions able to deliver both.
Image: Auscape International Pty Ltd / Alamy Stock Photo -
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Indigenous peoples and the environment
In this Collection, we feature articles that explore the relationship between indigenous peoples and the environment and the value of indigenous knowledge in meeting Sustainable Development Goals.
Image: © [M] malp / stock.adobe.comOpen for submissions -
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Sustainable agriculture
This Collection features articles exploring new avenues and policies for agriculture that help reduce environmental footprint and respect people's rights and food needs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Image: © [M] creativefamily /