
Announcing the Journal of Human Hypertension Young Investigator Award

The Journal of Human Hypertension is happy to announce the Young Investigator Award will be running again in 2024. The award will go to the best full length original article accepted for publication in the Journal of Human Hypertension in 2024 and we are proud to call for nominations towards this prestigious prize. Each award will carry a cash prize of £500, a certificate and 1 year online access to the Journal of Human Hypertension.



  1. This award is aimed at recognising exceptional research outcomes. Some forms of research valued by the Journal of Human Hypertension are those that are novel, have the potential to make an important impact on patient care or substantially enhance the understanding of hypertension pathophysiology. We encourage an email to the Editors, via the Editorial Office ( if you wish to discuss your particular manuscript.     
  2. The manuscript must be accepted for publication in the Journal of Human Hypertension between 1st January 2024 and 31st December 2024. Authors of manuscripts submitted prior to this call but meeting requirements are requested to write to the Editor-in-Chief for inclusion via the Editorial Office -
  3. A prize may be awarded once only to any individual.
  4. This prize is not open to young researchers of current the Journal of Human Hypertension editors (not including Editorial Board Members).


  1. The Young Investigator Award is open to any researcher under the age of 35 at the time of manuscript submission in any part of the world.
  2. The nominee must be the first author.
  3. The research must be original work.


  1. Submitting authors will be prompted from a drop down menu during the online manuscript submission process to align their paper against this prize.
  2. Formal certification of eligibility must be included in the cover letter to the Editor, together with a re-confirmation of consideration for the selected award upon submission.   
  3. All submitted papers must meet the Journal of Human Hypertension author guidelines and be uploaded via our online manuscript system.
  4. These papers are not a special category and will undergo the normal process of determination of suitability for publication in the Journal of Human Hypertension.


  1. The Journal of Human Hypertension Prize Committee will assess each eligible paper for the quality of its science and its potential to make an impact on human hypertension. Their decision will be partly based on all available manuscript metrics since advanced online publication.
  2. The decision by the Journal of Human Hypertension is final and feedback will not be provided.
  3. Winners will be announced in 2025.  
  4. The Journal of Human Hypertension reserves the right to declare joint winners or not to award a prize in any given year.