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Neurovascular biology is an emerging and fascinating field, which is rapidly advancing our understanding about the mechanisms governing communication between the nervous system and vasculature, both in health and disease.
To help advance this exciting area, Communications Biology welcomes submissions that contribute to our understanding of all things neurovascular. We are interested in studies that shed light on glymphatics, the blood-brain barrier, neurovascular signalling, coupling and pathology, and studies aimed at developing relevant tools for these research domains. In addition to original Research Articles, we will also consider Reviews, Perspectives and Comments covering these topics. All submissions will be subject to the same review process as regular Communications Biology Articles.
Glymphatic and lymphatic communication contribute to the clearance of cerebrospinal fluid and the removal of macromolecules from the brain. Understanding the intricate mechanisms and the circadian influence might revolutionize treatment strategies.
Evidence from in vitro experiments, animal models and humans is revisited and highlights the potential role of the blood-brain barrier in mediating the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation in AD.
Brain-derived endothelial cells transplanted into a mouse chronic cerebral hypoperfusion model showed excellent angiogenic potential and were also associated with reducing both white matter lesions and brain dysfunction possibly due to the high expression of neuroprotective humoral factors.
Noradrenergic and serotonergic signaling are involved in modulating sensory stimulation-induced astrocyte Ca2+ dynamics, and each signaling pathway alters functional hyperemia differently.
Transcriptomics and proteomics studies show that the endothelial cell-specific genetic inactivation of Mer leads to pleiotropic deficits in angiogenesis, blood brain barrier formation, and blood coagulation.
A combination of optical imaging, electrophysiology, and BOLD fMRI in unanesthetized neonatal mice reveals that sleep-related vascular changes dominate over sensory-evoked changes.
Human MRI data shows that parasagittal dura volume may not play a major role in cerebrospinal fluid clearance but could instead serve as a neuro-immune interface.
To understand if brain interstitial fluid/cerebrospinal fluid (ISF/CSF) exchange, CSF turnover, blood-brain barrier function or proteolysis were affected by aging or the presence of β amyloid plaques, Elbert et al. develop a non-steady state physiological model using MRI-derived brain volumes, stable isotope labeling kinetics of Aβ, and lumbar CSF Aβ concentration. Their model suggests an important role for blood-brain barrier transport and proteolytic degradation of Aβ in the development Alzheimer’s Disease in humans.
Smyth et al. use tissue microarrays from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patient brains to show that PDGF-BB:PDGFRβ signalling components are reduced in AD. They then use primary human brain pericytes to elucidate a pathway by which PDGF-BB:PDGFRβ signalling in brain pericytes is disrupted in AD, thus impairing the blood brain barrier.
Multimodal imaging of the mouse brain following acute cocaine application revealed that cocaine caused a biphasic calcium response in neurons, but not astrocytes, suggesting that these cells play different roles in mediating neurovascular coupling to cocaine.