For Authors
Author Guidelines
These guidelines will provide you with everything you need to know about how to prepare and submit a manuscript to the British Dental Journal. If you have a question which isn't covered by the guidelines below, please feel free to contact the editorial team and we'll be happy to help.
Why publish with the BDJ?
Here you can find information on why to publish with the BDJ, including key statistics and metrics.
Information for new writers
If you are interested in getting published in the BDJ but aren't sure where to start, you can download our guide here which will help you find the right place for your ideas, news, opinions and research.
Editorial process
Here you can find out more about what to expect during the publishing process once you have submitted your article to the BDJ, including online submission, peer review, and post-acceptance. It also provides information on compliance with open access mandates.
Article types
Here you can view the different article types we accept in the BDJ, including peer-reviewed full-length articles, BDJ Perspectives, Letters to the Editor, and more.
Preparing your manuscript
Here you can find out how to prepare your manuscript in the style of the BDJ, plus individual formatting specifications for the article types we publish. It's important to read these guidelines carefully before submitting your paper.
Ethics and Policies
Here you can find all the information regarding our ethical policies and required statements for research articles.
Open Access & Self-Archiving
Here you can find information regarding Open Access publishing routes and self-archiving policies.
Statistical Guidelines
Here you can find guidelines on the presentation of statistical material, with an emphasis on the areas that are particularly relevant to the submission of articles to the BDJ.