73 posts tagged with pigs.
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What are farm animals thinking?
"for the pig was proud of his dress"
English Historical Fiction Authors is a group blog that has been going since 2011, where researchers and novelists post about British history. There are posts about wool and war, Schools of Gardening for Ladies, beds and bugs, aspirin, theatrical censorship, magazines, tours of Ruthin and Snowdon, slipcoat cheese and posset, subversive fairy tales, and The Learned Pig. [more inside]
What do you know about pig behavior?
Pigs build nests.
"It is up to you to keep your potatoes out of my pig."
The Pig War of San Juan Island Posted at the American Camp trailhead, the following message: "The area is a reminder that senseless wars over insignificant causes do not need to happen." [more inside]
Making FPP's
Richard Scarry's classic What Do People Do All Day, further revised to reflect our current societal roles in The New Now. | Sanctioned Revisions to Richard Scarry texts previously on MeFi
moo baa lalala
"One day last October, Sandra Boynton struggled through six drafts of Dinosnores. She’d written down “honk shoo,” the obstreperous sound that dinosaurs make after “they all settle down in a dinosaur heap,” early in the morning, but only as a notion: “And the big dinosaur / has a snore like / honk shooo!” By the afternoon, three honk shoooooos appeared alone on a spread. A fourth arrived the following morning, and it made all the difference. The incantation was excessive—annoying to say and to hear, especially at the volume the type size suggested—which was exactly the point. She made a crucial alteration later, when drawing the page: “honk shoooooo!” became “honk SHOOOOOO.” “I look at these things,” she wrote in an email about the Dinosnores drafts, “and think, How do I have a career?” Ian Bogost writes for The Atlantic on Sandra Boynton's captivating universe.
Reply with cute pet pics, A thread
@PopularPups is a Twitter feed of puppy pictures and GIFs. (I know!) The other day they asked followers to post cute pet pics. They're mostly dogs, with the occasional cat or pig.
The 2018 European carbon dioxide supply crisis
Beer and Cider rationed! Pig Welfare at Risk! Frozen Food Supplies Hit! Coca-Cola Production Affected! And now, in a shocking escalation of the crisis: Crumpet Plants Shut! The 2018 European CO₂ shortage has been described as the “worst supply situation to hit the European carbon dioxide business in decades”: Why it really matters for the UK's food and drink supply
…and besides, the pig likes it.
A brief history of British Pigs
The United Kingdom has a unique genetic heritage of pig breeds, but in 1955, facing pressure from the Danish, Dutch and Irish pig industries, the Howitt Report recommended that British pig operations needed to be based on only three breeds, Large White, Landrace and Welsh, narrowing the pool of British Pigs from 16. In the subsequent years, four breeds went extinct: Cumberland, the Dorset Gold Tip, the Lincolnshire Curly Coat and the Yorkshire Blue and White. Rare breeds are now faring better than before, but still not great. For more on these breeds and the efforts to maintain them, see the Rare Breeds Survival Trust. British pig history side-story: The Pig War of 1859, which was really about which country controlled San Juan Island.
A Real Menace To Public Health
Corruption! Big city politics! Democrats! Republicans! Developers! And pork! Wait - not that kind of pork - these are the Philadelphia Pig Wars of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries … [more inside]
The Date Between Wolf Girl And James Spader's Lonely Doppleganger
A Friendship Story
Sriracha is a rescue kitty with cerebellar hypoplasia. She soon met Batman, a rescue piglet who also lived at Rancho Relaxo [FB]. Batman comforted Sriracha during her occasional seizures. They became best friends. Unfortunately, Batman died from a congenital condition. Fortunately, Rancho Relaxo soon rescued Batman’s big brother Dragonlord. It was True Love. Sriracha was recently adopted [Instagram], but Dragonlord soon found another Best Feline Forever: Raisin. [via]
Koko the gorilla has pet kittens
Interspecies friendships? FUCK YEAH! KnowYourMeme has some better-known ones. The titular kittens.
(Interspecies love previously and previously.)
A few phone calls later, the dead feral pigs started streaming in
Their detractors called pigs “walking sewers.”
New York City's first battle over gentrification involved the 20,000 hogs that freely roamed the streets.
Stay tuned, presumably, for "squid on a grid"
Let's play a mathematical game I call Swine in a Line. [YouTube, about 3 minutes]. The video is broken into short parts so you have time to think; here are Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. If you prefer text (and spoilers), here is the blog post with detailed explanation.
Everybody needs one
Puppy needs hug from cat. Different cat tolerates many puppy hugs. Pig and cow boop. Owls canoodle. Lots more at AnimalsHugging.
Some Pigs!
Who can resist a piggy shayna punim? Certainly not this husky. Or this corgi. Or this teeny human.
Many more at Piggy4Me.
🐶 🐤 🐱 🐷
When the massage is too strong
CAT likes HUGS
oh my god, please take 3 seconds out of your day to watch this.
And many more at Baby Animal GIFs.
When the massage is too strong
CAT likes HUGS
oh my god, please take 3 seconds out of your day to watch this.
And many more at Baby Animal GIFs.
I accidentally bought a giant pig
The vet that said if Esther really was six months old, she was possibly a sick runt and would grow to about 200lb, the size of a very large dog. But by her first birthday she had blown past 250lb; she was on track to be at least 500lb.
Bob Comis and The Last Pig
In early 2014, Bob Comis, a longtime pig farmer and owner-operator of Stony Brook Farm, wrote a "Farm Confessional" for Modern Farmer: I Raise Livestock and I Think It May Be Wrong (previously). Within a year, Comis had closed down Stony Brook, moved the last of his pigs to animal sanctuaries, adopted a vegan lifestyle, and re-opened his business as In Line Farm, a certified veganic vegetable farm. Comis' change of mind, heart, and career will be profiled in an upcoming documentary, The Last Pig. Trailers for The Last Pig are now available on YouTube and Vimeo. [more inside]
Sex Pigs Halt Traffic
Sex pigs halt traffic after laser attack on Pokémon teens. Tiny Insjön in central Sweden isn't known for pig mask-wearing couples shooting lasers at Pokémon hunters before having sex against a waterwheel. But that could be about to change. (SLSwedishlocalnews)
Team Ruff or Team Fluff?
Bae of Pigs
Sources can be tricky things. The Daily Mail doesn't have the greatest reputation. Lord Ashcroft is a Tory billionaire with a grudge against David Cameron. And so far they are the only sources for this one. That said, judge for yourself:
Prime Minister David Cameron ‘put a private part of his anatomy’ into a dead pig’s mouth .
(Over on Twitter, as you might have guessed, it's Christmas.)
Prime Minister David Cameron ‘put a private part of his anatomy’ into a dead pig’s mouth .
(Over on Twitter, as you might have guessed, it's Christmas.)
The End of the Sixties
You Must Remember This: Charles Manson's Hollywood - Karina Longworth's podcast on the hidden history of Hollywood (previously, previously) takes an an in depth look at the darker side of the 60s. [more inside]
Lards of the Flies
In China, Pigs Are Flying. Almost. [New York Times]
"With summer almost here, swine across China are jumping or being shoved off platforms and splashing into pools and ponds, where they bob around before paddling to shore."
To market, to market to sell a fat pig: A brief history of hog-driving
"Think of it: Pig drives, like cattle drives, only stranger. Who knew a pig could walk that far or would travel in the desired direction?" From Atlas Obscura: The Great Appalachian Hog Drives.
cronch cronch snort cronch nom nom cronch snort nom nom nom nom nom
Tiny pigs eating an apple. Tiny pigs eating grapes. Tiny pigs eating mixed veggies. Tiny pig eating oatmeal.
"this is the stomach of the world"
"If we start from the guts, we go back to our origin. It is the butchers, in the end, that bring our food back to the rusticness of the tribe."
Italian butcher Dario Cecchini, guts a pig, and discusses the tradition and art of butchering and the importance of being "responsible carnivores...thankful for the gift."
Cecchini is the "Dante-quoting butcher" featured in Heat: An Amateur's Adventures as Kitchen Slave, Line Cook, Pasta-Maker, and Apprentice to a Dante-Quoting Butcher in Tuscany.
And here's another video with a similar message, but a different piece of meat, more details about his village as a "tiny little gastronomic republic" and instructions on how to use every piece of the pig "in the best way."
Bringing back the bacon
killing them with kindness
Farm Confessional: I Raise Livestock and I Think It May Be Wrong - "[Bob] Comis talked to Modern Farmer about the self-doubt he feels while raising animals for slaughter and his desire to see humanity evolve into a species that does not kill to eat." [more inside]
These are very calm pigs, and that’s the way we want them to be.
Danish Crown is the world's largest exporter of pork, killing approximately 100,000 pigs a week to cater to the growing global demand for meat. Alastair Philip Wiper visited the company's abattoir in Horsens to capture a behind-the-scenes look at the entire process, starting at the pens where the pigs arrive and moving through the spaces where the animals are slaughtered, butchered and packaged for sale.
Now with more hedgehog!
Fact: Every bowl is super when there's ice cream in it.Not a football fan? Looking for alternatives to the Super Bowl? You're in luck, with Puppy Bowl! [more inside]
Pen & Oink
Pen & Oink Pen & Oink is a blog featuring modern and classic picture books, and interviews with children's book illustrators-- including lots of great images of their work and process. And there's some awesome doodles of pigs. [via mefi projects]
Pig Stickers
Someone in the Vermont prison system has been hiding a pig in the decals that inmates make for the state’s police cars. After only a few years, the cops just caught on. [YouTube].
But will it make people feel guilty when they play angry birds?
Angry Birds With FLIR
"We finally flew our first thermal camera flight yesterday afternoon. About 10 seconds after launch my co pilot looked at the screen and said something like, 'We now have our very own predator drone'" A rice farmer in Louisiana had a real problem, feral pigs were coming out of the woods at night, into the rice fields, tearing up his crops and causing thousands of dollars worth of damage. The only solution is to bring in hunters to shoot the pigs.
Hunting feral pigs in waist high rice plants, in the dead of night, is very difficult. You have to be within 10 feet of them to shoot them and it can take hours to stalk them down. So the farmer calls his brother, an Electronic Warfare engineer who flies RC airplanes as a hobby.
$5000 worth of electronics, including a $4500 infrared camera, are installed on a $80 model airplane, and the Dehogaflier is born!
Pork City
Christopher Walken reads Three Little Pigs on a British TV series in 1993.
War Pigs. Live. Heavy.
If you have work to do today, please consider doing that work before installing Angry Birds.
Release the pigs!
Angry Birds, the iPhone gaming sensation (and possible movie), is now available on Android for free in ad supported form. Not got a fancy phone? Maybe you can play the home game.
You Got My Pig In Your Tiger!
A tigress raised by pigs returns the favor. Cuteness ensues.
Pampered pigs 'feel optimistic'
Stormy the ferret dies from H1N1
Stormy the ferret has died. While the video accompanying that report claims dogs and cats are safe from H1N1 the Iowa Department of Public Health says otherwise. A cat in Iowa is confirmed with swine flu. Turkeys and pigs have also gotten it. The USDA is now releasing confirmed and presumptive cases in domestic animals (PDF).
Extremely Highbrow Baconmania
"Cochon 555 is a culinary event featuring 5 chefs, 5 pigs, and 5 winemakers in a friendly competition for a cause. Each chef will prepare a 70 pound heritage pig from head to toe for 200 enthusiasts." (flash site) [more inside]
Pass The Pigs
What's it like to work in a Slaughterhouse?
Slaughterhouse. A brutally honest look behind the scenes. Loads of blood, dead pigs and people inbetween. Recommended for the whole family for sunday dinner - if you like your sausages! [Google Video, NSFW, Not safe for veggies or PETA]
Inked Pork
Wim Delvoye makes art out of skin, filming it in extreme close-up, or, at his Art Farm in China, by tattooing pigs which are later stuffed or skinned. More images: 1, 2, 3, 4.
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