10 posts tagged with interspecies.
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Save the Whales -- All-Cetacean division
I don't care who's a good boy—back away from the baby, bud
When it comes to babies, dogs are quite protective [lots of barking]. Cats (with notable exceptions) are more about the snuggles [h/t Miss Cellania].
Koko the gorilla has pet kittens
Interspecies friendships? FUCK YEAH! KnowYourMeme has some better-known ones. The titular kittens.
(Interspecies love previously and previously.)
Primates this week
Why Biologists Care About A Macaque And Deer Caught On Camera In Rare Interspecies Mating Act - "An unexpected pair has been caught in flagrante delicto and scientists got it all on tape. Primate researcher Marie Pelé and colleagues published a surprising note in the journal Primates this week—the second documented case of distantly related species attempting to mate with each other."
Kumbali and Kago's First Snow
Horses nuzzling cats
Horse delicately nuzzling a cat | more nuzzling |mini horse nuzzling | paw nuzzling | nibbly nuzzler [music ] | possessive, wet nuzzle.
interspecies friendships
A girl and her dog play a board game together | a man and the goose who loves him | a girl and her lamb named Bee | a sheep and dog play tag |rabbit and cat (the aww at :58) | Snaggle Puss and baby bunny | duckling feeds carp. [more inside]
Neanderthal-Human Babies
Any admixture would have to be driven by male Neanderthals. Two years ago we discussed morphological evidence of nontrivial interbreeding. Since then Neanderthal DNA has been examined for genetic support for this model of human evolution, largely contradicting the belief in Neanderthal contribution to modern humanity. Indeed any contribution from the Neanderthal gene pool to the evolution of modern humans might be very rare and indeed it appears that the best candidate gene thus (MC1R) far likely was a result of convergent evolution. [more inside]
Sunday snuggles
Like Walt Kelly's Cowbirds in Pogo, they want "to share, to share what others have."