Geochemical Study of Trace Elements and In Situ S–Pb Isotopes of the Sachakou Pb–Zn Deposit in the Aksai Chin Region, Xinjiang
<p>Geographical location map (<b>a</b>), tectonic sketch map (<b>b</b>) (modified after Gao et al. [<a href="#B29-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">29</a>]), and geological and mineral resources map (<b>c</b>) (modified after Zhao et al. [<a href="#B16-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">16</a>]) of the Aksai Chin region.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Simplified geological map of the Sachakou Pb–Zn mining area (modified after Wang et al. [<a href="#B38-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">38</a>]).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The profile of exploration line 317 in the Sachakou Pb–Zn Mining Area (modified after Wang et al. [<a href="#B38-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">38</a>]).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Photographs of the Sachakou mining area and typical ore samples. (<b>a</b>) Overview of Pb–Zn ore belt III. (<b>b</b>) Contact boundary between silicified limestone and the silicified and limonitized fracture zone. (<b>c</b>) Banded Pb–Zn ore. (<b>d</b>) Brecciated quartz (S0) cemented by the Pb–Zn ore (S1). (<b>e</b>) Partially oxidized vein-type Pb–Zn ore (S1). (<b>f</b>) Fully oxidized vein-type Pb–Zn ore. (<b>g</b>) Vein-type stibnite ore (S2). (<b>h</b>) Pb–Zn ore (S2) cementing breccias of the Pb–Zn ore (S1) and siliceous rock fragments. (<b>i</b>) Sphalerite vein (S2) crosscutting a sphalerite vein (S1) and the siliceous rock. (<b>j</b>) Contact relationship between the Pb–Zn ore (S2) and the Pb–Zn ore (S3). (<b>k</b>) Vein-type Pb–Zn ore (S2). (<b>l</b>) Brecciated galena ore (S3). Cer—cerussite; Gn—galena; Gyp—gypsum; Lm—limonite; Qz—quartz; Sbn—stibnite; Smt—smithsonite; Sp—sphalerite.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Photomicrographs and BSE images of ore minerals from the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit. (<b>a</b>) Rhythmic banded Sp1 coexisting with Qz1. (<b>b</b>) Qz1 coexisting with Gn1 and Sp1. (<b>c</b>) Qz1 coexisting with Py1, Sp1, and Gn1, with smithsonite replacing Sp1 along fractures. (<b>d</b>) Qz1 and Sp1 crosscut by later-stage Qz2 and Sp2. (<b>e</b>) Gn2 filling fractures within Sp2 in the siliceous rock. (<b>f</b>) Sbn1 coexisting with Sp2, with euhedral Py2 developing along the boundary between Sbn1 and the siliceous rock. (<b>g</b>) Anglesite and cerussite replacing the edges of Gn3. (<b>h</b>) Cerussite replacing Gn3 (BSE); (<b>i</b>) Siderite coexisting with Sp3 and Gn3, with cerussite developing along the fractures within siderite and Gn3 (BSE). Ang—anglesite; Cer—cerussite; Gn—galena; Py—pyrite; Qz—quartz; Sd—siderite; Sbn—stibnite; Smt—smithsonite; Sp—sphalerite.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Mineralization stage division of the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Comparison of the sphalerite trace element concentrations using LA-ICP-MS in the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Representative time-resolved depth profiles of the sphalerite from the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit. (<b>a</b>) Flat signals indicating elements mainly hosted in the sphalerite lattice. (<b>b</b>) Abnormal peak signals suggesting the presence of micro-scale mineral inclusions.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Scatter plot of trace elements in the sphalerite from the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit. (<b>a</b>) Fe vs. Mn. (<b>b</b>) Fe vs. Co. (<b>c</b>) Fe vs. Ge. (<b>d</b>) Fe vs. Cd. (<b>e</b>) In vs. Sn. (<b>f</b>) Ni vs. Mn. (<b>g</b>) As vs. Ag.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Histogram of sphalerite mineralization temperatures in the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit, determined using a GGIMFis geothermometer.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Sulfur isotope histogram (<b>a</b>) and scatter plot (<b>b</b>) of the sulfides from the Sachakou Pb–Zn deposit and the surrounding area (Jurassic gypsum layer data from the research by Gao et al. [<a href="#B29-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">29</a>], Jia et al. [<a href="#B19-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">19</a>], Li et al. [<a href="#B58-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">58</a>]; Tang et al. [<a href="#B28-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">28</a>]).</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Pb isotope correlation diagrams of the galena from the Sachakou Pb–Zn Deposit. The <sup>207</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb versus <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb evolution diagram (base map from Zartman and Doe [<a href="#B69-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">69</a>]) is shown in (<b>a</b>), with a close-up view provided in (<b>b</b>); the <sup>208</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb versus <sup>206</sup>Pb/<sup>204</sup>Pb evolution diagram (base map from Zartman and Doe [<a href="#B69-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">69</a>]) is shown in (<b>c</b>), with a close-up view provided in (<b>d</b>); (<b>e</b>) ∆β versus ∆γ tectonic environment classification diagram (base map from Zhu [<a href="#B67-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">67</a>]). The stratigraphic Pb isotope data in (<b>a</b>–<b>e</b>) are cited from Jia et al. [<a href="#B19-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">19</a>] and Zhou [<a href="#B66-minerals-15-00271" class="html-bibr">66</a>]. 1—mantle-derived lead; 2—upper crustal lead; 3—subduction zone lead with a mixture of upper crustal and mantle-derived lead (3a—magmatism; 3b—sedimentation); 4—chemically precipitated lead; 5—seafloor hydrothermal lead; 6—medium- to high-grade metamorphic lead; 7—high-grade lower crustal lead; 8—orogenic belt lead; 9—ancient shale upper crustal lead; 10—retrograde metamorphic lead.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Regional Geology
3. Deposit Geology
4. Sampling and Analytical Methods
4.1. In Situ Trace Element Analysis of Sphalerite
4.2. In Situ Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Sulfides
4.3. In Situ Lead Isotope Analysis of Sulfides
5. Analysis Results
5.1. Trace Element Composition
5.2. In Situ Sulfur Isotopes
5.3. In Situ Lead Isotopes
6. Discussion
6.1. Trace Element Distribution Characteristics and Implications for Mineralization Temperature
6.2. Sulfur Sources
6.3. Lead Sources
6.4. Genetic Type of the Deposit
7. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Zhao, X.; Li, N.; Fan, T.; Sun, J.; Sui, Q.; Zhang, H.; Guo, Z.; Wusiman, J.; Weng, K.; Chen, Y. Geochemical Study of Trace Elements and In Situ S–Pb Isotopes of the Sachakou Pb–Zn Deposit in the Aksai Chin Region, Xinjiang. Minerals 2025, 15, 271.
Zhao X, Li N, Fan T, Sun J, Sui Q, Zhang H, Guo Z, Wusiman J, Weng K, Chen Y. Geochemical Study of Trace Elements and In Situ S–Pb Isotopes of the Sachakou Pb–Zn Deposit in the Aksai Chin Region, Xinjiang. Minerals. 2025; 15(3):271.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhao, Xiaojian, Nuo Li, Tingbin Fan, Jing Sun, Qinglin Sui, Huishan Zhang, Zhouping Guo, Jianatiguli Wusiman, Kai Weng, and Yanjing Chen. 2025. "Geochemical Study of Trace Elements and In Situ S–Pb Isotopes of the Sachakou Pb–Zn Deposit in the Aksai Chin Region, Xinjiang" Minerals 15, no. 3: 271.
APA StyleZhao, X., Li, N., Fan, T., Sun, J., Sui, Q., Zhang, H., Guo, Z., Wusiman, J., Weng, K., & Chen, Y. (2025). Geochemical Study of Trace Elements and In Situ S–Pb Isotopes of the Sachakou Pb–Zn Deposit in the Aksai Chin Region, Xinjiang. Minerals, 15(3), 271.