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Sunday, August 31, 2003

Moral Clarity

Bush on gays:

Maxey said Bush once took him aside to draw a line between his personal relationships and his politics.

"He pulled me over really close, almost nose-to-nose, and said, 'Glen, I like you as a person. I respect you as a human being. I want you to know that what I say publicly about gay people doesn't apply to you,'" Maxey recalled in a telephone interview.

Maxey, who was angered by Bush's opposition to gay adoption, said he replied, "Governor, when you say that a gay person is not fit to be a parent, you're talking about me."

I'm sure we can look forward to the spin on this being "See! Bush isn't against gays! He just exploits anti-gay bigotry to obtain power!" as if that makes it better somehow.

When in doubt...

obsess about the Clenis.

But, regardless of the failures of the Clinton administration - real, imagined, or simply made up - the question is, what did the Bush administration do?

Some Harsh Words

From the normally mild-mannered man from (shudder) O.C.

Unconventional Wisdom on Clark

I like Wesley Clark. Given what I know about him I'd probably like him as a president, and I think it's possible that given enough time and organization in an alternative universe he could be a strong general election candidate.

But, I'm going against what seems to be the opinon of people like Gene Lyons, Joe Conason, Robert Kuttner, and others, who think that at the very least a Clark primary entrance will shake up the primary. I really don't think Clark's running will have much more impact on the overall primary - both the process and outcome - than if I threw my hat into the ring.

Note that this isn't my wish - as I've said I think he could possibly make a good general election candidate if he managed to get there. I just think he's an "insider's outsider." Unlike other Former Generals, like Ike or Powell, Clark hasn't built up any kind of national brand.

Anyway, I don't really care if I'm wrong on this one. I do think he's a little bit of white knight candidate for people, which I don't think is such a good thing if I'm *right*, but if I'm wrong it matters not one bit.

This Is Creepy From Start to Finish

Through the goddamn Looking Glass we've gone:

Posner elaborates in startling detail how U.S. interrogators used drugs—an unnamed "quick-on, quick-off" painkiller and Sodium Pentothal, the old movie truth serum—in a chemical version of reward and punishment to make Zubaydah talk. When questioning stalled, according to Posner, cia men flew Zubaydah to an Afghan complex fitted out as a fake Saudi jail chamber, where "two Arab-Americans, now with Special Forces," pretending to be Saudi inquisitors, used drugs and threats to scare him into more confessions.

Yet when Zubaydah was confronted by the false Saudis, writes Posner, "his reaction was not fear, but utter relief." Happy to see them, he reeled off telephone numbers for a senior member of the royal family who would, said Zubaydah, "tell you what to do." The man at the other end would be Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, a Westernized nephew of King Fahd's and a publisher better known as a racehorse owner. His horse War Emblem won the Kentucky Derby in 2002. To the amazement of the U.S., the numbers proved valid. When the fake inquisitors accused Zubaydah of lying, he responded with a 10-minute monologue laying out the Saudi-Pakistani-bin Laden triangle.

Zubaydah, writes Posner, said the Saudi connection ran through Prince Turki al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, the kingdom's longtime intelligence chief. Zubaydah said bin Laden "personally" told him of a 1991 meeting at which Turki agreed to let bin Laden leave Saudi Arabia and to provide him with secret funds as long as al-Qaeda refrained from promoting jihad in the kingdom. The Pakistani contact, high-ranking air force officer Mushaf Ali Mir, entered the equation, Zubaydah said, at a 1996 meeting in Pakistan also attended by Zubaydah. Bin Laden struck a deal with Mir, then in the military but tied closely to Islamists in Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (isi), to get protection, arms and supplies for al-Qaeda. Zubaydah told interrogators bin Laden said the arrangement was "blessed by the Saudis."

Jack Shafer, Idiot

So, I was hunting around for Jack Shafer's recent idiocy equating Sean Hannity with Joe Conason, when I came across this article about Donahue. It's amazing one can write an entire article about why Phil Donahue was doomed to failure on MSNBC without mentioning one key fact... PHIL DONAHUE WAS THEIR HIGHEST RATED GODDAMNED show.

One of Shafer's brilliant observations is that cable news audiences skew right... MAYBE THAT'S BECAUSE CABLE NEWS SKEWS RIGHT.

And, since MSNBC'S RATINGS have FALLEN ACROSS THE BOARD since FIRING DONAHUE, maybe there's a lesson there, eh Jackie boy? Maybe MSNBC's little marketing plan ain't so hot? Maybe if they'd stuck 2 more liberals alongside Donahue, in addition to not forcing him to put on so many D-list conservatives on, their ratings would have gone up.

Where's Shafer's column about what a mistake it was to continue to emloy Chris Matthews, or their strategic blunder in hiring Joe Scarborough now that their ratings have dropped?
Sorry for the caps, you know what it takes to get through to idiots.

And I don't even like Phil Donahue.

Jeebus. Someone get me a Slate column, so I can get paid for being this stupid.

Two Dead in Afghanistan

Remember that.

EPA Lies, Whitman's Husband's Company Saves Money


In her first interview since the release of the report, Whitman tells NEWSWEEK that she did not object when the White House edited out cautionary notes by EPA scientists. “We didn’t want to scare people,” she said, explaining that spikes in asbestos readings tended to return quickly to acceptable levels. She believes that much of the data were open to interpretation, and that the public wasn’t harmed by the White House’s decision to adopt the more reassuring analysis. But New York Sen. Hillary Clinton is calling for an investigation, saying she knows how the White House works and that somebody surely leaned on the EPA to lie. “We were not told to lie,” says Whitman.

What, scare them into taking precautions like trying to keep their LITTLE KIDS AWAY FROM THE GROUND ZERO AREA AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE?

EPA’s former ombudsman said soon after 9/11 that Whitman had a conflict of interest because of her husband’s connection to Citigroup, which owns Travelers Insurance. By pronouncing lower Manhattan safe, critics say, Whitman saved the insurance giant millions in cleanup costs. Whitman was cleared of the conflict by the EPA inspector general. “There’s no way in hell—excuse my language—that I would ever, ever play games with this kind of information.”


According to the folks at Usenet, the Boss plugged Al Franken's book at his concert last night.

I used to like Bruce Springsteen back when he was playing music, but now that he's become more political I think he's just shrill.-Random MBF

R. Robot

Make sure to check out R. Robot, the right wing pundit-bot, from time to time.

69% Want UN in Charge

God what a bunch of America haters. Even a majority of Republicans feel this way.

(link thanks to Arthur Silber)

More on Arnie and US English

From Nathan Newman.

...and Body and Soul.

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Friedman vs. Friedman

August 20, 2003, NYT
No Time to Lose in Iraq

"Everyone has advice now for the U.S.: bring in U.N. peacekeepers, bring in the French. They're all wrong. There are only two things we need: more Americans out back and more Iraqis out front."

August 31, 2003, NYT
Policy Lobotomy NeededBy THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN

"Our Iraq strategy needs an emergency policy lobotomy. President Bush needs to shift to a more U.N.-friendly approach, with more emphasis on the Iraqi Army (the only force that can effectively protect religious sites in Iraq and separate the parties), and with more input from Secretary of State Colin Powell and less from the "we know everything and everyone else is stupid" civilian team running the Pentagon.

There is no question that we would benefit from a new U.N. mandate that puts U.S. forces in Iraq under a stronger U.N. umbrella."

I don't even know what this whole "lobotomy" metaphor means...

(thanks to antiphone)


Press gaggle:

On Tuesday, the President will participate in the presentation of the first game football of the 2003 NFL season. The commissioner of the NFL and representatives of the Washington Redskins and the New York Jets will be on hand in the Oval Office to present him with the traditional game ball of the first game.


Q Claire, how old is this tradition of the first game football of the 2003 NFL season?

MS. BUCHAN: I don't know. I think it's been done before.


Every time I mention Charles Murray I get the standard flow of people who think Murray is just peachy. And, every time I have to trot out a bunch of critiques.


Here's one from Thomas Sowell, conservative.

Here's an excerpt of one from conservatarian Nobel Prize winning economist James Heckman.

Here's one from Digby, of Hullabaloo, which really gets at the not at all subtle subtext which the more academic critics were too polite to notice. And more here.

Defend Murray and the Bell Curve and show yourself to be a fool, a bigot, or both.

U.S. English

Arnold Schawrzenegger is on the board of U.S. English. The co-founder of the group is John Tanton, who once circled this Murrayesque memo to his fellow travelers:

"In this society, will the present majority peaceably hand over its political power to a group that is simply more fertile," Tanton wrote in his 1988 memo. "Can homo contraceptives compete with horno progenitivo if our borders aren’t controlled. . . .Perhaps this is the first instance in which those with their pants up are going to get caught by those with their pants down. As whites see their power and control over their lives declining, will they simply go quietly into the night? Or will there be an explosion."

That was enough to get Walter Cronkite and Linda Chavez to resign. Not Arnold.

About three months ago U.S. English hired James Lubinskas, an assistant editor of American Renaissance, white supremacist magazine. This apparently caused David Horowitz to leave the board, (despite that fact that Lubinskas seems to have been frequently published in Front Page Magazine). But, not Arnold.

Another week...

..another Adam Nagourney article about how the Democrats can't win.

FERC Labor Day Coverup

Ah, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop this weekend. None of the other Friday afternoon surprises were that big of a deal:


Federal regulators filed motions to dismiss claims that utilities illegally manipulated the power market to profit during California's power crisis, and a federal court judge dismissed seven class-action lawsuits that accused Duke Energy and other defendants of manipulating energy prices.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission attorneys filed motions Friday to dismiss claims against more than a dozen public and private companies in an investigation into manipulation of the state's power market. They included city-owned utilities in Los Angeles, Anaheim, Pasadena, and Riverside.

A question

How many Republicans have condemned the American Enterprise Institute, home to Charles Murray, purveyor of racist pseudo-science and propganda. How many have condemned the Hoover Institute and the National Review for housing trash-spewing bigot Dinesh D'Souza?

In fact, the Hoover Institute is now advising Arnold Schwarzenegger. From this, can we conclude that he supports D'Souza's view that slavery was not actually a racist institution?

What can we conclude about Lynne Cheney, David Frum, and Michael Ledeen? All current or former Fellows of the AEI, where the racist Charles Murray is supported and coddled? Why have they not denounced this man?

Kill The Babies, Save the Fetus

This is the logic of the "gag rule."

Sick people, truly sick.

A Modest Proposal

Viceroy Schwarzenegger, Lord High Everything Else of Iraq.


March 17,2003:

"Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraqi regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."


Can't they do anything right?

Air Force Academy Rapes

David Cullen's been pointing out that the rape/attempted rape statistics at the Air Force Academy are lower than for the general college population. He's right, despite the Roiphean attempts to claim otherwise.

I think it is a fair media criticism. My guess is the failure of the media to properly contextualize these statistics is due to a) hyping a big story and b) the memories of the wingnut howls when anyone dares point out the Very High incidences of college rape.

On the other hand, though, the Air Force Academy isn't just any institution. It isn't just any elite institution. It's a place where the best and brightest are trained for military careers, and where a high degree of discipline is thought to exist. It's fair for people to be shocked about these "high" numbers even if the numbers are "less high" than one finds elsewhere.

In addition, the scandalous part of this scandal was the failure of the school's administration to deal with complaints when they were made, and to actually discipline the victims.

Is the Air Force Academy being held to a higher standard? Well, perhaps, but I'm not sure that's entirely unreasonable. Should the media provide better context? Yes, as usual.

Hire Jesse

Dear Sir or Madam:

Jesse Taylor is a highly intelligent graduate of a top liberal arts college. His writings on his weblog, Pandagon, over the past couple of years clearly demonstrate a broad and nuanced understanding of history, current events, and contemporary politics, as well as an ability to smash his debating opponents into pulp. Your newspaper/think tank/policy research firm/lobbying company/political party would be insane not to take advantage of this opportunity to hire him.

Love and kisses,


Friday, August 29, 2003

As Only the Poor Man Can...

The Poor Man finds some disturbing things about the Republican party. Shocking stuff.

On a more serious note, when did Republicans and conservatarians start "playing the race card." Odd that the only bigotry they ever seem to find is bigotry against overprivileged white guys. Odd, that.

Anyway, as a wise man once said "Sure, you can criticize ____ without being anti-_____. But when you criticize _____ for things you ignore in others, it raises certain doubts."


Turkey is not a Muslim Country

CNN keeps referring to it, in the context of countries that might send troops to Iraq, as a Muslim country. Yes, Turkey has a lot of Muslims, as the US has a lot of Christians. Turkey is not a Muslim country anymore than the US is a Christian country - in some ways less.

Cheney Makes False Statement to Congress

No blowjob involved. Press snoozes, dreams of the Arnis.


David Rosnick at CEPR takes a deeper look at the Department of Education propaganda.

Pierce at Altercation


And, of course, nowhere in the SCLM is it mentioned that a good number of the “activists” — CNN’s term of art — who’ve gathered to prostrate themselves are the kind of folks who believe that things went bad wrong after Appomattox. Probably ought to have mentioned that in all the soft-focus reverie regarding the 40th anniversary of Martin’s Big Speech. However, a couple hundred thousand antiwar marchers get tagged with a few dozen unreconstructed Stalinist gobshites.

That SCLM...

Dueling Rock Stars

Kerry taps Moby and Dean taps Dave Matthews.

Joe Lieberman is desperately trying to track down Tatu's phone number...

No More Dead After March

Can this be true?

Perhaps the only hope lies in the story going around town that President Bush has told the Pentagon he wants "no more American dead" after next March. By then, the electoral campaign will be well under way, and perhaps zealotry will give way to reality--or at least to a change in administration.


Pretty please.

Indicted ex-Enron Treasurer Ben Glisan Jr. is negotiating a plea bargain and cooperation agreement with federal prosecutors.

Glisan, one of the highest ranking Enron officials before he was fired for his involvement in a side-deal, is charged with two dozen counts of money laundering, fraud and conspiracy. His charges are part of a 109-count indictment against Glisan, former Enron Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow and former Enron executive Dan Boyle.

"When Glisan flips, this could be a bloodbath," said one lawyer familiar with the Enron investigation. Glisan was installed as Enron treasurer in 2000 and was known as a protege of both Fastow and ex-CEO Jeff Skilling.

Glisan's Washington, D.C.-based attorneys, Henry Schuelke and William Shields, met behind closed doors Tuesday with three Enron Task Force prosecutors and U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt. Such a meeting, especially without counsel for co-defendants, is often a prelude to a cooperation agreement. The judge has made public the broad topics of two other secret conferences in this case, but his public notes on the Glisan meeting did not say why they met.

Don't get depressed now.

What Will We Tell the Children?

Back when Monica Madness was in full swing, our prudish press and right wing scolds kept wondering out loud how they would explain to their children what a blow job was, now that Bill Clinton made Ken Starr write his little book of pornography they kept putting on the front pages.

How will we explain "group sex" to them?

Should We Stay or Should We Go

I'm of two minds on this, frankly. Sure, the "we broke it we bought it" logic seems sound, but that only makes sense if our continued presence is actually good for "the Iraqi people." I put that in quotes because despite the platitudes and mixed metaphors rolling off of Tom Friedman's tongue, presumably our continued presence may be good for some Iraqis and less good for others and there is no single metric one can use to determine this.

But, anyway, I tend to suspect our continued presence won't actually be good for "the Iraqi people." Whistle-Ass and the crew don't have a clue. So, I could spend my time doing what the left wing and well-meaning right wing hawks keep telling me to do, and uselessly try to lobby to "make things better," while knowing full well Wolfowitz of Arabia isn't going to do anything that might actually make things better. Or, I can simply say it's time to get the hell out. Note, getting out really implies that the UN would move in and take over one way or another so it isn't about letting chaos take over.

I say we go.

Just one more thought - the other disturbing argument for why we need to stay and prove we can do it right is the old chestnut about our national pride, or our world stature, or our moral integrity, or whatever. Look, we already threw that shit out the window. No need to make it worse.

Tort Reform

Is your penis only worth $250,000?

DALLAS (Reuters) - An out-of-court settlement has been reached in the case of a North Texas man who woke up from bladder surgery only to find that doctors had amputated his penis without permission, lawyers said on Thursday.

Terms of the out-of-court settlement were not disclosed but Hurshell Ralls, 67, had been seeking over $5 million in a civil suit he filed in Wichita Falls, Texas, against the two doctors who removed his penis. They did not admit to any wrongdoing in the settlement.

The hospital where the surgery was performed was also named in the suit.

Ralls' attorney Steve Briley said that his client was having surgery in 1999 to remove a cancerous bladder, which would likely include the removal of his prostate gland.

He contends that doctors removed Ralls' penis after they mistakenly thought the cancer had spread to the male sex organ. He charged the doctors -- John S. Dryden and Farid Khoury -- with not seeking consent for the penis amputation and negligence.

snip snip...

The 26 Year Rule

I don't care how many orgies Arnold participated in during the 70s. But, the media keeps telling me that what he did when he was 29 years old shouldn't be relevant. I look forward to that standard being applied to Democrats.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation with Iraq?"

Approve 57, Disapprove 41.

Campbell Resigns

Score 1 for the BBC.

Fun With Anagrams

George Walker Bush ----> beer keg lush go war

(thanks to reader jj)

TBTM vs. Fox News

No surprise who wins.

Can't Find it Damnit!

OKay, I'm really annoyed. I wasted about half an hour skimming the Worst Book Ever Written, Tom Friedman's the Lexus and the Olive Tree, trying to track down a particularly striking quote which I think provides a perfect representation of the man's twisted psyche. I failed. It's in there somewhere, but the brain was going to explode if I had to read any more of those words.

But, anyway, somewhere in that pile of poop Friedman says something along the lines of "When the economies of Mexico, Brazil, South Korea, Indonesia, and Thailand collapsed I was thankful. Maybe they'll learn their lesson." Now, that wasn't the exact quote. I can't find the exact quote. But it's in there, it's something like that.

Of course, when economies collapse like that people go hungry, child prostitution and other kinds of exploitation thrive and, frankly, people die. Friedman was thrilled because it confirmed something about his muddled confused inconsistent world-view.

Why does anyone pay this guy?

UPDATE: Pete Guither finds it for me:

"I believe globalization did us all a favor by melting down the economies of Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Brazil in the 1990s, because it laid bare a lot of rotten practices and institutions in countries that had prematurely globalized."

On Track for a Record Month

Thanks to all the people, especially Britney and Madonna, who made it all possible.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

It's Beginning

Just a note to journalists out there. I know you were all afflicted with Clinton madness, what with him getting blowjobs and all. And, you didn't quite get your rocks off over that because he survived your little jihad, making you all look like idiots. And, hey, okay, you couldn't resist going after Gore after that. I mean, someone had to pay for your own mistakes after all.

But, now, it's time to get past all that. Maybe now you can wake up and notice how the Freeper Bone is connected to the... Drudge Bone. The Drudge Bone is connected to the.. Kaus Bone. The Kaus Bone is connected to the... Kurtz Bone... The Kurtz Bone is connected to the... Rush Bone... The Rush Bone is connected to the... Rove Bone... The Rove Bone is connected to the... Fox News Bone.

You have a choice. Each time they manufacture "outrage" simply by ringing Drudge's little red light, pulling a quote or event out of context (or simply making it up), and then spewing it out of 400 right wing media outlets simultaneously you can either be lazy and parrot them or you can investigate and trace the story yourselves.

Explain Something

We've been making well-publicized requests for additional soldiers from other countries while simultaneously claiming that we don't actually need more soldiers in Iraq.

UPDATE: Calpundit explores this in more depth.

Meeting Up

Just had a lovely dinner with one of my guest bloggers lambert strether. Two odd things - we'd actually met before without realizing it. And, we're both substitute gym teachers.

Strange coincidences.

But, more to the point, my invaluable guest bloggers have left me behind and gone out on their own - go check out corrente where leah, lambert, farmer, and tresy will be delighting you with all kinds of blogging goodness.

M&M Enterprises

The Iraqi blogger Riverbend tells us a lovely tale.

As May was drawing to a close, his manager told him that someone from the CPA wanted the company to estimate the building costs of replacing the New Diyala Bridge on the South East end of Baghdad. He got his team together, they went out and assessed the damage, decided it wasn’t too extensive, but it would be costly. They did the necessary tests and analyses (mumblings about soil composition and water depth, expansion joints and girders) and came up with a number they tentatively put forward- $300,000. This included new plans and designs, raw materials (quite cheap in Iraq), labor, contractors, travel expenses, etc.

Let’s pretend my cousin is a dolt. Let’s pretend he hasn’t been working with bridges for over 17 years. Let’s pretend he didn’t work on replacing at least 20 of the 133 bridges damaged during the first Gulf War. Let’s pretend he’s wrong and the cost of rebuilding this bridge is four times the number they estimated- let’s pretend it will actually cost $1,200,000. Let’s just use our imagination.

A week later, the New Diyala Bridge contract was given to an American company. This particular company estimated the cost of rebuilding the bridge would be around- brace yourselves- $50,000,000 !!

Big Babies

Doesn't the White House have anything better to do?

PARIS (AFP) - It seems US President George W. Bush (news - web sites) is not the only person in the White House who draws the line at the French sense of humour. His chef, Walter Scheib, also found the Gauls galling after being the target of a gag for French TV.

According to Le Parisien daily, Scheib was approached by a woman pretending to be French President Jacques Chirac's wife Bernadette with a request: Would he consider switching presidential pads to make hamburgers and pizzas for Jacques?

The answer, despite the brouhaha over "Freedom Fries", French wine boycotts and the small issue of working for a man Scheib's current boss has little time for, was "yes", the newspaper said.

But when he found out it was all a set-up for a popular Candid Camera-style programme called "On a Tout Essaye" (We've Tried Everything), Scheib grew furious.

He reportedly contacted the White House, which in turn called Chirac's office to demand that the embarrassing scene be cut from the TV show.

The newspaper said it appeared that the public network France 2 decided to bow to the request and avoid a diplomatic incident, but that the US administration had such a sour taste in its mouth it was asking for a formal apology from French officials.

Bring it On

The latest crap is that Bustamante is a bigot for having been involved with MEChA. Keep it coming guys - with this winning strategy you'll get him elected and shoot down the awful "racial privacy" ballot initiative.

Hint: California ain't just for white folk no more.


Brad DeLong has a long post about the benefit of having the choice of shopping at CostCo versus not having the choice. The alternative being Western Europe, where a lack of CostCo type places or large supermarkets force many consumers to purchase their, for example, meat at high cost boutique butcher shops.

What DeLong doesn't realize is he's making the argument that many critics of Walmart make, but in reverse. When Walmart hits an isolated small town, driving the local shops out of business, is it a good or a bad thing? Well, for people who would prefer to shop at Walmart it is a good thing. For the people who would prefer to shop in the now derelict town square, it is a bad thing.

No Costco/Walmart limits peoples choices, but often so does their presence.

Somewhat Busy

I do have to earn a living, after all...

WaPo Covers for Arnold

I did see CNN playing the whole clip, without comment:

On gay marriage, Schwarzenegger said: "I do support domestic partnerships." But he said he is against state-sanctioned unions for gays and lesbians. "Marriage should be between a man and woman," he said."

Triple Lindy

Apparently Saddam sent double agents to deliberately trick our useful idiots into believing he was dangerous

As evidence, officials say former Iraqi intelligence operatives have confirmed since the war that Saddam's regime sent "double agents" disguised as defectors to the West to plant fabricated intelligence. In other cases, Baghdad apparently tricked legitimate defectors into funneling phony tips about weapons production and storage sites.

But, the entire article is pretty much a mea culpa on the whole WMD thing. I look forward to all the apologies I will receive from people who accused me of supporting the destruction of the U.S.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The Joys of Capitalism


Sorry for the caps, but I think YELLING LOUDLY at STUPID PEOPLE might ACTUALLY HELP.

Halliburton, the company formerly headed by Vice President Cheney, has won contracts worth more than $1.7 billion out of Operation Iraqi Freedom and stands to make hundreds of millions more dollars under a no-bid contract awarded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, according to newly available documents.

Dude! Where's my DNA?

I haven't spent much time doubting whether Saddam's boys were really killed, as I honestly don't really care. But, it is odd that as far as I can remember, the DNA results haven't been published.

Freepers Respond to Arnold Orgy Article


To all:

Do not post the text of this "article" or even a link to it. It is inappropriate material for FR and will be deleted.



2 posted on 08/27/2003 4:01 PM PDT by Jim Robinson

Here's the article in question...

The Number of the Beast

Satan, overjoyed at the removal of the ten commandments from the courthouse rotunda, has caused the Dow Jones to close down 6.66 points.

(thanks to reader kw)

National Emergency


A national emergency has existed since September 11, 2001, that now includes Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Full statutory civilian pay increases costing 13 percent of payroll in 2004 would interfere with our Nation's ability to pursue the war on terrorism. Such increases would cost about $13 billion in fiscal year 2004 alone -- $11 billion more than the 2 percent overall Federal civilian pay increase I proposed in my 2004 Budget -- and would build in later years.

Such cost increases would threaten our efforts against terrorism or force deep cuts in discretionary spending or Federal employ-ment to stay within budget. Neither outcome is acceptable. Therefore, I have determined that a total pay increase of 2 percent would be appropriate for GS and certain other employees in January 2004...

...I will allocate 1.5 percent of the 2 percent total increase to an across-the-board increase under section 5303 of title 5, United States Code, and use the remaining 0.5 percent of payroll to continue the implementation of the locality pay program under section 5304. Our national situation precludes granting larger pay increases to GS employees at this time.

I suppose Bush sent this letter from the golf course.

See No Evil

Wesley Clark will be a war criminal and convicted pedophile by the end of the week, no doubt, but as reader pc points out this Weakly Standard hit job contains this amusing line:

On television, Clark speaks as if there were a public outcry for a change in leadership today, just as there was when Eisenhower was pressured into running for president in 1952. But Clark's analysis flies in the face of President Bush's approval ratings, which hover around 60 percent.

60% my ass.

Ten Commandments

I suppose I'd have a bit more sympathy for the Jeebofascists in Alabama if they actually seemed to pay attention to what was written on that rock they were worshipping.

"Get your hands off our God, God haters!" yelled the wildly gesturing, red-faced man.

Two down, eight to go...

And, as Nitpickper points out in the linked post, Fox news hates Jews and most Protestants.

And, while we're over there we also discover that Jack Shafer didn't read, or didn't understand, Joe Conason's book.

"Gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman"

Arnold, today. Go listen.

Poor Embarrassed Enron

Check out this bullshit:

A federal judge held two more closed hearings in the criminal case against Andrew Fastow and two other former Enron executives on Tuesday and refused to unseal the transcript of a July 28 hearing he also held in secret.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt said he might continue to close hearings if he thinks it necessary.

"There are matters that do not need to be discussed in public in ways that embarrasses or humiliates the government or the defense and particularly the court," he said.

Hoyt denied a motion by the Houston Chronicle to make public the record of the closed hearing in July and the two on Tuesday.

"Embarrassment is not an exception to the First Amendment," Chronicle Editor Jeff Cohen said. "With all due respect to the judge, we will continue to press him to open these hearings until he provides a better explanation."



Republicans, at least since the 1980 election, have gotten lots of mileage out of billing themselves as the party of competence. They knew how to deal with the Russkies. They understood a budget. They knew how to crack down on the crooks and hoodlums. They understood the bottom line, and they knew what was right for America. The Democrats, meanwhile, were supposedly more interested in their dainty little social-engineering schemes than in success. Lots of people bought all of this, and of course there was a little bit of truth to it -- then. But the labels stuck hard. Democrats still have to take dramatic steps to prove their competence while Republicans are presumed -- by the mainstream media, anyway -- to possess it until they demonstrate otherwise.

Well, guess what? They've demonstrated otherwise. No one -- no one -- can name a single front on which today's Republicans have shown even the simplest competence. They don't know how to manage an economy. They sure don't know how to balance a budget. They have no idea how to create jobs (though they do have a pretty strong sense of how to make them disappear). Their domestic-security measures have consisted of the usual emphasis on show over substance, first stealing a Democratic idea (the Department of Homeland Security) and then underfunding the result in some crucial respects -- a mistake for which I pray we never pay a price.


Jaime de Andrade

Well, I don't really know what one can say regarding the upcoming movie about the courageousness of dear leader as he bravely ran way.

The script was subsequently vetted by right-wing pundits Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, and Morton Kondracke. Chetwynd, whose vita includes such politically charged movies and telefilms as The Hanoi Hilton, The Heroes of Desert Storm, The Siege at Ruby Ridge, Kissinger and Nixon, and Varian's War, is a prominent Hollywood conservative—a veteran of the 1980 Reagan campaign who, after Bill Clinton's election 12 years later, was recruited by right-wing pop culture ideologue David Horowitz to set up the Wednesday Morning Club...

Enemy of my enemy of my friend of my enemy of...

OH I'm so confused now:

While Iran has not yet identified the source of the foreign help, evidence collected in Iran by the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency implicates Pakistani companies as suppliers of critical technology and parts, officials familiar with a U.N. investigation of Iran's program said yesterday. Pakistan is believed by many proliferation experts to have passed important nuclear secrets to both Iran and North Korea. Pakistan has denied providing such assistance."

Remedial Economics

Matthew Yglesias points us to a Matt Welch post praising the following paragraph of a California budget analysis.

The fact is, however, that if California were a large country, it could do what the federal government does. It could run large continuing deficits. The federal government finances its deficits with bonds that are promises to pay dollars in the future. Since the federal government ultimately can create dollars, it can honor these future commitments. For that reason, federal securities are top rated by security rating services such as Moody’s, Standard & Poors, and Fitch. California cannot create dollars, although its bonds are also promises to pay dollars in the future. Therefore, as it increases its debt, its securities are viewed as more risky. Large continuing deficits, particularly if they occur in the context of legislative paralysis, will result in a higher and higher interest rate to compensate lenders for greater risk of default. Eventually, such deficits can lead to a refusal to lend at all.

Actually, it would be more fair to say that federal securities are top rated because the ratings agencies believe the federal government would NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER pay its creditors by running off shiny new million dollar bills.

Treasury Bills are denominated in nominal terms, like cash. If the government starts printing wads of money to pay its debts, massive inflation - and massive nominal interest rate hikes - would follow. Creditors may get their money, but it won't be worth what they expected to get. Sure, technically the government can always avoid default this way, but they'd wreck the economy in the process. Though, an attempt to nudge the inflation rate up a few ticks to effectively lower the real cost of debt service by inflating some of it away is a very real possibility. The key is to nudge it up a few points without letting it get out of control... I would expect that conservatives, who for decades have been screaming about the evils of inflation, will shortly start informing us that it is a good thing.

Let's just hope that when they do, this isn't the result...

In other words, interest rates on T-Bills (And every other non-inflation linked bond) reflect both default risk and inflation risk. It is true that the federal government has little default risk (we hope), but it has the power* and the political motivation for increasing inflation. As deficits get larger and larger with little evidence that we plan to start increasing government revenues anytime soon, perceptions of increased inflation risk would drive up interest rates. As the 200 lb. gorilla that is the government continues to borrow, interest rates will also be driven up by simple supply/demand mechanisms.

*Diluted somewhat by the pseudo-independence of the Fed, but...

One more comment. It is true that the presumed lower default risk would tend to make federal securities more highly rated relative to all other domestic nominal securities. But, in the lovely world of international finance there are plenty of other places to put your money. So, expectations of inflation will also cause people to flee the dollar for assets in other currencies, further increasing inflation by increasing the cost of imports...

Dissent is Still Unpatriotic

According to the fascists over at the New York Post. Someone had better tell Toby Keith, quick!

Pop Quiz

Fill in the blank:

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, "If tax increases and cuts in Social Security, Medicare, defense, and homeland security are ruled out, achieving budget balance by 2008 would require cutting all remaining programs by ______ percent."

And the winner is, 41%!

The Rule of Law

Those wacky folks in Virginia don't seem to think Supreme Court decisions apply to them:

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- The U.S. Supreme Court's decision last June striking down the Texas sodomy law and other state laws that prohibit private, consensual relations between two adults is being cited as a means to declare as unconstitutional Virgnia's "felony solicitation" law.

A motion filed recently by attorney Jennifer Stanton and supported by the American Civil Liberties Union aims to stop widespread Virginia police sting operations set up in gay cruising areas.

Of immediate concern are indictments brought against 26 men who were arrested in a police sting operation at a Harrisonburg bookstore. The local district attorney Marsha Garst reasoned that since the law being enforced was to prevent what she termed "public sodomy" she was free to press the state's case against the men.

Virginia's law barring sodomy is a blanket prohibition of oral and anal sex, with no mention of the distinction between public and private. As sodomy is a felony in Virginia, invitation to engage in the behavior is read as criminal solicitation and prosecuted as such.

Now It Gets Interesting

Howard Dean is now the frontrunner by all measures, getting 38% in New Hampshire. Clearly, the other contenders now have to do something to get back in.

More Fair and Balanced

300 bigots and lunatics protesting around a carved rock, worthy of nonstop coverage. 100,000 people protesting a war, worthy of brief snide commentary.


Haha. I hope Fox News sues the author.

Shorter Thomas Friedman

A goo goo goo. A gaa gaa gaa.

Tuesday, August 26, 2003


The liberal New York Times printed this today:

Mr. Bush has never accused Iraq under Saddam Hussein of a direct role in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But he has said many times that Mr. Hussein and his followers are of the same ilk as Al Qaeda terrorists. He asserted again today that what is left of Al Qaeda - ``wounded yet not destroyed'' - knows that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein ``is a defeat for them.''

While Bush did never directly claim that Saddam had a direct role in the attacks of Sept. 11, he has sad far more than that they "are of the same ilk." He has claimed several times that they are active partners, such as this quote:

This is a man who we know has had connections with al-Qaida. This is a man who, in my judgment, would like to use al-Qaida as a forward army.

Conservative Math

The Wage Slave Journal catches Brit Hume thinking we have 34.5 million soldiers in Iraq.*

But, I'm glad all these noble chickenhawks keep telling us that the deaths in Iraq are just no big deal.

Where was Brit during Vietnam?

*Alternative interpretation: Iraqis aren't actually people.

Nevada Republicans to Start Recall Process

fun fun fun!

Shorter Stanley Kurtz

Inspired by CalPundit:

We face three options in North Korea: war, war, or war.

Would someone please just send a case of viagra and a truck full of hookers over to all of these guys' houses so they can work out whatever issues they have without killing millions of people.


Suppose I should visit Seoul before it's too late...

Rotating Officers and NCOs

I don't do much military strategery here, as what the hell do I know about it. But, Christian Bauman brings a pargraph from this Time article to our attention:

"...the Army is doing two things it has rarely done since the grim days of the Vietnam War. It has begun rotating officers and senior NCOs out of Iraq, which means replacing seasoned commanders with freshly arrived officers who don't know the country or the troops they are leading."

Christian has this comment:

This simple sentence would probably slide right by most folks reading the article. But any veteran would have to shudder. This "rotation" policy is one of those things that gets pointed to now as one of the huge failures of the US Army in Vietnam. It's something born of necessity, but leads to needless combat deaths (on both sides: our boys dying from incompetent leaders, and innocent civilians killed by scared newcomers).

In WWII, for example, entire units trained together, traveled together, then fought together. When time to rotate, they rotated out as a unit. It meant everyone was on the same page experience-wise; it meant foot soldiers had developed respect for their officers and vice versa; it meant you had something "extra" goading you to perform well (and intelligently)as a soldier: your comrades and officers were guys you knew and loved.

What happened in Vietnam is it became a machine, with privates to colonels and everyone in between rotating in and out like the breeze. It led to privates who had more experience (and more understanding of the enemy) than the lieutenants, captains, and colonels leading him. It's one of the biggest reasons pointed to for the high fragging rate in Vietnam.

It's scary to think this policy has been given new life. It's scarier to think it's not getting much attention.

This is a serious, serious issue tactically, and a massive sign of just how thin our army is stretched.

Oh No!

Ann Coulter spontaneously combusts.

Happy Women's Equality Day

The 19th amendment was ratified on this day in 1920.

George Bush, Little Coward

He's a big man when he's sending other people to die, but as TAPPED notes he's too frightened to stand up to a certain former exterminator from his own state:

It would actually be funny if it weren't so sad. The same president who smirkingly invites terrorists to "bring 'em on" is afraid of Tom DeLay. Which shows either that Bolten is spinning shamelessly or that DeLay is the true power in the Republican Party -- Tapped isn't sure which would be worse.

One Little Victory

Missouri Supremos rule death penalty for those who were minors at the time of their crime unconstitutional.

I'm against the death penalty, and would be regardless, but it would slip down my list of important issues if it were truly reserved for adult, mentally competent offenders with adequate counsel who were truly "the worst of the worst."

BBC vs. Blair

Kevin Drum, who has been following this more carefully than most, puts the latest troll poop in perspective.

God, one can waste an entire life debunking the latest right wing misrepresentations... I need a raise.

Why Does Toby Keith Hate America?

Better get this man some reprogramming:

As he sang the lyrics to his celebrated patriotic hit Sunday at Staples Center, red, white and blue confetti rained down on the curled brim of Toby Keith's cowboy hat and rocket-red pyrotechnics shot up past a video screen showing the Statue of Liberty. This was the Toby the crowd wanted and expected, the roadhouse patriot.

But a few hours earlier, in a hushed dressing room, it was a different Keith — one who talked about the increasingly onerous challenge of playing the uncomplicated man in complicated times.

Away from the firepower of the stage, this fighting man from Oklahoma said that he has decided to call a cease-fire in his ugly feud with the Dixie Chicks ("We had fun with it, but I'm just done with it"), that he still has lingering questions about the necessity of the war in Iraq ("Honestly, I'm still doing the math on that") and that he wonders whether the hit song, "(Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue) The Angry American," has typecast him ("People think I bang the war drum, and that's not me").

"Look, my stance is I pick and choose my wars. This war here [in Iraq], the math hasn't worked out for me on it. But I'm smart enough to know there's people smarter than me. [National security advisor] Condoleezza Rice, [Secretary of State] Colin Powell, George Bush — this is their job, and I have to trust in them. I support the commander in chief and the troops."

Keith took a long pause to consider his words, and then added: "I was for Afghanistan, 100%. We got struck and the Taliban needed to be exterminated, but this war here, in Iraq, I didn't necessarily have it all worked out. It didn't work out for me. I know a tyrant is gone and all of that, but whether it was our duty to go do that, well, I haven't figured that out."

Lowering Expectations

Viceroy Bremer I now says that Iraqi oil production will return to pre-war levels by October 2004.

Thanks to yankee doodle, who also notes that originally it was July 2003, then September 2003.

Must Listen Radio

Michelangelo Signorile will have William Donohue of the Catholic League on his show today. Should be entertaining.

PA GOP Wants to Draft Recall Legislation

Haha. Bring it on.

Officially a Disaster

You know, every since I started this blog I'd occasional make reference to the fact that things weren't going well in Afghanistan, which was also of course some of the reason I couldn't hop on board Thomas Friedman's Grand Iraq Crusade. Inevitably, I'd be chastized for my American hating ways by some right winger who was convinced that the machinery to pave the streets with gold was just about to arrive. It's impossible to argue that Afghanistan isn't a officially a total disaster now. I guess the only consolation is that few bother to try anymore.

(via Dr. Josh Marshall, Ph.D)

Classic Music Recommendations

I'm going through my occasional "want some new music" phases. Recommendation? Things I tend to like include Dvorak, Brahms, Mahler.


Hey, someone's been reading blogs. Dana Milbank today:

Nobody ever said compassionate conservatives are colorblind. On the Bush '04 campaign's new Web site, there is a "photo gallery" feature for each of the president's policy priorities. In the "compassion" photo gallery, 16 of the 20 shots feature Bush with non-white faces (the other four are studies of Bush). By contrast, all 16 of the photos in the "environment" gallery display what appear to be white complexions.

Kos, August 20:

Hey everyone, check out Bush's definition of "compassion".

Apparently, it means talking to black people

I Don't Understand How Negroes Think

Is what Bush is saying here:

"I don't understand how poor people think," and appealed to him for help by calling himself "a white Republican guy who doesn't get it, but I'd like to.

Another View on Torrance

Interesting Monstah gives us a different perspective on the case of Torrance Cantrell. I think she's a bit hard on people who quite rightly unequivocally condemned the church officials responsible for this, and I don't think I noticed all that many people condemning the mother herself. I agree with the basic point that secular society had failed this woman and her son. It's tough enough to handle having an autistic child when one is highly educated, high income, and with multiple care-givers in the home. It's another thing when, at least from what I've inferred from the not all that complete news reports, you're a single parent of more modest means and education. The difficulty and despair would lead most people to latch onto anything or anyone who promised they could help.

The state has a role in making sure children are provided for. The inability or failure of parents to do so is not the fault of the children.

North Korea

This situation is totally FUBAR. I never thought I'd have to hope that the Dear Leader running North Korea is more sane than the Dear Leader running our country.

New Tunes

You can listen to Warren Zevon's forthcoming album here.

And, you can buy it here!
(via the Sideshow).
And, while we're talking tunes, Johnny Cash's cover of NIN's "Hurt" is really cool.

Public Financing

The Bush cunning plan:

Bush Inc. has said the campaign won’t abide by spending caps during the primary, but will during the general election.

(The Federal Election Commission distributes matching funds for the primary, and a straight-up grant for each eligible major-party candidate in the general election.)

The Bush plan sounds innocuous, since he doesn’t face anyone significant in the primary.

But the trick is the primary period doesn’t end until the candidate is officially nominated.

And the RNC pushed the nomination all the way to Sept. 2, past the traditional August date for the incumbent party.

Since Bush is aiming to raise upwards of $200M for the "primary," he can dump all of that during the winter, spring and summer.

Then, scoop up about $74M of taxpayer cash in the general election grant.

That’s a blatant bastardization of the system (though it produces no dismay, only jaw-dropping awe, from the political press corps.)

Neal Pollack Interview

In mediabistro.

Buy his book. Every time you don't, the baby Jeebus cries.

You Can't Guard a Pipeline

Look, the way to strive for a long term peace in the Middle East isn't to route half of Iraq's oil to Israel. Besides, mean time to failure of that pipeline would be about 13 seconds. Josh Marshall notes that apparently this all part of some cunning plan to piss of Turkey.

I'm so glad the grownups are in charge.

BBC for Free

Aside from the general coolness of it, one would hope that the idea that the BBC will put its entire archive online for free will also be a cataylst for a reevaluation of the recent assaults on the public domain.

Obstruction of Justice

I remember back when Clinton rules were operating, simply talking to the press was considered to be obstruction of justice by Ken Starr. How times have changed.

Eschaton Assignment Desk

Joseph Wilson made a not too thinly veiled accusation that Karl Rove was the one who told Novakula that his wife was a CIA op. Whether or not he is correct, it's time at the very least for a journalist to ask the question.

I mean, it isn't as nearly as important as the time the Clintons fired some political appointees they were completely entitled to fire, but still.

Here's what Wilson said:

At the end of the day, it's of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs. And trust me, when I use that name, I measure my words.

Arnold vs. Arnold

Well, that didn't take long:

Early in the Schwarzenegger campaign:

"I will never attack. I will never talk about anyone. I will just think about our program and our mission ... Why worry about someone else? It's not my style."
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Aug 21, 2003

Two days later the Los Angeles Times Poll was published, showing Arnold 13 points behind Cruz Bustamante:

"Bustamante is Gray Davis with a receding hairline and a mustache."
Arnold Schwarzenegger

Aug 25, 2003

And, here's one for the libertarians:

'My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it,' he once explained. 'People need somebody to watch over them.... Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave.'

Monday, August 25, 2003

Dirty Dossier

Looks like Blair and Campbell were actively pressing for a sexier dossier.

Aug. 25 (Bloomberg) -- U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair asked for a claim that Saddam Hussein could make an ``improvised nuclear device'' within months be put back into a dossier days before its publication, the Financial Times said, citing documents published by a probe into the death of a scientist.

John Scarlett, the head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, refused on the grounds that there was no supporting intelligence, the paper reported.

``The prime minister . was worried about the way you have expressed the nuclear issue . can we not go back, on timings, to 'radiological device' in months?'' Blair's head of communications, Alastair Campbell, wrote to Scarlett in an e- mail, according to the newspaper.

Not long ago that Campbell was claiming he never used email.

3 Years to Graduation

Florida has introduced an express graduation plan.


They suffocated him.

Liberal Radio Moving Ahead


A fledgling liberal talk-radio network launched by a Chicago venture capitalist hoping to counter the genre's rightward tilt is close to agreements that will put it on the air in at least seven cities, including Chicago.
AnShell Media LLC, named for financier Sheldon Drobny and his wife, Anita, is wrapping up affiliation deals with stations here and in New York; Los Angeles; Boston; San Francisco; Boise, Idaho, and Albuquerque, N.M. AnShell CEO Jon Sinton wouldn't identify the stations, but said he expects to announce the deals this week.


DraftWesleyClark.com had Zogby do a poll for them. Here's the press release and here's a link to the full .pdf poll analysis.

Some of it is a bit rigged - some questions are asked after providing bio info, which is pretty stacked in Clark's favor.

But, the most interesting are the Dem candidate matchups. Dean's at 16.6%, Gephardt's at 11, Lieberman's at 10.1, Kerry's at 9.4, Clark gets 4.9, and then there's the rest of the gang.


The lunatics in Alabama are doing their best to pretend the 14th amendment doesn't exist and that therefore the Establishment Clause on limts the power of Congress. Maybe they need to read their own constitution:

Religious freedom.
That no religion shall be established by law; that no preference shall be given by law to any religious sect, society, denomination, or mode of worship; that no one shall be compelled by law to attend any place of worship; nor to pay any tithes, taxes, or other rate for building or repairing any place of worship, or for maintaining any minister or ministry; that no religious test shall be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under this state; and that the civil rights, privileges, and capacities of any citizen shall not be in any manner affected by his religious principles.

Behind the Monument

David Neiwert tells who some of Judge Moore's big supporters are. .

Why No Coverage

At least 44 people are killed in a bombing in India and not a peep from CNN on it. What's the deal?
Okay, Lou Dobbs just mentioned it and people said it was a bigger story this morning but I was just remembering back to the 24/7 coverage of the Bali bombing.

Torture Wolf


Irony Overload

Rumsfeld - "Iraqi people must take control of their country."

That Liberal Media

Yet another fine example:

If President Bush suffers because it turns out he took the country to war on false pretenses, he might look back on stories by Walter Pincus for drawing first blood.

On March 16, the eve of war, Pincus wrote in the Post that “U.S. intelligence agencies have been unable to give Congress or the Pentagon specific information” about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

At the time, the Bush White House was telling the world that America had to invade Iraq to root out weapons of mass destruction. Pincus quoted sources saying that there was “a lack of hard evidence.” And they also said the White House had “exaggerated intelligence” to back up its drive toward war.


Yet the Post buried Pincus’s March 16 story on page A17. It took help from Bob Woodward to get the story published at all.

The story goes on to quote someone puzzled that the editors of the Post don't recognize Pincus's value. Why are people so stupid? They recognize his value, they just didn't like the story he was telling.


Harry over at Slyblog catches Chris Matthews falsely accusing Conason of an error.

The Race Tightens

That was how CNN headlined the recent poll showing Bustamante 13 points ahead of Arnold.


Lately I've seen a lot of people implying that after 9/11 there was substantial opposition to the campaign in Afghanistan. The latest is Daniel Drezner who says this:

On foreign policy issues, Bush will stick to policy positions even in the face of considerable public criticism. This swerved him very well in the Afghanistan war, when skeptics questioned the wisdom of attacking so soon after 9/11, and called for more boots on the ground when the initial bombing campaign seemed to produce meager results. The administration stayed the course on this, and was ultimately vindicated.

I know that during this time Andrew Sullivan had written his 50th column about the 5th column and there were of course some who questioned the wisdom of winning the hearts and minds of people in Afghanistan by bombing the shit out of them, but on what planet was there "considerable public criticism?"


The responsibility for the pointless deaths of numerous American soldiers isn't limited to the Bush administration. The journalists and editors and TV producers who skewed the coverage also have blood on their hands. I don't know how they sleep.

Eric Alterman, from 11/2002:

Reporters and editors who "protect" their readers and viewers from the truth about Bush's lies are doing the nation--and ultimately George W. Bush--no favors. Take a look at the names at that long black wall on the Mall. Consider the tragic legacy of LBJ's failed presidency. Ask yourself just who is being served when the media allow Bush to lie, repeatedly, with impunity, in order to take the nation into war.

A Momentary Lapse of Snark

Best wishes to Tbogg and his family in difficult times.


This story is just so horrible.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Donate to Bustamante


More Lies

So much for the Drones of Death:

Instead, these analysts believed the drones posed no threat to Iraq's neighbors or the United States, officials in Washington and scientists involved in the weapons hunt in Iraq told The Associated Press.

The official Air Force intelligence dissent is noted in the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq's weapons programs, parts of which were declassified last month as the Bush administration tried to defend its case for war.

"We didn't see there was a very large chance they (UAVs) would be used to attack the continental United States," Bob Boyd, director of the Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency, said in an AP interview. "We didn't see them as a big threat to the homeland."

I mean, duh. I can't track down the actual photo now, but this mockup below is even more threatening looking than the actual thing:

End of Racism

This interesting study of matched pairs of individuals applying for entry-level jobs comes up with a delightful result - whites with felony records have greater employment opportunities than blacks with clean records.

Of course, darling of the right Dinesh D'Souza will explain how this is all simply rational.

(via Nathan Newman)

AH, The Media


NYT media watcher Jim Rutenberg is preparing to root out a memorandum posted recently in the Fox News computer system: "The urge may seem irresistible to play off Arnold Schwarzenegger's acting career," Moody wrote. "Resist it. Otherwise the effect is often to belittle the candidacy of the front-runner for one of the most important offices in the U.S., and that's not fair and balanced. No more references to 'Conan,' 'Terminator,' and 'Kindergarten Cop' as shorthand for the candidate.... Certainly don't suggest he is part of a 'circus' or lump him in with novelty candidates" like Gary Coleman... Ask yourself if your clever turn of phrase is suggesting that Schwarzenegger's candidacy isn't a serious one. That's exactly the case his political opponents want to press. We need to play it down the middle."

Of course, he isn't actually the front runner, but facts schmacts...



Just go read the whole thing.

Lotsa Fun

As I've said a bunch of times, I'm a "whoever can win" person for the election. I haven't really decided who I think the best person for that job is yet. But, nonetheless, it's hard to not pay disproportionate attention to the Dean campaign because as TAPPED points out - it's just fun to watch.

It's hard to not get pretty enthused about pictures like this.


Big Media Matt wonders if one can get a decent one in D.C. I've been in Philly for over a year and I still haven't found a decent place to get bagels...help! Rumor is that, along with the WASPs, there are a few Jews running around here somewhere...

Joe and Josh Love Me!

Joke, but thanks for the plugs. (click the links to the right of the article)

Gay People Rule!

Reichen and Chip Win!

Lehmkuhl, 28, is a pilot, a graduate of the Air Force Academy, and a former Air Force officer who now runs a private charter airline called Tribe Airways. Arndt, 36, is a Yale and Harvard Business School graduate who is now a financial consultant specializing in funding entertainment projects.

God Hates America

Apparently it's alright to blame the events of 9/11 on America as long as it is based on sound Christian theology, otherwise it makes you a treasonous commie.

Naughty Superintendent

Naughty Naughty:

Last month Lambda Legal sued the Lubbock Independent School District for barring students from forming a Gay Straight Alliance on campus and recognizing it as a legitimate school club. It now appears the superintendent who wouldn’t allow the organization on school property was engaged in an ongoing extra-marital affair at that very location.

This week the CBS affiliate in Lubbock, CBS-13, revealed that Dr. Jack Clemmons, who suddenly and unexpectedly retired from the city’s schools in March, was engaged in a nearly one-year affair with one of his employees on school property and during school time.

Through an open records request for Dr. Clemmons’ e-mails, reporter James Clark found Clemmons and his lover left a series of messages on school computers, messages that by law are part of the public record. School officials asked the state attorney general to block that request. But eventually the attorney general ordered the schools to turn over the e-mails.

According to the Lubbock television affiliate, the e-mails revealed an on-going affair in graphic detail. On September 19, 2002, Clemmons’ employee wrote, “I will go put up mail around 2:45 meet me there so that maybe I can get one last quick kiss.” Dr. Clemmons replied, “I will be there. Be careful.”

Then in November the superintendent wrote, “You still need to learn my habits and intentions. Like when you ask what you will get if you come in my office and I tell you that you will get a kiss. You should know by now that I mean that I will begin by giving you a kiss but that it will soon lead to a xxxxxx and then I will make love to you if you are willing.”


And then on January 24, Clemmons made an unusual proposition, saying “I will give you an additional $500.00 ... If you will get totally naked with me here in the office. What do you think? I am serious. You would have to be naked and allow me to ‘play’ with your body!” The employee responded that same day “Forget it!!! You can keep your money!”

According to CBS-13, all of these communications took place on school computers and most on school time. The affiliate also reports that less than five hours after offering his employee money in exchange for sexual favors in his office, Clemmons stood in front of a TV camera to defend the school district abstinence-only sex education policy.

$500 Billion


The Congressional Budget Office will release new budget forecasts Tuesday that will put next year's red ink near $500 billion.

Mukhabaret's Back

Billmon discusses the fact that we're recruiting Saddam's old intelligence people.

As he points out, given suspicisions that the UN bombing was partially an inside job (not in the Instapundit tinfoil hat way), what the hell are we doing?

More on the Poll

Interesting. McClintock was way outpolling Simon.

Still, the righty vote, when aggregated, is bigger than the lefty vote.

There You Go

I haven't been parsing the minutiae of the BBC vs. Blair case, but this doesn't look particularly good for Campbell:

A STAGGERING 6000 pages of documents released yesterday afternoon by the Hutton Inquiry include e-mails from Number 10 and briefing papers that confirm Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s communications chief, had been actively involved in discussions on the compilation of the Iraq dossier with John Scarlett, chairman of the joint intelligence committee (JIC). Campbell wrote: “I had many discussions with the chairman of the JIC on presentational issues arising from the dossier and, in common with other officials, made drafting suggestions as the document evolved through various drafts.”
That contradicts the evidence he gave to the inquiry last week, when Campbell had been at pains to play down the role he and other officials played in compiling the dossier, stressing that it was essentially the work of the JIC. He had said that he had “no input, output or influence” on the dossier at any stage and that his own contributions had been “observations” rather than “suggestions” while e-mails from other officials commenting on the dossier had been no more than “office chatter”.


Cruz at 35%! Girly-man Arnold at 22%.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Clinton Hating

Irrational Bush hatred is limited to the far corners of the internet. Irrational Clinton hatred launched the careers of a thousand pundits and dominated the political discourse by politicians, journalists, and pundits alike for years.

David Neiwert has a long analysis of this.

And, hey, Josh - I still think there's a book here.

Friedman vs. Friedman

Swopa gives us some fun stuff:

Tom Friedman, August 24, 2003:

... this war is about Western powers, helped by the U.N., coming into the heart of their world to promote more decent, open, tolerant, women-friendly, pluralistic governments by starting with Iraq ...

Tom Friedman, June 4, 2003:

The "real reason" for this war, which was never stated, was that after 9/11 America needed to hit someone in the Arab-Muslim world.

And I seem to remember back in March he told us it was to save the poor little bunnies from the invading forces from Zarquon. Or something.

Jim Robinson Responds to Bush's Falling Re-Elect Numbers


More than half of Americans didn't vote for him the FIRST time. He was selected, not elected. Remember? Bwahahahhahaha.

Robinson is Der Fuhrer of Freeperville.

Shorter Tom Friedman

The American people and our allies must be willing to pay any price asked of them by the Bush Administration to improve the situation in Iraq even though the administration has clearly demonstrated that it is unable to do so.

In Their Own Words

Marty Connors, Alabama Republican Party Chairman:

Alabama needs to raise some revenue; there's no question about that, but this is not a tax increase any longer. This is a massive redistribution of wealth. We are the Republican Party -- of Alabama! If a Democrat had proposed this, we would be burning down cities.

Bush at 53

In Newsweek poll.

Against this backdrop, President George W. Bush’s approval ratings continue to decline. His current approval rating of 53 percent is down 18 percent from April. And for the first time since the question was initially asked last fall, more registered voters say they would not like to see him re-elected to another term as president (49 percent) than re-elected. Forty-four percent would favor giving Bush a second term; in April, 52 percent backed Bush for a second term and 38 percent did not.

As KB points out in comments, the numbers validate the recent Zogby poll.

Simple Simon Out

Though I believe he'll still be on the ballot. Hesiod, Kos, and I have all predicted Davis remains. Let's hope we're correct.

Kos thinks it transfers the wingnut vote to McClintock. He's probably right. Rush has done a 180 over Arnold and has started fawning over him, but I don't think that'll be enough.

Summer SPLC Intelligence Report

The SPLC has a few things to say about my old pal Robert Stacy McCain, assistant National Editor of the Moonie Times.

An avid poster on Internet discussion groups, McCain has aired strong personal views on these subjects. In December, New York Press media critic Michelangelo Signiorile published some of McCain's contributions to FreeRepublic.com, written under the pseudonym BurkeCalhounDabney. McCain asserted that the civil rights movement inspired “black criminality” by encouraging people to get arrested at demonstrations. “I am disturbed … by [Jesse] Jackson's idea that 'breaking white folks' rules' was somehow inherently just,” McCain wrote. “If rules were to be broken merely because they were the work of white folks, then hasn't Jackson gone a long way toward explaining the explosion of black criminality that began in the 1960s?”

Signiorile, who was alerted by a reader to McCain's postings, told the Intelligence Report he was “amazed” by what he found. In one posting, McCain suggested that Harvard University president Lawrence Summers be “persecuted and run out of town” for supporting gay rights. In another, McCain gave his take on interracial relationships: “[T]he media now force interracial images into the public mind and a number of perfectly rational people react to these images with an altogether natural revulsion,” McCain wrote. “The white person who does not mind transacting business with a black bank clerk may yet be averse to accepting the clerk as his sister-in-law, and THIS IS NOT RACISM, no matter what Madison Avenue, Hollywood and Washington tell us.”

Shortly after Signiorile's story appeared, and McCain's extremist views began to circulate around journalistic and political circles, every posting by BurkeCalhounDabney was deleted from FreeRepublic.com.


“[A]s a working journalist with years experience,” McCain once wrote on the League's DixieNet Web site, “I am well aware of how reporters can subtly frame their stories to suggest which side in any controversy is in the right.” McCain's stories for the Times often display this expertise, relying on sources from hate groups without acknowledging the controversial nature of their views - and immediately shooting down any opposing viewpoints, like those of the NAACP leader in McCain's story on Dixie-loving as a “hate crime.”

If McCain's not-so-subtle framing of the news has raised eyebrows around the Times' newsroom, it doesn't appear to have affected the kinds of stories he's assigned to write. In 2000, when African-American writer Lerone Bennett Jr. published a controversial book accusing Abraham Lincoln of being a racist (see “Lincoln Reconstructed” in this issue), McCain wrote an approving feature about the book even though - perhaps unbeknownst to his editors - he had already expressed vehement opinions on the subject.

In an Internet discussion group, McCain had written that Lincoln was a “war criminal” who should have been tried for “treason.” On DixieNet, McCain - using his own name - had even concocted a mock “Wanted” poster for Lincoln, whom he described as the “st RULER and TYRANT of the AMERICAN EMPIRE” and a perpetrator of “Murder, False Imprisonment, and numerous HEINOUS crimes against the SOUTHern states and AMERICANS in general!”

You can read more about this bigot here and here and here

Laughter in the Courtroom

This must have been fun:

But these arguments were met by laughter in the crowded courtroom, as Fox tried to defend its signature slogan. Part of the network's burden was to prove that Mr. Franken's use of the phrase "fair and balanced" would lead to consumer confusion.

One round of laughter was prompted when Judge Chin asked, "Do you think that the reasonable consumer, seeing the word `lies' over Mr. O'Reilly's face would believe Mr. O'Reilly is endorsing this book?"

The giggling continued as Dori Ann Hanswirth, a lawyer for Fox, replied, "To me, it's quite ambiguous as to what the message is here."

She continued, "It does not say `parody' or `satire.' "

Ms. Hanswirth said Fox's "signature slogan" was also blurred, because people who were not associated with the network, which owns the Fox News Channel, also appear on the cover with Mr. O'Reilly.

Judge Chin said, "The president and the vice president are also on the cover. Is someone going to consider that they are affiliated with Fox?"

The courtroom broke into laughter again.

Ms. Hanswirth replied, "It's more blurring, your honor."


Move On is getting close.

Recess Appointments


The President has signed the recess appointment of Charlotte A. Lane of West Virginia to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission. The President nominated Ms. Lane on June 7, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of Daniel Pearson of Minnesota to be a Member of the United States International Trade Commission. The President nominated Mr. Pearson on November 14, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of A. Paul Anderson of Minnesota to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner. The President nominated Mr. Anderson on April 10, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of Daniel Pipes of Pennsylvania to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace. The President nominated Mr. Pipes on April 2, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of John Paul Woodley, Jr. of Virginia to be an Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works). The President nominated Mr. Woodley on January 22, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of David W. Fleming of California to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Public). The President nominated Mr. Fleming on April 11, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of Jay Phillip Greene of Florida to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic). The President nominated Mr. Greene on April 11, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of John Richard Petrocik of Missouri to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Academic). The President nominated Mr. Petrocik on April 11, 2003.

The President has signed the recess appointment of Juanita Alicia Vasquez-Gardner of Texas to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation. The President nominated Ms. Vasquez-Gardner on July 24, 2002 and again on January 9, 2003.

Bob Herbert, Hero

A few people rightfully took me to task for not mentioning the critical role that Bob Herbert played in helping get some belated justice for the Tulia defendants. Kudos to Mr. Herbert.

More generally, I don't undertand why we don't see more of this kind of thing. We have numerous columnists with twice weekly soapboxes in national newspapers. Once upon a time there was, I believe, a greater tendency for our media to focus on the "little guy" versus "the powerful." Maybe this was the much exaggerated "liberal media." I'm not sure why that's such a liberal thing to do - comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable seems to cut across political spectrum.

In a country of almost 300 million, you'd think that more columinsts would be able to find a few things more important than Al Gore's latest wardrobe change on which to spend their time.


There is of course more than a small chance I'll be proven wrong in predicting that Gray Davis keeps his job. However, as this latest poll shows the media has been way premature in writing his obituary. 50% say they'll vote for the recall, and 45% say they'll vote against. Not yet a slam dunk.

Shorter Date Rape

busybusybusy gives us shorter David Ignatius, which is really the shorter version of the latest round of shit being flung from the monkeypen.

Friday, August 22, 2003

Only in America


Franken on Fox

Ha Ha.

"In addition to thanking my own lawyers," Franken said after the ruling, "I'd like to thank Fox's lawyers for filing one of the stupidest briefs I've ever seen in my life."

Credit Where It's Due

35 Tulia pardons.

Specter say What?

This should be fun:

GULFPORT, Miss. - The father of the White House press secretary claims in his upcoming book, "Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J. Killed J.F.K.," that former President Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Barr McClellan, father of White House press secretary Scott McClellan and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Mark McClellan, is preparing for a Sept. 30 release of a 480-page book by Hannover House that offers photographs, copies of letters, insider interviews and details of fingerprints as proof that Edward A. Clark, the powerful head of Johnson's private and business legal team and a former ambassador to Australia, led the plan and cover-up for the 1963 assassination in Dallas.

Al's #1! Al's#1!



Great moments in rhetoric. Or something. I'm just glad it's Friday.

Damn Liberal Judiciary

Judge rules against Fox.


A federal judge on Friday denied Fox News Channel's request for an injunction to block humorist Al Franken's new book, whose title mocks the Fox slogan "fair and balanced."

U.S. District Judge Denny Chin said Fox's claim was "wholly without merit, both factually and legally."

The Face of the New Fascism

Arthur Silber discusses Irving Kristol.

Blitzer Time


Conspiracy Theories

This is about as wacky as literally anything the "Bush-hating loony left" has come up with.

The Liberal Media

Well, what do you know, there appears to be a market for some gosh darn liberal media after all. Who woulda thunk it????

Big lies is #4!

Lying Liars is #2!

Molly's book, not yet released, is #57!

Krugman, not yet released, is #191!

And, while you're buying those books... Be sure to support Neal Pollack by purchasing his new book. Neal's been giving out wonderful free ice cream for some time now, so pay him back by purchasing his new book.

And, you should also purchase Neal's classic sendup of literary journalism.

If nothing else, you owe Neal for what is perhaps the Funniest Blog Post Ever.

Mo Money Mo Money!

Move on is about 76% of the way there!


Lou Dobbs:

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark may still be a CNN analyst while he contemplates a run at the White House, but there's one network show he has been barred from: "Lou Dobbs Tonight." The reason? Dobbs believes that when Clark came on his show during the Iraq war and teed off on the Pentagon blueprint, the possible Democratic candidate was pushing his personal political agenda, not providing straight military analys.

This from a man who has had Steve Forbes on as a guest at least 25 times.

Reverend Barry Lynn

David Appell over at Quark soup feels he's being spun by the fact that the head of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State is an ordained Reverend. I'm not sure why. I mean, sure, if Lynn is really an atheist and he's dishonestly pushing his Rev credentials then Appell would have a valid point.

I think it is true that anyone who truly owns up to being an atheist is shut out of the national discourse on just about all issues. The media treatment of such people is openly hostile. But, if Lynn is a Reverend then he's a Reverend.

Historically, the people on the front lines of this issue have been religious people. Once upon a time Catholics in particular, being as they werea somewhat persecuted segment of the US population historically, were adamantly opposed to government getting into religion. Plenty of religious people feel strongly about it, and for good reason.

Japan Delaying Troop Deployment

I doubt it'll ever happen.

The deployment of Japanese troops to Iraq yesterday appeared likely to be delayed after the defense minister said it would be "difficult" to go ahead this year because of the bombing of UN headquarters in Baghdad.

Shigeru Ishiba, the director general of the Defense Agency, said late Wednesday the truck bombing had shown Japan's planned humanitarian mission would carry real dange