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yeah, people have pointed out how ironic it is that for all Musk’s stupid invocations of The Matrix, Vivian is the one whose life story has played out like Neo

It’s very common for former “designer babies” to have trauma from not just the fact that they were basically a product sold to their parents as superior healthy optimized children, but also because biology doesn’t work like that & the science is overhyped so many parents become resentful & abusive when the perfect kid they paid a lot of money for ends up just being a regular imperfect human being.

The first “designer babies” are already fully grown adults & many of them are speaking out about how messed up it is.



I’ve worn steel-boned tight-lacing appropriate corsetry, I own corsets made to my measurements, I’ve worn cheap off-the-rack plastic-boned corsetry (fun fact: current plastic-boning is much closer in stiffness and thickness to the boning that most 19th century corsetry used than anything else we tend to use rn), and extremely flimsy lingerie “corsetry”.

Any time I wear any of my overbust corsets it’s a relief compared to wearing any sort of bra.

The number of times I’ve been very painfully stabbed by my bras through the years should warrant a lawsuit against whoever came up with that shit.

It’s nearly impossible for me to find a bra that actually fits me because I have a very short torso (thank you, Marfanoid Habitus), meanwhile even the corsets I have whose fitting on me is affected by my torso being short still hold me up and in far better, and much more stably than all my bras except for one, and all my corsets are BY ABYSMALLY FAR much more comfortable than the one bra I have that fits like a glove and does what a bra is supposed to do.

19th century women would pity us.

Only other option I can think of for tit support (since I Breast Boobily too much to go without any) that is more comfortable than a mildly decent overbust corset, is boob tape. Aka pretending my tits are just naturally unaffected by gravity.


I’ve worn steel-boned tight-lacing appropriate corsetry, I own corsets made to my measurements, I’ve worn cheap off-the-rack plastic-boned corsetry (fun fact: current plastic-boning is much closer in stiffness and thickness to the boning that most 19th century corsetry used than anything else we tend to use rn), and extremely flimsy lingerie “corsetry”.

Any time I wear any of my overbust corsets it’s a relief compared to wearing any sort of bra.

The number of times I’ve been very painfully stabbed by my bras through the years should warrant a lawsuit against whoever came up with that shit.

It’s nearly impossible for me to find a bra that actually fits me because I have a very short torso (thank you, Marfanoid Habitus), meanwhile even the corsets I have whose fitting on me is affected by my torso being short still hold me up and in far better, and much more stably than all my bras except for one, and all my corsets are BY ABYSMALLY FAR much more comfortable than the one bra I have that fits like a glove and does what a bra is supposed to do.

19th century women would pity us.



Art snobs are actually a thousand times less annoying than people who respond to everything with “it’s not that deep bro”



I like (good) video essays and I like video essays about beauty and fashion especially surrounding the politics involved but there’s no faster way to make me think you’re too stupid to be making a video essay on anything when you’re spewing easily disproven fashion history misinformation/lies one after the other non-stop.

“Corsets were death traps that disfigured women’s bodies”

Stop believing the fashion history tidbits you learned from Pirates of the Caribbean and the few drawings from Victorian physicians who didn’t wash their hands, had never fucked in any other way than in the dark in missionary position, thought women were barely capable of thought, and still believed the womb moved around, depicting what they IMAGINED happened to women’s bodies with corsetry. Good god.

They were basically just bras. Only the fashionista socialites tight-laced, corsets helped carry the weight of heavy skirts, they helped correct posture, most weren’t steel-boned (some weren’t even boned at all), working-class and farmer women wore them to work, and the effect of teeny-tiny waists was more achieved through padding the hips and bust and the volume of the skirts rather than by tightening the waist. And they were pretty comfortable for the most part.

If anything the standards for women’s bodies are much crueler now because using padding is seen as pathetic and shameful, you barely have base layers of clothing to help you achieve the most desired figure which means that unless you won the genetic lottery, you either put your body through awful diets and obsessive exercise or you get dangerous surgery.

Also back then the standards for the body were more forgiving too in the sense that while a body leaning thinner was still preferred, what with consumption chic and all, the real goal was achieving a certain set of proportions.

Sure, there shouldn’t BE a body standard like that either, or any other, but if you ask me which I’d choose to have to deal with…


I like (good) video essays and I like video essays about beauty and fashion especially surrounding the politics involved but there’s no faster way to make me think you’re too stupid to be making a video essay on anything when you’re spewing easily disproven fashion history misinformation/lies one after the other non-stop.



i always forget that the vast majority of people on here don’t know that hinduism is a uniquely oppressive religion and view it vaguely like some exotic and beautiful brown people spirituality.

no other religion unpersons such a vast swathe of purported adherents textually, maintains practices that make them objects of ritual abjection that are excluded from society thru untouchability, exploits their labour thru customary labour obligations and restrictions on land ownership that increase their material subjection and attempts to deny them even understanding of their own position and the right to organise by making literacy itself an upper caste privilege. and this is all before the hindu fascists even burned down the first mosque and started pogroms and initiatied the process of stripping muslims from citizenship. just because hinduism doesn’t have global hegemony never meant that stopped it from violently exercising its hegemony on the subcontinent.



To the compassionate community, save what is left of my family.đź’”

I created my campaign about a year and a half ago but unfortunately I did not expect it to be this bad, I expected to get a lot of love and support, it is unfortunate that someone would ask for money in this way but we have no other way to escape the war we have lost everything and we are still trapped and there are no necessities of life I hope you help me as much as you can I honestly need your support My campaign has been verified by a number of people🙏

My campaign has been verified here ✅🍉

@dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutancia @khadidon @cripto-grafia @omegaversereloaded @ot3 @vague-humanoid @lacecap @yugiohz @nibeul @sayruq @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost @nabulsi27 @sar-soor @aplpaca @northgazaupdates2 @aria-ashryver @timetravellingkitty @briarhips @commissions4aid-international @kibumkim @wellwaterhysteria @deepspaceboytoy @neechees @kyri45 @mangocheesecakes @mar64ds @7biases @tortiefrancis @fromjannah @el-shab-hussein @irhabiya @wellwaterhysteria @nabulsi @moayesh @sar-soor @appsa @stuckyfanart




one profession that does need better gatekeeping is people who write or translate subtitles. brother that is not what was said.

“i dont think gatekeeping is what we need” u all havent read the subtitles ive read





I hadn’t mentioned it but my wife cut their previously below shoulder-length hair into a jaw-length blunt bob and they look so fucking hot.

Round of applause for tattooed butch lesbians with blunt bobs and tender, romantic down-turned brown eyes.


I hadn’t mentioned it but my wife cut their previously below shoulder-length hair into a jaw-length blunt bob and they look so fucking hot.





Which of these funny tropes is your favorite?

The comic relief character is also the smartest one

The group’s abilities/powers get switched, shenanigans ensue

The scary/powerful villain does normal things like going grocery shopping

The one person who keeps setting things on fire/destroying things for no reason

The villain forgets a part of their monologue and has to restart

The villain and hero argue about something trivial, like pineapples on pizza

The scariest, most inhuman looking character has a normal name like “Steve”

Character uses simple answers to dramatic monologue, ex “You’ve lost, hero” “ok”

None of the citizens are scared of the villain cause they think they’re harmless

The dumb one says something weirdly smart and concise for a minute

Something else/nuance

I don’t like any of them/don’t consume fiction

Let’s help out @nadee2011!

Nader and his wife have three children, and his parents both need medical assistance, his father is injured and his mother is diabetic! Please help them!

(Verified by @/90-ghost)

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Currently at $1382 Only $618 away to 2k

Thank you my friends for helping me. Please keep donating so I can reach my goal of 2k. I need this so I can save my children and get them to safety and live in peace. There is no life in northern Gaza. Please keep donating so we can raise enough to get us out of Gaza.

My friends please help me reach 2k . I am only $618 away from the amount.

Please Donate Here

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Tagging some people to help by donating and/or sharing:🙏🙏🙏
@ashwantsafreepalestine @hehemechief @gryficowa @rob-os-17 @variantsofblue

@murderbot @anti-ao3 @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense @squishmallowo

@northgazaupdates2 @palestinegenocide @freepalestineeee @sporkkles-irl @el-shab-hussein

@teto110 @rosiemissfandomchaos @loathsome-little-creature @nezreblogz @fanartcollectorwriter

@wingsfreedom @longlivepalestina @rhubarbspring @spiritflame1 @stoptheantisemitism

@jezior0 @soon-palestine @schoolhater @huckleberrycomics @good-old-gossip

@gazaevacuationfunds @random-autie-fangirl @myceliacrochet @kyrumption @loonarmuunar

@a-shade-of-blue @ana-bananya

@killy @apas-95 @pitbolshevik @ot3 @punkitt-is-here

@vampiricvenus @turtletoria @pcktknife @paper-mario-wiki @valtsv

@omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish @catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants @vamprisms

@postanagramgenerator @feluka @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel

@neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense

@sawasawako @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @schoolhater

@fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns

@ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus @meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @yekkes

@clientsfromhell @wlwaerith @miametropolis @jujusjunk @nanobreaker

@pcktknife @postanagramgenerator @valtsv @velvetys @beetledrink

@bunjywunjy @bixels @nabulsi @mintaii @amygdalae

@gogopri @hotvampireadjacent @lady-katherine @pocket-deer-boy @itwashotwestayedinthewater

@thatdiabolicalfeminist @emil @3000s @wayneradiotv @wolfertinger666

@sayruq @90-ghost @rickybabyboy @zzoupz @omegaversereloaded

@annabelle–cane @beserkerjewel @sporesgalaxy @punkitt-is-here @weirdmarioenemies

@apocalypsegay @sawasawako @danijaci @thatdiabolicalfeminist @that-house

@dirhwangdaseul @b0nkcreat @tamamita @chokulit

@hotvampireadjacent @tododeku-or-bust @marxism-transgenderism

@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe

@sar-soor @rhubarbspring @pcktknife @transmutationdice @sawasawako

@appsa @anneemay @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria

@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @turtletoria @tortiefrancis @ot3

@amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchameleon @dykesbat @komsomolka

@notallmensheviks @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @stuckinapril @lacecap

@determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @neechees

@chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @rooh-afza @shesnake

@emil @side-sidecast @brokenbackmountain @turian @buttercuparry

@littlegermanboy @imjustheretotrytohelp @writerofweird @voicetalentbrendan @schoolhater

@transmutationisms @feluka @anneemay-blog @7bitter @aristotels

@neptunerings @watermotif @mavigator @socalgal @himejoshikaeya

@upontheshelfreviews @greenwingspino @thebigdeepcheatsy @one-time-i-dreamt @tenaflyviper

@akron-squirrel @what-is-my-aesthetic @ifihadaworldofmyown @justice-for-jacob-marley @franki-lew-yo

@skinwretch @meowmaids @featherfrond-reblogs @halvoric @readingsquotes

@bellybuttonblue2 @andiv3r-reblogging @sillyseer @cloudedcari @stealthjet

@pinnyy @sivavakkiyar @chronicowboy @bi-worm @ydic74the

@amorosebeing @golvio @nb-marceline @tachycardial @cicadaland

@manletwizard @2blushie @antiauteur @pompompotato @purpupa

@cherrysnax @hisui-zorua @kalosbian @90-ghost @palms-upturned

@wakimakiplus @w0rld0flight @evileyeamulet @justsomeoneunordinary @i-think-i-will-watch-leverage

@capcricornpropaganda @laurapalmerss @death2germany @catgirlkaiju @maester-cressen

@butchxenomorph @lonniemachin @yugiohz @marscollection @boyvained-blog @timelightbox

The new Salari video…



genuinely cannot stop thinking about this tweet. i keep wanting to say “saionji somewhere in an alleyway:” unaware that no one will get the reference