This page describes the entity referred to by the URI A machine-readable RDF version of this description is provided here.
rdf:type | lvont:Language |
rdfs:comment | Tây Bồi, is a term used for a type of verbal communication which consists of French words mixed with Vietnamese words spoken by non French-educated Vietnamese, usually those who worked as servants in French households or milieux. Literally, it means "French (Tây) [of- or spoken by] male servants (Bồi)". During the French colonization period, French people had male household servants, due probably to the fact that no Vietnamese would ever think of letting their daughters/sisters/wives work for foreigners. The term is used by Vietnamese themselves to indicate that the French language spoken is very poor, incorrect, and ungrammatical. ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tây Bồi ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tay Boi ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tây Bồi ('fr' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tây Bồi jezik ('hr' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tây Bồi ('vi' language string) |
rdfs:label | 越南法语 ('zh' language string) |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
owl:sameAs | |
owl:sameAs | |
lvont:broader | lexvo:wordnet/30/noun/language_1_10_00 |
lvont:iso639P3PCode | tas (string) |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eng/T%C3%A2y%20B%E1%BB%93i |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eng/Tay%20Boi |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fra/T%C3%A2y%20B%E1%BB%93i |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hrv/T%C3%A2y%20B%E1%BB%93i%20jezik |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/vie/T%C3%A2y%20B%E1%BB%93i |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/zho/%E8%B6%8A%E5%8D%97%E6%B3%95%E8%AF%AD |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/VN |
skos:prefLabel | Tay Boi ('en' language string) | 2008-2024 Gerard de Melo. Contact Data Sources Legal Information / Imprint