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Who uses Lexvo.org?
The European Union (EuroVoc)Stanford University (Hydra/Samvera Project)The British LibraryThe Spanish National Library

WorldCat.orgDBpediaDigital Public Library of America

Lexvo.org brings information about languages, words, characters, and other human language-related entities to the Linked Data Web and Semantic Web. The Linked Data Web is a worldwide initiative to create a Web of Data that exposes the relationships between entities in our world. Lexvo.org adds a new perspective to this Web by exposing how everything in our world is connected in terms of language, e.g. by considering semantic relationships between multilingual labels (like book or New York). Lexvo not only defines global IDs (URIs) for language-related objects, but also ensures that these identifiers are dereferenceable and highly interconnected as well as externally linked to a variety of resources on the Web. Some of the main features up to date:

Words: Lexvo.org provides identifiers for terms in specific languages.
Linked to many external resources (WordNet, thesauri, ontologies, etc.).
Examples: English 'school', Chinese '朋友'

Term: (case-sensitive)
In language: (ISO 639-3 code)

Languages:: Over 7,000 language identifiers with information about them,
including multilingual names, scripts, geographic regions, etc.
Examples: Spanish, Afrikaans, Oriya, Taungyo

Lookup Code:

Scripts: Identifiers for scripts
Examples: Latin and Cyrillic scripts, Indian Devanagari,
or the Korean Hangul system

Characters: Based on Unicode, linked to scripts,
with semantic information about CJK characters
Examples: U+5091 ('傑'), U+0047 ('G')

Geographical regions based on ISO 3166-1 / UN M.49 standards (example).
Semantic concepts based on WordNet (example).
Chinese character KangXi radicals (example)

Lexvo.org Ontology: General properties to describe classes and relationships,
including identity links.


2020-10   Lexvo.org has finally been migrated to a new, much more powerful server.

2020-05   The W3C Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) Implementation Best Practices refer to Lexvo.org.

2019-02   Wikidata uses Lexvo.org for language representation.

2018-12   Swissbib, the catalog of all Swiss university libraries, the Swiss National Library, et al., connects to Lexvo.org.

2018-02   The European Union's EuroVoc ontology connects to the Lexvo Ontology.

2017-12   The MARC standard for bibliographic data now supports additional Lexvo.org URIs (Example, Standard).

2016-12   Lexvo.org featured in the W3C Lexicon Model for Ontologies Community Report.

2016-08   Also check out our new resource FrameBase.org, which connects semantic knowledge with linguistic knowledge.

2015-12   New article about Lexvo.org (Semantic Web Journal) (BibTeX reference)

2014-01   Update to Lexvo Ontology and data based on feedback from Osma Suominen

2013-04   New Identity Link proposal, based on our new AAAI 2013 paper

2012-09   Language code lookups (suggested by Sebastian Hellmann and Martin Brümmer)

2012-09   Showing language geo-coordinates from the AUTOTYP project

2012-03   New Lexvo.org Version with lots of new data (plus bugfixes suggested by Christian Chiarcos)

2012-03   New simple ISO 639-1 identifiers of the form http://lexvo.org/id/iso639-1/en provided for convenience (suggested by David Robillard)

2012-02   Lexvo.org links used by the Spanish National Library

2011-08   Lexvo.org links used by the British Library in their British National Bibliography data

2011-07   Lexvo.org links used by Sudoc, the French academic catalog (more information)

2011-05   Lexvo.org links used by LOCAH Linked Archives Hub project

2011-02   Lexvo Ontology used in new DBpedia Spotlight text annotation service.

2011-01   Lexvo Ontology used in Vocabularies of a Friend (VOAF) project.

Older news

Citing Lexvo.org

In academic works, please cite the following paper:

Gerard de Melo (2015). Lexvo.org: Language-Related Information for the Linguistic Linked Data Cloud. Semantic Web 6:4, 2015, p. 393-400. IOS Press.
Impact factor: 1.786 (2016)

PDF   BibTeX reference

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