- Zhang Cang 張蒼 (253—152 BC) was a Chinese military general, philosopher, and politician during the Western Han dynasty. He was the representative thinker of the Yin-Yang School, as well as a Confucian scholar, general, and prime-minister under Liu Bang (Han Gaozu, the founder of the Han dynasty). Evidence on his life is contained in the Book of Han and some later sources. (en)
- 장창(張蒼, ? ~ 기원전 152년)은 중국 진나라, 전한의 유학자, 음양가, 관료다. 양무(陽武) 사람이며, 전한 고제의 개국공신으로 북평문후에 봉해졌으며, 승상을 역임했다. 구장산술 편집에 관여했다. (ko)
- 張 蒼(ちょう そう、? - 紀元前152年)は、秦から前漢にかけての人。三川郡陽武県(現在の河南省新郷市原陽県の南東)の人。 (ja)
- 张苍(前252年或更早-前152年),阳武(今河南原阳县城东南)人,秦、汉之際的科学、儒学、阴阳家學者,曾師從荀子。西汉开国,官至丞相,封北平侯,諡號文。 (zh)
- Zhang Cang 張蒼 (253—152 BC) was a Chinese military general, philosopher, and politician during the Western Han dynasty. He was the representative thinker of the Yin-Yang School, as well as a Confucian scholar, general, and prime-minister under Liu Bang (Han Gaozu, the founder of the Han dynasty). Evidence on his life is contained in the Book of Han and some later sources. (en)
- 장창(張蒼, ? ~ 기원전 152년)은 중국 진나라, 전한의 유학자, 음양가, 관료다. 양무(陽武) 사람이며, 전한 고제의 개국공신으로 북평문후에 봉해졌으며, 승상을 역임했다. 구장산술 편집에 관여했다. (ko)
- 張 蒼(ちょう そう、? - 紀元前152年)は、秦から前漢にかけての人。三川郡陽武県(現在の河南省新郷市原陽県の南東)の人。 (ja)
- 张苍(前252年或更早-前152年),阳武(今河南原阳县城东南)人,秦、汉之際的科学、儒学、阴阳家學者,曾師從荀子。西汉开国,官至丞相,封北平侯,諡號文。 (zh)