- Le thé d'Uji (宇治茶, Uji-cha) est le thé qu'on cultive à Uji, au Japon. (fr)
- Uji tea (宇治茶, Uji-cha) is a common name for all Japanese green tea produced from Uji, Kyoto. The 3 main types of Uji tea are Matcha, Sencha and Gyokuro. Japanese tea is originated from the Tang Dynasty of China, which is during the Heian period of Japan when Chinese influences were at its peak. When tea seeds were introduced to Japan, they were first planted at Toganoo. These seeds were later spread in Uji, which became the site to produce the highest quality of tea leaf in Japan. Uji has witnessed the diversification of green tea. Beginning from the high-grade matcha, which was only accessible by the nobles, Sencha was invented in the 18th century to fulfil the need of common people. The combination of these two tea production techniques produced gyokuro. The increasing popularity of Uji tea is deeply connected with the success of tea ceremonies, including Tōcha, Chanoyu and Senchadō. (en)
- 우지차(일본어: 宇治茶 우지차[*])는 교토부 우지시에서 생산되는 녹차의 총칭이다. 우지차의 3가지 주요 종류는 말차(抹茶), 센차(전차, 煎茶), 교쿠로(옥로, 玉露)다. 일본차는 중국의 영향이 극에 달했던 일본 헤이안 시대에 당나라에서 유래했다. 차 씨앗이 일본에 전해졌을 때, 그것들은 토가노오에서 처음 심어졌다. 이 씨앗들은 나중에 우지에 퍼졌고, 우지는 일본에서 가장 높은 품질의 찻잎을 생산하는 장소가 되었다. 우지는 녹차의 다양화를 시도했다. 귀족들만 접근할 수 있는 고급 말차를 시작으로 18세기 서민들의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 전차가 발명되었다. 이 두 가지 차 생산 기술의 조합으로 옥로가 탄생했다. 우지차의 인기가 높아진 것은 투차(闘茶), 다도(茶道), 전자도(煎茶道) 등 다도의 성공과 깊은 관련이 있다. (ko)
- 宇治茶(うじちゃ)は、日本の緑茶。京都府・奈良県・滋賀県・三重県の4府県産茶を、京都府内業者が京都府内において、京都府南部の宇治地域に由来する製法により仕上加工したもの(ただし京都府内産を優先する)。 静岡茶、狭山茶と並んで日本三大茶といわれている。 (ja)
- 宇治茶, 是日本的綠茶。茶葉主要产自京都府、奈良縣、滋賀縣、三重縣,然后由京都府内厂商采用该地宇治地区发源的技法進行加工處理,故而得名。該茶與、等並稱日本三大茶。但由於狹山茶產量較少,又與靜岡茶合稱日本二大茶。 (zh)
- Le thé d'Uji (宇治茶, Uji-cha) est le thé qu'on cultive à Uji, au Japon. (fr)
- 宇治茶(うじちゃ)は、日本の緑茶。京都府・奈良県・滋賀県・三重県の4府県産茶を、京都府内業者が京都府内において、京都府南部の宇治地域に由来する製法により仕上加工したもの(ただし京都府内産を優先する)。 静岡茶、狭山茶と並んで日本三大茶といわれている。 (ja)
- 宇治茶, 是日本的綠茶。茶葉主要产自京都府、奈良縣、滋賀縣、三重縣,然后由京都府内厂商采用该地宇治地区发源的技法進行加工處理,故而得名。該茶與、等並稱日本三大茶。但由於狹山茶產量較少,又與靜岡茶合稱日本二大茶。 (zh)
- Uji tea (宇治茶, Uji-cha) is a common name for all Japanese green tea produced from Uji, Kyoto. The 3 main types of Uji tea are Matcha, Sencha and Gyokuro. Japanese tea is originated from the Tang Dynasty of China, which is during the Heian period of Japan when Chinese influences were at its peak. When tea seeds were introduced to Japan, they were first planted at Toganoo. These seeds were later spread in Uji, which became the site to produce the highest quality of tea leaf in Japan. (en)