Lupin the Third Part II, also known as Shin Lupin III or simply as Lupin III for the American market, is a Japanese anime series based on the manga by Monkey Punch and is produced by Tokyo Movie Shinsha. The first season, which contains 26 episodes, aired between October 3, 1977 and April 3, 1978 on NTV. The opening theme is Theme from Lupin III '77 by Yuji Ohno, while the ending theme is the instrumental version of Love Theme, also by Yuji Ohno. In the United States, twenty-six episodes of English adaptation of the series aired on Adult Swim starting on January 14, 2003 at midnight ET with the exception of episode 3, which was skipped due to its Nazi themes. In Canada, the entire first season of the series aired on G4techTV's Anime Current from May 7 to June 11, 2007.
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