- Handicap forms for sailing vessels in sailing races have varied throughout history, and they also vary by country, and by sailing organisation. Sailing handicap standards exist internationally, nationally, and within individual sailing clubs. Typically sailing vessel classes are defined by measurement rules, which categorise vessels accordingly into classes of vessels, and vessels compete within their class. Handicapping allows vessels to compete across classes, and also allows vessels and crews to compete based on performance and equipment on an equal basis, by adjusting the race outcome data, to declare a handicap (adjusted) winner as distinct from a line honours (first over the finish line) winner. For some national, international, and other yacht racing events, rules such as those of the International Racing Certificate known as the International Measurement System (IMS) or the Sportsboat rule (SBR) may be specified. Others exist in different countries. Other handicap systems of a simplified measurement type are designed to allow very different yachts of diverse designs to compete on an equal basis. This is particularly so for trailer sailers that may race in trailer sailer fleets or in mixed fleets. For example, Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF), (CBH), and Yardstick which is based more on previous individual performances rather than vessel design characteristics. (en)
- Rating es el coeficiente corrector que se aplica a cada crucero que participa en una regata para calcular su tiempo compensado partiendo del tiempo real en el que completó la prueba, de manera que los yates con menor tamaño y prestaciones puedan competir con los de mayor tamaño y prestaciones. Existen diferentes sistemas de rating:
* ORC (Offshore Racing Congress Rule). La fórmula ORC parte del antiguo IMS (International Measurement System), que se desarrolló en los años 1970 para sustituir al IOR (International Offshore Rule). En 2008 el IMS adoptó las siglas ORC de su propietario, el . Es el recomendado por la Federación Internacional de Vela.
* IRC (International Rating Certificate) es el nombre del sistema de compensación CHS (Channel Handicap System) desde 1999. El rating CHS nació en 1984 buscando sustituir al IOR (International Offshore Rule), al igual que el ORC.
* PHRF (Performance Handicap Racing Fleet). Usado principalmente en Norteamérica para yates de más de 7 metros de eslora.
* RI (Rating Internacional). Sistema exclusivo de España, desarrollado en 2005 entre la Real Federación Española de Vela y la .
* Osiris. Sistema desarrollado por la en 2015, es más barato y sencillo que el ORC. (es)
- Handicap forms for sailing vessels in sailing races have varied throughout history, and they also vary by country, and by sailing organisation. Sailing handicap standards exist internationally, nationally, and within individual sailing clubs. For some national, international, and other yacht racing events, rules such as those of the International Racing Certificate known as the International Measurement System (IMS) or the Sportsboat rule (SBR) may be specified. Others exist in different countries. (en)
- Rating es el coeficiente corrector que se aplica a cada crucero que participa en una regata para calcular su tiempo compensado partiendo del tiempo real en el que completó la prueba, de manera que los yates con menor tamaño y prestaciones puedan competir con los de mayor tamaño y prestaciones. Existen diferentes sistemas de rating: (es)