- Elizabeth Gaunt (died 23 October 1685) was an English woman sentenced to death for treason after having been convicted for involvement in the Rye House Plot. She was the last woman executed for a political crime in England. Gaunt was an Anabaptist shop-keeper in London. She and her husband William lived in the parish of St Mary, Whitechapel. They were involved in Whig politics. She was the daughter of Anthony Fothergill of Brownber, Ravenstonedale, and was well known to give shelter to persecuted people, such as victims of religious and political oppression. According to Bishop Burnet, she spent "her life in acts of charity, visiting the gaols and looking after the poor of what persuasion soever they were". She helped one of the participants of the failed Rye House Plot of 1683, James Burton, to escape to Amsterdam. After his arrest in 1685, Burton implicated her as an accomplice in the hope of saving his life. She was in fact not involved in the conspiracy and the trial against her was seen as a show trial. David Hume wrote, "He received a pardon as a recompense for his treachery and she was burnt alive for her charity." She was sentenced to death for treason in the Old Bailey on 19 October 1685. Gaunt considered the trial to be a martyrdom and reportedly behaved with such good humour that the audience was moved to tears. She was executed by burning, and, as she was denied strangulation, she was literally burned alive. William Penn witnessed the execution and reported that she "died with a constancy, even to a cheerfulness, that struck all that saw it." (en)
- Elizabeth Gaunt (... – Londra, 23 ottobre 1685) è stata una presunta cospiratrice inglese, marginalmente coinvolta nel complotto di Rye House e giustiziata per tradimento. Fu l'ultima donna ad essere giustiziata per un reato politico in Inghilterra. (it)
- Elizabeth Gaunt, död i London den 23 oktober 1685, var en engelsk kvinna som avrättats för förräderi dömd för delaktighet i Rye House Plot. Hon var den sista kvinna som avrättades för ett politiskt brott i England. Gaunt var anabaptist och ägde en butik i London. Hon var väl känd för att bedriva välgörenhet trots att hon själv inte var rik och för att erbjuda människor som förföljdes av religiösa eller politiska orsaker husrum. År 1685 sökte en av konspiratörerna i den misslyckade Rye House Plot skydd hos henne. Då han senare blev arresterad angav han henne som delaktig i komplotten. Gaunt hade inget med komplotten att göra, och Burton angav henne i hopp om att rädda sitt eget liv. Elizabeth Gaunt dömdes som skyldig till förräderi i vad som kallas en skenrättegång i Old Bailey 19 oktober 1685. Enligt det straff som stadgades för kvinnliga förrädare dömdes hon till att brännas levande på bål. Detta straff var förbehållet kvinnor eftersom det innebar att de då inte behövde visa sig nakna, medan män blev hängda och uppsprättade för samma brott. Elizabeth Gaunt uppfattade avrättningen som ett slags martyrdom och uppträdde med en sådan glädje på avrättningsplatsen att hon ska ha rört åskådarna till tårar. Det förekom att kvinnor som hade dömts till att brännas på bål tilläts att bli strypta innan elden antändes, men detta nekades Gaunt, som därmed blev bokstavligen levande bränd. Hon var den sista kvinna som blev avrättad för ett politiskt brott i England. Efter hennes avrättning blev det vanligare att kvinnor som dömdes till detta straff stryptes först. (sv)
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- Elizabeth Gaunt (... – Londra, 23 ottobre 1685) è stata una presunta cospiratrice inglese, marginalmente coinvolta nel complotto di Rye House e giustiziata per tradimento. Fu l'ultima donna ad essere giustiziata per un reato politico in Inghilterra. (it)
- Elizabeth Gaunt (died 23 October 1685) was an English woman sentenced to death for treason after having been convicted for involvement in the Rye House Plot. She was the last woman executed for a political crime in England. Gaunt considered the trial to be a martyrdom and reportedly behaved with such good humour that the audience was moved to tears. She was executed by burning, and, as she was denied strangulation, she was literally burned alive. William Penn witnessed the execution and reported that she "died with a constancy, even to a cheerfulness, that struck all that saw it." (en)
- Elizabeth Gaunt, död i London den 23 oktober 1685, var en engelsk kvinna som avrättats för förräderi dömd för delaktighet i Rye House Plot. Hon var den sista kvinna som avrättades för ett politiskt brott i England. (sv)
- Elizabeth Gaunt (en)
- Elizabeth Gaunt (it)
- Elizabeth Gaunt (sv)
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