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- Each 51 spine point is matched to a salary amount with 3% di↵erence between the proceeding spine point.13 For example, spine point 1 is matched with a salary of 10,250 and spine point 2 is matched with a salary 10,558, making the di↵erent of 3% between the two (UCU, 2013).
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- Every year the spine point salaries are updated depending on the general pay reward, which is typically negotiated every year between the trade unions (University and College Union, UNISON – the public service union, Unite the Union and GMB- Britain’s General Union) and the Universities and Colleges Employer Association (UCEA). There is no set criteria for the 12 Refer: for a full list of universities. 13 Refer: singlepayspine, for full list of spine points and their respective salary since 2014/2015 academic year. pay reward negotiation, and since 2009 the pay reward was below inflation, which was heavily criticised. 14 Over the past, couple of years the salaries in the pay spine points have increased by 1.6% in 2016/2017, 1.1% in 2017/2018, and 2% for 2018/2019 (still under negotiation).
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- fellow and research assistant/teaching assistant that is related to academics. After 2012 we assume that an individual is a professor if the occupational category is professor or if they were identified as professors in the professor marker prior 2012. Comparisons of the proportion of professors over time suggest this variable is reliable. Table B.2.1: Definitions of Key Variables Name Definition Treatment Variables Athena Marker Dummy variable taking value 1 if the institution has ever had an Athena SWAN accreditation and 0 otherwise. Main Dependent Variables Female Dummy variable. =1 if female.
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- Figure 1: Representation of women across disciplines over time Source: 2004-2016 HESA dataset (see Appendix A).
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- Figure 2: Representation of women across disciplines over time Source: 2004-2016 HESA dataset (see Appendix A).
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- Figure C1: Representation of women across disciplines over time Source: for Higher Education Sta↵ (JNCHES), 2003.*represent the minimum only. The dotted line represents the maximum pay spine point achieved based on annual automatic increment. The di↵erence between the dotted line and the ceiling point for a particular grade is the contribution pay. Appendix D Pooled OLS Regression In this section we estimate our results using a pooled OLS regression (as opposed to Fixed E↵ect estimate separately for men and women) to examine the impact on pay, movement and promotion of females in Athena SWAN accredited universities as an alternative to our main methodology specification. In particular, we estimate equation 3.
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- For example, University of Southampton renewed their accreditation in 2012, and we found the year they signed the charter (2005) and the year they got first accredited (2006) from the November 2012 booklet.
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- for Higher Education Sta↵ (JNCHES), J. N. C. (2003). Framework agreement for the modernisation of pay structures.
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Gregory-Smith, I. (2018). Positive action towards gender equality: evidence from the athena swan charter in uk medical schools. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 56(3):463–483.
Lundberg, S. and Stearns, J. (2019). Women in economics: Stalled progress. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33(1):3–22.
- Of these 105 we have 10 universities that signed the charter in 2015 or later, which we excluded from our sample. That leaves us with 95 universities.
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- Of these 95, there were 4 universities that did not include non-STEMM department which are eliminated from the sample. This leaves us with 91 universities that have signed the charter. This leaves us with 91 universities. We further observe an additional 8 universities of the 91 universities that have signed and never received an accreditation in the period 20112017, or never renewed in the period 2011-2017. These 8 universities all signed the charter post 2010, and thus we can rule out that they got accredited before 2010. We can thus confirm that they never received an accreditation.
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- of Universities signed the charter No. of accreditations per year Cumulative No. of Accreditations 2005 20 20 0 0 2006 2 22 12 12 2007 4 26 1 13 2008 6 32 3 16 2009 9 41 7 23 2010 6 47 5 28 2011 15 62 1 29 2012 18 80 11 40 2013 5 85 16 56 2014 6 91 10 66 2015 N/A N/A 11 77 2016 N/A N/A 6 83 Total 91 83 Notes: Source: Self constructed Athena SWAN dataset.
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- Table 5: Summary Statistics of Promotion Rate for STEMM and Non-STEMM by Gender Men Women (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Observations Mean SD Min Max Observations Mean SD Min Max Main Dependent Variables Promotion Rate for STEM 177,463 1.8% 0.133 0 1 76,230 1.44 0.119 0 1 Promotions Rate for Non-STEM 113,349 1.5% 0.122 0 1 78,461 1.3% 0.111 0 1 Notes: Source HESA dataset. Sample consists of full time permeant academics employed under teaching and research contracts over a period of 8 years (2009-2016) in 91 universities.
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- Table D.1: Pay Promotion and Movement In/Into Athena SWAN Accredited University (Non-STEMM) Professors Non Professors All (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Log Salaries P(Move) Log Salaries P(Move) P(Promotion) Athena Marker-2.40*** 3.06*** 0.87*** 2.58*** 0.31* (0.00202) (0.00259) (0.000883) (0.00126) (0.00172) Athena Accreditation X Female 1.57*** 0.18 0.58*** 0.18-0.10 (0.00392) (0.00466) (0.00139) (0.00148) (0.00196) Observations 66,948 66,948 186,745 186,745 253,693 No. of Individuals 13,790 13,790 42,205 42,205 51,903 R-squared 0.931 0.379 0.957 0.462 0.169 Notes: Sample: Full time permanent academics on teaching and research contracts observed over a period of 8 years from 2009-2016 in 91 universities. Standard errors in parentheses () clustered by individual level. All coefficients are multiplied by 100. Last two columns show the di↵erence between female and male coefficients among professors and non-professors, respectively. ***p0.1, **00.05 * p .01.
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- Tomkins, A., Zhang, M., and Heavlin, W. D. (2017). Reviewer bias in single-versus doubleblind peer review. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(48):12708–12713.
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- We select departments that are comparable to the US evidence presented in Lundberg and Stearns, 2019. The selected hard Science departments are, ‘chemistry’, ‘civil engineering ’, ‘electrical, electronics and computer science’, (aggregated as ‘Chem/Engineering’), ‘bio7 Refer: 8 Refer: for further informatino on the Russell Group science, ‘earth, marine and environmental sciences’ (identifies as ‘Bio/EarthSci’), ‘Mathematics ’, ‘IT, Systems sciences computer software engineering’ and ‘physics’ (aggregated as ‘maths/physics/CompSci’) and ‘psycology and behavioural science’. The selected social science departments are ‘economics’, ‘political science’ and ‘sociology’.
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