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- This appendix formalizes that intuition, describing the model that served as the basis for our experimental design. We put forward a model of households’ decisions to purchase non-durable health products that includes both price anchoring and learning. With our focus on these elements, we abstract away from other potentially important issues, such as health externalities, learning from one’s neighbors, expectations about product quality, knowledge of price distribution, risk aversion, and habit formation. While the mechanisms we describe are applicable to repeated purchase opportunities, the key features can be seen in a simple two-period, latent utility model. This set-up differs from typical settings in which experience goods are analyzed in that (1) rather than constrain the distributor to be a profit maximizer, we remain agnostic regarding its objective function and (2) similar to Dupas (2014), we enrich the latent utility framework to allow for gain-loss utility.
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