72 posts tagged with 1099.
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Disputing a Debt Cancellation 1099-C
Can you dispute a debt after receiving an un-asked for and unconsented forgiveness and 1099-C? [more inside]
Postponing unemployment after filing
A company I work for recently laid me off. A month later they have some work for me but they can't use file a w2 and 1099 for me in the same year. So is there anyway to rework my unemployment to say that the company is keeping me on for another month? I've already filed the paperwork.
TurboTax for contractor and non-contractor work in the USA
During 2023, I had a job that took out taxes along with work as a contractor (1099), the first time this has ever happened in my life. I've used TurboTax before when it was non contractor work and it was fine and easy.
Does the software work just as well for the above mentioned mix of work types? Or is there another recommendation? I am not in a state that has the free Direct To File program.
Confused about Unemployment benefits in CA
Suppose I was a salaried employee of a company, now on unemployment. Now I'm doing 1099 work as a freelancer and don't intend to return to salaried work. However, I'm still only earning a small fraction of what did before. Two questions inside! [more inside]
Transition from W2 to Contractor - what do I need to know?
I am a software engineer based in the US. After decades as a W2 employee, I want to become a contract worker. Please tell me what I need to know so that I cover all the necessary bases. Also I'm hoping you can give me advice on how not to get ripped off. [more inside]
Misclassified employee - what trouble should I expect?
I believe I might be an employee but being classified as a 1099. What should I expect? Can I continue working if I need a job? [more inside]
What's the best employment model for my boss to pay me?
For 6 months I've done 10 hr/wk contract job for a local consultant / freelancer. He's starting his own business and wants to bring me in as his first (probably only) full time employee. What's the best way for us to do this - w2, 1099, retainer, etc? [more inside]
How to capture loss on prior disallowed wash sale on Form 1099-B
Obscure question I know, and I'm prepared to get professional help with it. Thought I'd try here first. [more inside]
Tax pointers for a first-time freelancer?
My partner recently started doing freelance technical writing. We live in California, the person paying her lives in the US somewhere outside California. There are no other complicating factors. A few questions inside. [more inside]
How do I work multiple jobs in software development?
Bolstered by the post on two jobs, one thing that's always vexed me is that I'm often hired for 3, 6 or 9-month engagements doing 1099 (corp-to-corp) work. I normally go through recruiters and the expectation is that I'm treated as a full-time employee even though I have no PTO, hourly and am contractually a vendor. I can easily take on multiple contracts and even manage meeting conflicts if I were transparent about it. I find employers do not like this. Are there recruiting firms or companies that want a true consultancy without the agency overhead? How do I navigate around this? [more inside]
How to pay a small-biz collaborator
Two artists doing a collaboration. Help me figure out taxes! [more inside]
Why does tax filing service say I owe no taxes?
Just filed my taxes online. Typically I pay a few thousand dollars. But this year I owe nothing? [more inside]
USA tax filter
Can a company that issued a 1099 see when/if the person receiving the 1099 income filed their federal taxes? And would a company issuing a 1099 face any sort of trouble if the person receiving the 1099 income failed to file taxes?
Do I Need to Correct This Tax Form?
US Tax question: I received a 1099-MISC for a payment that I had to send back. Do I still need the 1099 for filing taxes? More details below. [more inside]
Estimated Tax Payments for Independent Contractors - 2020 Edition
I’m an independent contractor. Typically I pay quarterly estimated taxes, but since the pandemic caused uncertainty and affected my ability to get work, I haven’t paid any estimated taxes yet this year. I’ve been able to earn some money working (about a third of what I earned in 2019), plus I’ve received unemployment insurance (with taxes withheld) to make up some of the difference. Should I make an estimated tax payment for Q4?? If so, how should I calculate the amount? I’m in California, USA. [more inside]
Halp me vet the stipulations in my long-term work contract
Yes, it's true, you are not my lawyer. And Saul Goodman is unreachable at the moment.
However, you may be able to help me vet a list of stipulations in the work contract I'm about to draft, especially if you have longterm freelance or contract experience. More fun inside. [more inside]
New 1099 Consultant and writing off for taxes in the current year?
New 1099 employee, and cannot figure out if it matters that it will be less than a month when I try to write off expenses for 2017 [More Inside] [more inside]
Tell me about being an independent contractor (US)
I'm thinking of doing some locums work for an agency and would thus become an independent contractor (1099). I understand this means I will have to pay my own social security and Medicare taxes. It sounds like I also have to pay taxes quarterly--how does that work? Is there an additional self-employment tax I'm required to pay? I am married to a non-resident alien so I always file 1040 married separately, can I still do that? What else is there to know, and what else is there to watch out for? [more inside]
Am I too responsible to qualify for a mortgage?
Is it possible to get a mortgage when you work for yourself? How do I really figure out what I can afford? [more inside]
1099 wierdness, international and expense edition
I am being paid by employees of a global firm in a way that makes it unlikely I will receive 1099s from the firm or the employees. I would prefer this not be the case. [more inside]
Which software is best to generate 1099-MISC forms?
I am an officer for a small non-profit in the U.S. In 2016, for the first time, the organization paid at least $600 to certain individuals, and I understand that the organization will need to provide these individuals with 1099-MISC forms by January 31, and that these forms will also need to be provided to the IRS. Can you recommend software to accomplish this task? [more inside]
How can I get back my self employment tax?
I spent almost all of 2015 working full-time for a big company through a temp agency, but the temp agency misclassified me as a contractor. This means that I'm on the hook for self employment tax, which is 7.65% of the year's income! I'd like to avoid paying that tax. What's the best way to do it? [more inside]
Taxes on good received and how to calculate "Fair Market Value?"
I am an Amazon Vine participant. Amazon sends me products to review. Amazon has informed reviewers they will be sending a 1099MISC form this year in cases where the total value of all products selected is over $600. [more inside]
Question re Tax ID Number for Cal. unincorporated nonprofit association
California has a law permitting nonprofit unincorporated associations to enjoy many of the benefits of incorporation without actually incorporating. I am a member of such a nonprofit association. We are now applying for EIN for banking purposes, and I have some questions. [more inside]
How does a nomadic 1099-er pay state income tax?
Suppose someone has the ability to work 100% remotely in the US for a company as a 1099 contractor. He has a permanent residence in state A.
If he travels around the country over the course of the year, 3 months at a time in a new state, would he need to pay some state income tax for each state, or would he pay state income tax for state A only?
If my thinking is correct, that it depends on state law, then how is this enforced if he is, say, living in an RV?
Retirement planning for the W2 contractor
Independent contractor, working for several recruiting firms as a W2 employee, but on a contract-by-contract basis (so my employer may change once or twice a year). Can I do pre-tax withholding for retirement if these employers don't have a 401k (of any kind)? [more inside]
YANMTA. You are not my tax accountant.
Am I saving enough for taxes from my second job? I live in the US and have no state income taxes. My main job is W2. I make around $56k and usually end up close to even on my Fed return. I now have a second job that's 1099. I get paid $150 a week and set aside $50. Is this probably enough for Fed (income/SS) taxes?
1099 contract when I was told I'd be w2, how do I navigate this?
On Tuesday I drove across country to start a new role in the Bay Area. Prior to this I was working on a year-long contract which wasn't renewed. During the interview process I was looking for a full time role, but was convinced that this was a good opportunity, particularly to get my foot in the door back in the Bay Area where I'm originally from and still have family. During the interview I was asked specifically what type of contracting I would be open to and said that I was only interested in W2ing to a new role rather than becoming an independent contractor and billing, and I stated that I wasn't interested in 1099ing. The rate I provided reflected this as well. Turns out I've been onboarded as a 1099 and the rate that I was looking for as a W2. [more inside]
1099s sent off to IRS, 1096 left behind. Now what?
Theoretically, say you are a small business/non-profit and you mailed off ~150 1099 forms to the IRS last week (deadline was 2/28). Say you came into work this morning and the 1096 summary form that is supposed to accompany the 1099s was found to have fallen out of the envelope and onto the floor before sealing. How would one go about resolving this?
I am thinking of going to vendor/contractor from full time. [more inside]
My church, my taxes and me
I think my employer is doing something shady. I think it affects me. I am really upset and I don't know what to do. It's a tax question with an emotional backstory. [more inside]
How do I ensure this project is taxed properly?
I'm doing a website project for a local musician, but I need to make sure it's "above board" as far as the IRS is concerned. How do I proceed? 1099 forms, etc? [more inside]
April 15 oh noooooo
I am an independent contractor. I did not pay taxes for 2011. I cannot afford to pay my taxes for 2012. I am scared. [more inside]
Is an org. legally required to generate 1099 forms?
Is the non-profit I work for legally required to generate 1099 forms for all of the individuals who receive stipends from this org. and have filled out W9 forms (technically "independent contractors")? [more inside]
Tax Q: Gettin' divorced, can't claim deductions.
Here's the rub: In February on 2012, I decided to end my marriage. Because I was dead broke, we simply moved apart, split the bank account in two and went our separate ways with the understanding that we'd make a move to formally divorce in the next year. We did not get a legal separation. That divorce is now pending. My soon-to-be-ex-wife filed her taxes 'Married, Filing Separately'. This causing me all kind of tax havoc, including a bill I have no way of paying. More inside... [more inside]
Help me not owe a bazillion dollars in taxes next year.
Somewhat unexpectedly, I find myself working as a full time freelancer. Help me anticipate the tax situation. [more inside]
Contract programming position questions.
I interviewed for a remote programming gig recently, and they requested a trial contract before making a final offer. I'd be hired as a long-term remote contractor (year+, 100% telecommuting), not an employee. I have some questions: [more inside]
W2 vs 1099 insurance write-off
Please help me understand whether I can write off my health insurance premiums. [more inside]
Missed 1099 form. How much trouble could I get in?
Missed 1099 form. How much trouble could I get in? (You are not my tax lawyer. Understood but seeking advice) [more inside]
What an I negotiate for in my new job?
I was told the job was salaried, they offered to me but as a freelancer. Can I use this as a negotiating strategy? [more inside]
A taxing situation
Looking for some tax help ! We refinanced a mortgage last April, going from a traditional bank to a savings & loan. During the process, we also closed the bank line of credit and opened a new one at the S&L. The bank held an escrow, but the S&L does not. My 1099 from the S&L has a modest earned interest amount for the period of April - December, but the bank's 1099 is more than 10x that amount. Is this due to the escrow, or is this a mistake ?
How to figure out what to charge for 1099 work?
How to figure a contract rate for 1099 work? [more inside]
Hiding my SSN from pying eyes
SelfEmployedFilter: Can I use an EIN on an independent contractor agreement, instead of my SSN, even as a sole proprietor? [more inside]
Can't Start ASAP = HR asks if I'd 1099. Figuring out a rate?
I have a hybrid question about working 1099, going rate for Enterprise Content Management/Digital Asset Management work, & maybe even accounting for costs when it'd be in San Francisco. No secret snowflake details, just how the heck do I figure out if it could work and for what amount of money? [more inside]
How are 1099 contractors different from W2 contractors?
I got a part-time job contracting for a non-profit. Turns out they have me as a 1099 contractor instead of a W2 as I'm accustomed to. What do I need to do or know? [more inside]
I hate myself enough already, thanks
Please refer me to a NYC-area tax accountant who specializes in arts/freelance clients with horrid IRS debt and deep financial shame.
Corp-to-Corp computer consulting in CA- what's the deal?
Corp-to-Corp computer consulting in CA- what's the deal? [more inside]
Best book to learn about hiring employees or consultants
Can you recommend a book and best practices as to how to hire independent consultants or part time employees? [more inside]
no 1099 for you!
1099 form issuance refused. what to do? [more inside]
Need to amend taxes for a three word change?
TaxFilter: Received a 1099-MISC after filing, but I reported the income on 1040 Line 21. Do I need to amend? [more inside]
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