185 posts tagged with employee.
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Retirement Gift Ideas
I need suggestions for a personal retirement/leaving gift for a treasured employee. They are a dog lover/owner, are looking forward to sitting poolside with a cocktail, transitioning to part-time work outdoors or with animals, and possibly moving out of state. Ideas? Budget is $100-200. [more inside]
Dear husband sort of surprised me, should I have reacted differently?
My husband's boss, "John," is retiring this week. The two of them have worked together for several years. [more inside]
How to find a job coach for someone with executive dysfunction
A friend of mine is struggling in her office job because she has ADD and issues with executive dysfunction, specifically in the areas of information retention, processing, and follow up. Her managers have gone above and beyond to support her need for accommodations, but after a year in the role she's not making the kind of progress she wants/needs and it's become a blocker to her and her team's success. Are there external coaches she could work with to improve? It's her dream job and she'll be devastated if she loses it.
Resources for managing neurodivergent employee
I have a employee who is an exceptionally gifted thinker but who struggles with project and time management and has significant challenges around communicating with colleagues - in particular, they do not easily pick up on communication signals from others and have some neurodivergent tendencies in their communications and work style. These challenges are really hindering their working relationships and I'm hoping to find some resources (books, podcasts, etc) that will help me manage this person, their projects, and their communications more effectively. [more inside]
Please explain "forced overtime"/"mandatory overtime", in shift work?
I can't find the answer by Googling it. Every shift is scheduled. Wherever it happens, if everyone shows up when they are scheduled, how can there be forced overtime?
workplace... stuff
How to accept a situation I cannot change? Probably a common scenario, but I am seeking perspective just the same. Details below. [more inside]
Rich people stuff: what do you call this employee?
So, there's a very wealthy estate with a lot of land attached. The owners have made part of that property a wildlife refuge, and the pertinent state and/or federal authorities manage that land. The rest of it is still quite a chunk of significant acreage, though and this employee manages it. What are they called? [more inside]
Can the people sue the Supreme Court as "employers" suing "employees"?
I understand that Supreme Court justices are immune from suit however what if they were sued for a decision within the context of them being literal public servant employees of taxpaying citizen employers and sued for negligence or some form of "not meeting the terms of agreement" (i.e. making decisions against the needs of the people)?
How do I share news with my direct report about a job they wanted?
I am a head of a department at company X, who produce services for 'painters'. I manage a large team but operations is not my skillset nor does it make me happy. The company have offered me position Y, which I'm accepting. It's a brand new role in product management which I'm really excited about as it's much more strategic. However, one of my direct reports has been gunning for a role in this department for years and years. I know from past experience that they tend to become bitter, and have had conflict about peers getting promotions previously. How can I break the news to them? How can I mitigate any bad feelings long term? [more inside]
Personality testing in the workplace
Have you ever had to take (or administer) a mandatory personality test at work? (Not during the hiring process—the person already has the job.) I am looking for personal experiences or written articles about mandatory personality testing on current employees. [more inside]
Frustration with my manager
I am having difficulty getting my manager to confirm my annual leave entitlement. [more inside]
Moving to a one-income household
Due to increasing and incompatible personal and work demands, my wife is strongly considering quitting her full-time job, possibly consulting on a project basis for her current employer (or new clients), or possibly just taking some time off. We can live comfortably on my salary. If you've been in a similar position, what should we be thinking of as we consider this important decision? We're in the US. [more inside]
How long should an employer keep an employee waiting when downsizing?
After announcing lay-offs, how much lead time should an employer give a to-be-laid-off employee before their termination meeting (more clarity below the fold)? [more inside]
Friend or Foe?
Coworker drama: Are these comments aggressive? [more inside]
Help me retire
I'm in my mid-30s and am not currently contributing to retirement (although I have some contributions from past jobs.) How do I get started now that I've started a new career? [more inside]
How can I make onboarding/integration successful for my new employee?
We (an in-house legal team) hired a new lawyer, and they are starting remotely on Monday. They will report to me, but do work for several people across our businesses. I want to do whatever I can to make their first few days comfortable and interesting, to start to establish a good bond, and to get us set up for success in the future. Remote starters/HR onboarders/good bosses: what should I do (and not do) to get things off to a great start? (Bonus question: any tips on how to generally be a good remote boss to a new employee?) [more inside]
Good examples of employee sketches on a website
Hi, a company I’m working with wants a meet the team section with cartoons or sketches of the team, all done by the same artist. We’re trying to see what style suits our brand, so some examples of this being well done on other sites would be helpful - have you any great examples to share? Many thanks!
Canadian Company Acquired, Employees Not Informed
(YANML) The company that I work for has been acquired by another company (found the information here: https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ica-lic.nsf/eng/h_lk00014.html in Acquisition Notifications). This happened over 6 months ago and the employees have not been informed. [more inside]
When an employee handbook ... isn't.
After years of freelancing, I've just signed on as an employee at my company. The workers in my unit are currently unionizing, so my hire was (favorably and expertly) negotiated by representatives from that union. Unfortunately, it appears my employer is already violating the terms of that contract ... but the union has returned to focusing on bigger and more contentious issues affecting the whole unit, and I'm feeling a bit adrift as to my options for recourse. More details inside. [more inside]
How to get agency matched money
I worked for a federal agency with the FERS retirement plan. The plan differed from the old PERS in that instead of a lifetime annuity, it relied on providing retiring employees the three legged stool of:
1) Social security benefits,
2) 401K savings, and
3) an employer match.
I have reached the eligible age for extracting the employer match. Is it automatically added to 401K earnings or kept separately. And if it is kept separately, how do I apply to the former federal agency to get it?
Wedding present for my boss?
I work at a small company (we are only 7 people, including the owner). The owner, my boss, is getting married this weekend and I am invited. It is supposedly a very small wedding, in the neighborhood of 30 guests. [more inside]
How to excel at retail, for anxious depressive introverts
I have not worked with actual people, or had a boss, or done a physically taxing job for ages. How do I impress the shop manager and team on my trial day tomorrow and secure this retail job? [more inside]
Sympathy card for death of a new employee
I just had an employee die on the job this morning. He had an apparent heart attack while shoveling snow on one of our customer’s sites. He was in his early sixties. [more inside]
Can a seller or I fire all employees when buying a small business?
Thinking about buying a small retail store with about 6 employees. I want to have all new employees when the business is purchased. Any legal problems for this? [more inside]
Someone complained about my employee's personal Facebook behavior.
Someone complained about my employee's personal Facebook behavior. How can I (politely) tell him no one cares? [more inside]
He's on the same train. He won't stop talking. I'm his new boss.
I need a script/strategy for a unusual, annoying commute issue. I've got a new employee that won't shut up. I have to deal with him two hours each day on a commuter train. And I'm his new boss. [more inside]
Are Public Radio salaries tied to U.S. Civil Service pay tables?
I asked a spokesperson for NPR about a discovery I made regarding CPB oversight of public broadcasting. CPB was required to issue, by November 1979, accounting principles for use by telecommunication entities to account fully for all funds received and expended by such entities. In addition, CPB is required to: [more inside]
Price be damned, what is the best adjustable standing desk these days?
I have some of my employer's money to spend (around 1200 bucks), and would like to get the fanciest standing desk in that price range. I have a seriously messed up back and many PTs have recommended a standing desk, but I definitely need one that will allow me to sit on occasion. Motors are a plus. It can be thing that you stand on an existing desk (that would be ideal, actually) but it needs to have room for 2 monitors, at least. What do you think, hivemind? I'm supposed to spend this money by Tuesday, but there is a little leeway...
Should I let my work get more involved in my health care?
Our work health insurance policy is changing this June and rates are going way up. Our office accountant is seeking out other health insurance plans to save money and it turns out that my GP will not be included in this change, which is someone I really don't want to lose. According to the accountant I am considered a "valuable employee" so my boss has offered to cover the costs for me to see the doctor out of pocket. However, they want to know what those costs will be to see if it's worth it for them to switch to another provider or stick with the current policy. I have a bad feeling about this and need some advice. More details inside... [more inside]
Are these actions a violation of employee exempt status?
I am an exempt employee and my employer reduces my pay every chance they get. I need help discerning if this is a 'go see a lawyer' situation or a 'this is normal, chill out' situation. [more inside]
the real vs the purported purpose of write-ups
What is the purpose of write-ups, specifically in regards to retail employees? [more inside]
Bon voyage gifts for departing staff
I manage a small team of research assistants (RAs). They are typically just out of college and stay with us for 2 years before going off to grad school (or, rarely, a non-academic job). My first crop of RAs is departing this year in the spring/summer and I'd like to get each of them a little farewell gift. [more inside]
Government Employee Experiences
I'm looking for books about government agencies and their operations by former employees of those agencies. "We Meant Well" by Peter Van Buren is a good example of what I'm looking for, but I would like as many such books suggestions as possible.
Should I contest a negative performance review
I got a negative performance review at work. It's stuff that has been explicitly flagged by our company as being unfairly applied towards women and asks me to act out of accordance with our company's stated values. Should I contest it? [more inside]
Buying stuff for one's nonprofit employer without it getting weird?
In the event that a nonprofit organization wants to buy a particular tool, but cannot (given their near-term budget restrictions) afford to, how (if at all) might an individual employee who wants to do so legitimately contribute toward the tool's acquisition? [more inside]
Provide ideas to prevent employees from taking advantage of free lunch
My office regularly hosts informational meetings with vendors. Generally those vendors provide free lunch as an inducement to attend. A trend has developed where employees walk in before the meeting, take food, and leave. Any clever ways to stop this? [more inside]
What is motivating in a knowledge based company?
I'm putting together a list of employee recognition ideas, where the recognition is more than a pat on the back or a gift, but geared towards life long learners and other growth-based individuals. Details within. [more inside]
Goodbye cubicles!
Hit me with your best ideas for an office remodel. What makes employees the happiest? [more inside]
Impossible work situation...
I had a friend hire me for a job, and quickly use her position over me to cut my hours and cause me undue stress. I'm at a loss as to what is actually going on, and how to proceed from this point on. [more inside]
Applying for a green card for an employee
We are a small company, just shy of 100 people and applying for a green card for an employee via EB-2 Category. Will the lawyers do everything or do we the HR department need to do something to make this process easier for us?
Should I contribute to my teenager's boss's Kickstarter?
My teenager has a great summer job. I'm super-thankful to the manager who hired him. I googled to see what there was to see about this nice guy and saw that he has a creative business on the side for which he is currently running a Kickstarter. Would it be creepy or manipulative if I were to kick in a little bit? He's looking for an amount in the low thousands and I would give $50. I've never met him, but he would probably figure out I'm this employee's parent.
How can I get back my self employment tax?
I spent almost all of 2015 working full-time for a big company through a temp agency, but the temp agency misclassified me as a contractor. This means that I'm on the hook for self employment tax, which is 7.65% of the year's income! I'd like to avoid paying that tax. What's the best way to do it? [more inside]
Need to find an on-line inexpensive expense reporting/tracking system.
One of my client companies needs to implement an on-line inexpensive easy to use expense reporting/tracking system. So far they have initially looked at Expensify (5$ @user) and Tallie ($9 @ user) . Does anyone have any input on either of these? Do you have any suggestions for alternatives? Though initially Expensify was the strongest contender during our investigation and trial startup we have not been impressed with their customer support. So now we are a bit skeptical and looking for further feedback.
Can my employer make me pay for the cost of my travel booking mistake?
This past week I was preparing for an international business trip when I realized that I had made a mistake on my visa application. I was able to re-apply and rush things through and get on the plane. If I hadn't, it would have cost $1,000-$3,000 in change and cancellation fees for flights. My boss said that, 'most places would make the employee pay that.' Is that true? [more inside]
Out of bounds to suggest new clothes?
Is there an appropriate way to ask a potential employee to update their wardrobe? [more inside]
You're half fired!
How do I take away half of an employee’s accounts and income without losing him? For now. [more inside]
Determining employee salaries: reward performance over seniority?
I'm trying to decide on a best compensation model for paying my employees (help desk staff at a software company); looking for any and all writings on the subject. [more inside]
Respectfully offering a speaking class to employee?
I have a great employee and friend who needs to give trainings, and he umms, speaks too fast, and stumbles. I think he'd really benefit from a speaking course, but he tends to take things very personally. How do I offer/suggest this to minimize hurt feelings? [more inside]
Employee busted her butt for me this year... non-creepy gift?
I've looked through the archives, and all the usual websites, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for, and was hoping someone might have the perfect Idea - She's 26, my employee, and has taste that I don't have... [more inside]
Should I take this job?
I've been contracting with a company that is most likely going to make me a job offer this week. It's a contract-to-hire deal, which I was pretty excited about when it started, but over the past few weeks my wife and I have decided we want to move across the country to be closer to her family. The job is remote so in theory I could keep it, but then we'd have to pay our way across the country. What to do? [more inside]