47 posts tagged with periods.
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Current science on birth control pills w/out breaks?

Our teenage daughter has PMDD, as I did. It is severe enough that I'm interested in finding out, well, what if she didn't ovulate? At all. What is the current science of the safety of taking birth controls without breaks for adolescents? Her hormones are vicious, as were mine (I'm menopausal). [more inside]
posted by A Terrible Llama on Mar 20, 2024 - 23 answers

Creative and stylish storage

Please tell me your so clever way of storing mini pads, pads, and tampons in your bathroom!
posted by tiny frying pan on Jul 7, 2023 - 15 answers

Fiction with menstruation but not as a focus?

Is there any fiction where a person with a uterus is menstruating, but it's not a plot point (like in Pitch Black or Are You There God, It's Me Margaret)? [more inside]
posted by Hactar on Feb 18, 2023 - 23 answers

Hormonal cycle when on the pill?

I'm on Zoely, a single dose contraceptive pill that contains natural estrogen and a progestogen. I use it to suppress my hormone cycle, as that seems to help my anxiety. Is it possible that I'm still experiencing hormonal fluctuations produced by my ovaries? [more inside]
posted by Zumbador on Sep 26, 2022 - 4 answers

thinking about changing birth control is raising my blood pressure

I am a 35-year-old migraineur with now, apparently, high blood pressure. This is a nightmare, as I depend on daily (no placebo) combination birth control pills. Other than never going to the doctor again and just lying on online forms to renew my HBC indefinitely, what options do I have to make sure I continue not having a period? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 29, 2022 - 20 answers

Hot flash timing

A friend of mine in her late 50s is still having hot flashes a year after having both ovaries removed due to a cyst on one and family history of ovarian cancer. Should she push her doctor for a solution to the hot flashes? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 3, 2022 - 11 answers

Navigating Canadian Healthcare, Difficulty Level: Period Problems

YANMD, but I’m looking for insights on how to actually get some concrete symptom management, and what to ask for from my doctor to help with my increasingly painful period problems. Tmi snowflakes below. [more inside]
posted by Pemberly on Apr 29, 2022 - 14 answers

Why would my period symptoms vary so much month to month?

YANMD. Over the last few years I have noticed that my period symptoms vary from month to month, and I never know what to expect. Some months (like this one) I have severe cramping, mood swings and lethargy. Other months I have zero pain and feel emotionally fine. If you are a menstruating person, have you experienced this, and if so what are factors that influence your symptoms month to month? [more inside]
posted by rogerroger on Oct 28, 2021 - 21 answers

Travelling on your period, level extra hard

My husband's job is relocating us, and the flight falls on a day I will likely get my period. My periods are pretty awful (I have endometriosis), and I need ideas to make this suck less. [more inside]
posted by LoonyLovegood on Feb 13, 2021 - 26 answers

Advice about heavy and prolonged periods for a teenager

Asking on behalf of my niece, aged 13, who will be reading the replies. She is currently on day 47 of a constant and heavy period, which is having a big effect on her quality of life. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 25, 2021 - 42 answers

What happens to menstruation when it is paused?

I've had my periods interrupted twice in my life. First time was when I started college with drastically different food and sleep schedules -- I missed them for three months straight, and had them return (for good) when I went home for break. Second time was when I got pregnant and breastfed. Both times, I noticed that the period returned on approximately the day (+/- 1) that it would have with my 28-day cycle, starting from the last period many months earlier. Is this a thing, or am I reading into a coincidence? [more inside]
posted by redlines on Apr 14, 2020 - 8 answers

A question about coverage

Which brands of “period pants” currently available in the UK have coverage all the way up to the waist in the front? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 30, 2019 - 1 answer

What the FUCK progesterone?!

These drugs were supposed to stop my period. Which I just got. It's been well over a decade since my TCOYF days and I just realised I have no idea what's going on or why. [more inside]
posted by DarlingBri on Oct 10, 2019 - 12 answers

Is it possible to buy a generic drug from a different manufacturer?

I've been taking norethindrone 0.35 mg once per day since November 2017. It went great...until this past month. I'm wondering if there's any way I could buy a generic from a different manufacturer to replace the one I was prescribed, to see if that makes a difference. Is that something that's possible? [more inside]
posted by INTJ on May 4, 2019 - 10 answers

What kinds of things to do you to lessen menstruation symptoms/PMS?

I'm curious if you have monthly go-tos that coincide with your cycle that seem to help lessen hormonal swings/PMS symptoms, etc.. I would love to have a list of things that I should *do* during parts of my cycle or at least try. So much... [more inside]
posted by amanda on Mar 16, 2019 - 25 answers

Lifelong irregular periods + no other issues. Should I be concerned?

I'm 28 and have had an irregular cycle (28-38 days) since I started at 13. A scan turned up "follicular cysts" which my doctor said are common in women with and without PCOS. I have no other symptoms but am still worried about PCOS-- should I be? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 30, 2018 - 13 answers

Apple Health help

Will someone please explain to me how to use Apple Health to track my menstrual cycle? [more inside]
posted by yawper on May 25, 2018 - 6 answers

Explain dealing with periods to me like I haven't had one in five years

It's time for my IUD removal and I'm not sure if I want it replaced. While I decide, I'm going birth control free -- but I haven't had a period in five years and I feel like I've forgotten everything. Please give me your tips and tricks for dealing with the crimson tide. [more inside]
posted by pumpkinlatte on Oct 20, 2017 - 34 answers

Spotting while on the Pill - when to see a doc?

On hormonal birth control, experiencing significant spotting during the week BEFORE the placebos. Should I be heading to the doc right away, or wait to see what all happens during the placebo week? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 1, 2017 - 4 answers

Mild anemia, but not mild symptoms

It's a holiday weekend. I am weak, dizzy, exhausted, bleeding, and apparently mildly anemic. Trying to figure out what to do from here. [more inside]
posted by Amy93 on May 28, 2017 - 19 answers

Can I skip getting my period for a month?

My husband and I are going on a week-long milestone anniversary trip, and wouldn't you know it, I'm going to get my period that week. For obvious reasons, I'd prefer that not to happen. Can I game my birth control pills so that it doesn't? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 14, 2016 - 25 answers

If you love your job and work a lot, how do you adjust in slow periods?

I know this is a very nice problem to have. However: if you are someone who loves the work you do, how do you deal with the inevitable slow periods? I have a job that is very challenging, fast-paced, and genuinely helps people. It is also often very stressful. I love my job. About two or three times a year, though, conditions will shift and all at once I may have a week or two that is considerably less busy. During this time period, I find myself to be quite irritable. A day or two of catching up on errands or sleep and I am ready to be back to the regular pace. Four or five days in, I am very impatient and cranky. [more inside]
posted by Sophia Del Verde on Feb 2, 2016 - 14 answers

Have tampons gotten longer or has my vagina gotten shorter?

For the past several months I've been having problems using tampons. [more inside]
posted by Jacqueline on May 20, 2014 - 47 answers

Any clue as to what is wrong with my period? Thyroid? Perimenopause?

I know you are not my doctor and this question may seem dumb but I could use some experience, answers, something. I'm just lost right now. I'm dealing with issues regarding my period. I got my hormone levels back but they don't point to anything specific or alarming. I'm worried because my periods have definitely shortened and I don't seem to ovulate the way I used to yet I'm running out of ideas as to whats wrong with me. Hormone levels and history included. [more inside]
posted by grablife365 on Apr 29, 2014 - 18 answers

Three days of the month, I'm not all that fun to be around either.

I never ever ever want to have another period/breakthrough bleed. Which birth control should I be on? [more inside]
posted by chaiminda on Dec 6, 2012 - 26 answers

Keep on running

Are you a lady? Do you run? Do you know about sports-bras and other lady things? Help! [more inside]
posted by mippy on Apr 18, 2012 - 20 answers

Menstruation: There's an App for That

Looking for a desktop application to track my menstrual "periods" and birth control schedule (kinda NSFW). [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog on Mar 16, 2012 - 7 answers

Dude, where's my period?

Dude, where's my period? Or, does anyone have any experiences to share of what most probably is exercise-induced amenorrhea? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 14, 2011 - 9 answers

Can I skip my periods?

Nuvaring and skipping my periods: is it OK? Do I really need to ramp it up? [more inside]
posted by two lights above the sea on Oct 7, 2011 - 18 answers

When to start NuvaRing?

Birth control filter: is my NuvaRing timing okay? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 16, 2011 - 5 answers

This is not who I am!

My HBC is screwing me up. Help! [more inside]
posted by iLoveTheRain on May 10, 2011 - 19 answers

When can I take a pregnancy test?

Clueless and confused: when can I take a pregnancy test? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 3, 2011 - 16 answers

Or am I just extra not pregnant?

Can an "extra" period be a sign of pregnancy? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 2, 2011 - 16 answers


What is the best and worst time of the month for women to donate blood? [more inside]
posted by raztaj on Aug 5, 2010 - 10 answers

What do I need to know to get the best help for my long and bloody periods?

Reproductive organs going psycho in my 40s, seeing gyno this week, interested in hearing experiences, getting advice about questions I should be sure to ask. [more inside]
posted by not that girl on Apr 24, 2010 - 20 answers

For a period of every month, I'm completely miserable

This is a question about menstruation. You have been warned. [more inside]
posted by anastasiav on Feb 24, 2010 - 37 answers

Early period while on BCP--best choice to minimize the bloodbath

Period starting a week early on Seasonale: your best educated guess about whether I should skip the sugar-pill week or not? [more inside]
posted by not that girl on Aug 16, 2009 - 6 answers

Firsthand information about endometrial ablation

Please tell me what you know about endometrial ablation as a means of lessening or hopefully stopping my bleeding. (This is a female-parts question.) [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 10, 2009 - 5 answers

Flood in the ladygarden

Can I use a mooncup with an IUD (Mirena)? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 19, 2009 - 10 answers

Make my period stop. Please.

My doctor put me on a new brand of birth control (Lybrel, which claims to "remove your period"). After one month, my period started and has not stopped--and I am almost completely done with month two. It is aggravating. How can I stop my period? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 13, 2008 - 28 answers

Having extra periods?

I've been getting "extra" periods... [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 24, 2008 - 9 answers

medical history

is there any way to know for sure if i was pregnant/miscarried several years ago? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 23, 2008 - 8 answers

Periods after Miscarriage

Periods after Miscarriage? I had a miscarriage on 10-28-07. The first period after that was November 28 through December 3rd. It was complete and there was no D & C. I had a follow up with my OB 11-28 . Before the pregnancy and miscarriage my body was more predictable. Can a miscarriage change my body and periods? [more inside]
posted by Snoogylips on Dec 26, 2007 - 7 answers

Tracking periods using iCal?

Suggestions for tracking menstrual cycles using iCal? [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library on Jul 31, 2007 - 6 answers

Why do I look pregnant when I get my period?

Why do I look pregnant when I get my period? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 28, 2007 - 17 answers

I don't have periods. Anyone else?

I don't really have periods. I have one maybe twice a year and when it comes it's very normal (slight PMS symptoms, minor cramps, lasts about 5 days). I started my period when I was 11 and I've never had regular periods, it's always been this exact pattern. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 4, 2005 - 15 answers

Tampon migration (yeah, you heard me)

Tampon-related question for the laaaaaaaadies... [more inside]
posted by tristeza on May 5, 2005 - 59 answers

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