1 posts tagged with illinois by Morydd.
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Landlord used city lease form for suburban rental, is he bound by RLTO?

We rented a house in Skokie, and the landlord used an office-supply-store-pre-printed lease form for the city. It included a copy of the Chicago RLTO as part of the form. Understanding that YANML, does this incorporate the requirements of the RLTO into the terms of the lease? If so, he'd be required to submit receipts meet deadlines for the return of the deposit. Or is he only bound by State Law (which for a single-family home, seems to require bupkus). He only returned half of our security deposit. Is it worth fighting for the other half ($600)? If I accept and deposit the $600 he sent, am I hurting my chances of getting the rest? [more inside]
posted by Morydd on Sep 16, 2013 - 5 answers

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