3 posts tagged with illinois by zeek321.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Outdoors, but not nature, between Chicago and Normal, Illinois?

I'm living with an immunocompromised person, so my vaccinated self and a vaccinated friend would like to meet somewhere outdoors. I would also like to avoid grass/ticks and water/mosquitoes. Are there wide-paved trails or restaurants with extra-spaced outdoor seating, somewhere approximately halfway between Chicago and Normal, Illinois? Unremarkable but ok restaurants, as well as especially weird/cool suggestions, are welcome.
posted by zeek321 on Jul 12, 2021 - 2 answers

Safe/interesting coffee/food between Illinois and Indiana?

A friend and I are going to maybe "meet in the middle." I'm in northern-ish Illinois and they're in northern-ish Indiana. A vertical line passes approximately between us through Gary, IN. Does anyone have recommendations for low-key but non-chain food or coffee within a 10-20 mile radius around Gary, IN? Or even a favorite, safe-/clean-feeling, franchise-chain-filled highway oasis?
posted by zeek321 on Feb 21, 2020 - 5 answers

Medicaid therapy?

I have a friend who lives in Bolingbrook, IL (Will County). She has a car. She's looking for a mental health care professional. There are complications. [more inside]
posted by zeek321 on Jul 26, 2012 - 3 answers

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