3 posts tagged with help by Geoffh.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Help me find a service that hacks electronics!

Does anyone know of a service that creates or modifies custom electronics? For instance, I review a lot of concerts for various web sites and would love to have something like a decent quality 0 lux video cam w/ sound that's housed in a cell phone. Don't need any phone functions, just something inconspicuous to film small parts of the show for the review. Something that looks like a phone but is really a good low light video cam. Any suggestions?
posted by Geoffh on Mar 27, 2007 - 6 answers

Help find a camera to film while driving!

Can you help me find a video camera that will help me film from my car as I'm driving? [more inside]
posted by Geoffh on Feb 26, 2007 - 8 answers

Help me create a tutorial video for the web!

I want to create a tutorial video in the style of this one. I've got the voice-over stuff covered, but what software would I use to pull this off if I'm not actully filming anything with a camera?
posted by Geoffh on Nov 28, 2006 - 9 answers

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